North Dakota Administrative Code
Title 70 - Real Estate Commission
Article 70-02 - Real Estate Licensure
Chapter 70-02-03 - Licensee Responsibilities
Section 70-02-03-15.2 - Licensee to disclose nonagency relationship
In all real estate transactions in which the licensee performs services for a customer, as that term is defined by North Dakota Century Code section 43-23-06.1, the licensee must disclose the nonagency relationship in writing to the customer. This document must be signed by the customer prior to the licensee performing any services for the customer. A copy of the signed written disclosure must be retained in the broker's file. The written disclosure must explain that as to a customer the real estate brokerage firm and its licensees are nonagents that owe to the customer only limited legal duties. These limited legal duties are to perform the customary acts typically performed by real estate licensees in assisting a transaction to the transaction's closing or conclusion with honesty and good faith and to disclose to the customer any adverse material facts actually known by the licensee which pertain to the title of the real property, the physical condition of the real property, and defects in the real property. The real estate brokerage firm and its licensees do not owe the agency duties of loyalty, obedience, disclosure, confidentiality, reasonable care, diligence, and accounting to the customer. The disclosure must also explain that if the brokerage firm and its licensees represent another party in the same real estate transaction, the licensee is required to place the interest of the represented client first.
General Authority: NDCC 28-32-02
Law Implemented: NDCC 43-23-05