Ohio Administrative Code
Title 111:2 - Campaign Finance
Chapter 111:2-4 - Contributions; Campaign Finance Statements
Section 111:2-4-10 - Forms
Current through all regulations passed and filed through December 16, 2024
(A) Each statement filed with the office of the secretary of state or a county board of elections by the campaign committee of a candidate or by a political party, political contributing entity, political action committee, ballot issue committee, individual, or legislative campaign fund shall be filed on the appropriate form, or in the appropriate electronic format, as prescribed by the secretary of state. Statements and data filed by electronic means of transmission, pursuant to section 3517.106 of the Revised Code, shall be submitted in the prescribed file format and pursuant to protocols prescribed by the secretary of state.
(B) Forms may be obtained from the secretary of state's web site, www.ohiosos.gov, from any county board of elections, or by writing to the "Ohio Secretary of State, 22 North Fourth Street, 15th floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215-3668."
(C) Any individual or entity required to file campaign finance statements under Chapter 3517. of the Revised Code whose statement is filed with a board of elections or with the secretary of state may reproduce the forms that are prescribed by the secretary of state or, with the prior written approval of the secretary of state, may modify the forms prescribed by the secretary of state provided that the modified forms are only for the individual's or entity's own use.
(D) Any individual or entity may request
approval for forms modified from those prescribed by the secretary of state for
use in filing campaign finance statements on paper. Requests should be sentmay be sent via electronic mail or to the "Office of
the Secretary of State, Campaign Finance Division, 180 E. Broad22 North Fourth St., 15th Floor, Columbus, Ohio,
43215-3668" and must include complete samples of
the proposed modifications.
(E) No individual or entity will be approved to make any modification to the file format or the filing protocols prescribed by the secretary of state for the filing of campaign finance statements by electronic means of transmission.