North Dakota Administrative Code
Title 33.1 - Department of Environmental Quality
Article 33.1-20 - Solid Waste Management and Land Protection
Chapter 33.1-20-11 - Landfill Disposal Of Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material Waste
Section 33.1-20-11-04 - Monitoring
The leachate collection system and ground water monitoring network shall be analyzed for background concentration of radionuclide parameters prior to receipt of any TENORM waste. Leachate shall be analyzed for radionuclides at the same frequency as ground water samples are collected. If radionuclides are detected in the leachate at a concentration greater than the concentrations listed below, then the ground water monitoring network must begin analysis for radionuclide parameters.
Radon: 4,000 picocuries per liter (pCi/L).
Combined radium-226 and radium-228: 5 pCi/L.
Alpha particle activity (including radium-226, excluding radon and uranium): 15 pCi/L.
Uranium: 30 micrograms per liter (ug/L).
General Authority: NDCC 23.1-03-04, 23.1-08-03; S.L.2017, ch.199, § 1
Law Implemented: NDCC 23.1-03-03, 23.1-03-04, 23.1-08-03; S.L.2017, ch.199, §§ 18, 23