North Dakota Administrative Code
Title 46 - Labor Commissioner
Article 46-02 - Occupation Minimum Wage and Work Conditions Orders
Chapter 46-02-07 - North Dakota Minimum Wage and Work Conditions Order
Section 46-02-07-02 - Standards that apply
Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
1. The North Dakota minimum wage is set forth in North Dakota Century Code section 34-06-22.
The following are exempt from minimum wage and working conditions provided in this chapter:
2. The commissioner may issue subminimum wages for students enrolled in vocational education or related programs as long as the wage is not below eighty-five percent of the current state minimum wage.
The process for granting subminimum wages for students includes:
3. The process for granting subminimum wages to individuals with disabilities in accordance with North Dakota Century Code section 34-06-15 includes:
The commissioner may issue a special license to pay less than the minimum wage to nonprofit community rehabilitation programs for the handicapped under North Dakota Century Code section 34-06-15. Those programs must conduct a recognized program for rehabilitation for handicapped workers or provide paid employment for such workers or other occupational rehabilitative activity of an educational or learning nature. Special licenses to these programs may be issued after the commissioner receives a copy of the application and license from the commensurate federal program for employment of disabled workers under special certificates.
4. Overtime pay must be paid at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay to any employee for hours worked in excess of forty hours in any one week. Paid holidays, paid time off, or sick leave are not counted in computing overtime hours. Overtime is computed on a weekly basis regardless of the length of the pay period. Hours worked may not be averaged over the pay period or used to offset shorter weeks. Employees working more than one job under the control of the same employer must have all hours worked counted toward overtime. Individuals employed as drivers by taxicab companies must be compensated at one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of fifty hours in any one week. Hospitals and residential care establishments may adopt, by agreement with their employees, a fourteen-day overtime period in lieu of the usual seven-day workweek, if the employees are paid at least time and one-half their regular rate for hours worked over eight in a day or eighty in a fourteen-day work period. The following types of employment are exempt from the overtime provisions of this subsection:
5. A minimum thirty-minute meal period must be provided in each shift exceeding five hours when there are two or more employees on duty. Employees may waive their right to a meal period upon agreement with the employer. Employees do not have to be paid for meal periods if they are completely relieved of their duties and the meal period is ordinarily thirty minutes in length. The employee is not completely relieved if required to perform any duties during the meal period. Collectively bargained agreements will prevail over this provision.
6. Attendance at lectures, meetings, training programs, and similar activities need not be counted as working time if all the following four criteria are met:
Training or education mandated by the state, federal government, or any political subdivision for a specific occupation need not be counted as work time.
7. Ordinary travel from home to work need not be counted as work time. Special and unusual one-day assignments performed for the employer's benefit and at the employer's request is work time for the employee regardless of driver or passenger status. Travel away from home is work time when performed during the employee's regular working hours. Time spent traveling on nonworking days during regular working hours is work time. The time spent as a passenger on an airplane, train, bus, or automobile after normal working hours is not work time. The driver of a vehicle is working at anytime when required to travel by the employer. Travel time from jobsite to jobsite, or from office to jobsite, is work time to be compensated. Activities which are merely incidental use of an employer-provided vehicle for commuting home to work are not considered part of the employee's principal activity and therefore need not be counted as work time.
8. Standby time on the employer's premises, or "on call" as in an engaged to wait manner is work time to be compensated. Waiting to be engaged is not required to be compensated as work time.
9. If an employee is required to be on duty for twenty-four hours or more, the employer and the employee may agree to exclude bona fide meal periods and bona fide regularly scheduled sleeping periods of not more than eight hours from hours worked, provided adequate sleeping facilities are furnished by the employer and the employee can usually enjoy an uninterrupted sleep. If the sleeping period is more than eight hours, only eight hours will be deducted from hours worked. If the sleeping period is interrupted by a call to duty, the interruption must be counted as hours worked. If the period is interrupted to such an extent that the employee cannot get a reasonable night's sleep, the entire period must be counted as work time.
10. Recordkeeping: Every employer must furnish to an employee each pay period a check stub or pay voucher that indicates hours worked, the rate of pay, required state and federal deductions, and authorized deductions.
Time clocks: Time clocks are not required. If used, the employer may round the time to the nearest five minutes or quarter hour using the total minutes for the day as long as the employee over a period of time is paid for all the time the employee has actually worked.
Employees who voluntarily clock in before their regular starting time or remain after closing time do not have to be compensated provided that no work is performed.
11. An employer may require an employee to purchase uniforms if the cost of such uniforms does not bring that employee's wage below the hourly minimum wage for all hours worked during that pay period.
12. Paid time off includes annual leave, earned time, personal days, or any other provisions of the employment relationship intended to provide compensation as vacation. Provisions where employees earn time off and the employees can use the days for any purpose, are paid time off unless separate arrangements are made for sick leave.
Paid time off, once earned or awarded, is considered wages upon separation from employment. If the paid time off is available for use at the time of separation from employment, the employer must pay the employee for that time at the regular rate of pay earned by the employee prior to separation.
No employment contract or policy may provide for forfeiture of earned paid time off upon separation. An employment contract or policy may require an employee to take vacation by a certain date or lose the vacation (use it or lose it), provided that the employee is given a reasonable opportunity to take the vacation. The employer must demonstrate that the employee had notice of such contract or policy provision.
13. The reasonable value not exceeding the employer's actual cost of board, lodging, and other facilities customarily furnished by the employer for the employee's benefit may be treated as part of the wages, up to a maximum of eighteen dollars per day, if agreed to by a written agreement and if the employee's acceptance of facilities is in fact voluntary.
14. The common law test provided in subdivisions a and b of subsection 5 of section 27-02-14-01 will be used to determine whether or not an individual may be considered an employee or an independent contractor.
15. Earned bonus: An earned bonus is an amount paid in addition to a salary, wage, or commission. An earned bonus is compensable when an employee performs the requirements set forth in a contract or an agreement between the parties.
Earned commission: A commission is a fee or percentage given for compensation to an individual for completion of a sale, service, or transaction. Upon separation from employment, the past practices, policies, and entire employment relationship will be used to determine if the commission is earned and compensable.
16. The department will use the past practices, policies, and entire employment relationship in wage claim determinations.
General Authority: NDCC 28-32-02(1), 34-06-04
Law Implemented: NDCC 34-06-03, 34-06-09, 34-06-11, 34-06-12, 34-06-15