Current through Supplement No. 394, October, 2024
1. Inactive CCR
surface impoundments.
a. Inactive CCR surface
impoundments are subject to all of the requirements of this chapter applicable
to existing CCR surface impoundments.
b. The owner or operator of an inactive CCR
surface impoundment shall include documentation of the requirements of this
subdivision with the permit application required by subsection 9 of section 33.1-20-08-02.
(1) Recordkeeping,
notification, and internet requirements. The owner and operator shall:
(a) Prepare and place a notification of
intent to initiate closure of the inactive CCR surface impoundment in the
facility's operating record;
Provide notification of the intent to initiate closure of the inactive CCR
surface impoundment to the department; and
(c) Place the notification of intent to
initiate closure of the inactive CCR surface impoundment on its CCR
(2) Location
(a) The owner or operator of the
inactive CCR surface impoundment shall:
Complete the demonstration for placement above the uppermost aquifer as set
forth by subsection 1 of section 33.1-20-08-03;
[2] Complete the demonstration for wetlands
as set forth by subsection 2 of section 33.1-20-08-03;
[3] Complete the demonstration for fault
areas as set forth by subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-03;
[4] Complete the demonstration for seismic
impact zones as set forth by subsection 4 of section 33.1-20-08-03;
[5] Complete the demonstration for unstable
areas as set forth by subsection 5 of section 33.1-20-08-03.
(b) An owner or operator of an
inactive CCR surface impoundment who fails to demonstrate compliance with the
requirements of subparagraph a is subject to the closure requirements of
paragraph 1 of subdivision b of subsection 2.
(3) Design criteria. The owner or operator of
the inactive CCR surface impoundment shall:
(a) Complete the documentation of liner type
as set forth by subdivision a of subsection 2 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(b) Place on or
immediately adjacent to the CCR unit the permanent identification marker as set
forth by paragraph 1 of subdivision a of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(c) Prepare and
maintain an emergency action plan as set forth by paragraph 3 of subdivision a
of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(d) Compile information relating to
construction as set forth by subdivision c of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(e) Complete the
initial hazard potential classification, structural stability, and safety
factor assessments as set forth by paragraph 2 of subdivision a and
subdivisions d and e of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(4) Operating criteria. The owner
or operator of the inactive CCR surface impoundment shall:
(a) Prepare the initial CCR fugitive dust
control plan as set forth in subsection 1 of section 33.1-20-08-05.
(b) Prepare the initial inflow design flood
control system plan as set forth in subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-05.
(c) Initiate the
inspections by a qualified person as set forth by subsection 4 of section 33.1-20-08-05.
(d) Complete the
initial annual inspection by a qualified professional engineer set forth in
subsection 4 of section 33.1-20-08-05.
(5) Ground water monitoring and corrective
action. The owner or operator of the inactive CCR surface impoundment shall:
(a) Comply with ground water monitoring
requirements set forth in subdivision b of subsection 1 of section 33.1-20-08-06 and subdivision b of subsection 4 of section 33.1-20-08-06;
(b) Prepare the initial ground
water monitoring and corrective action report as set forth in subdivision e of
subsection 1 of section 33.1-20-08-06.
(6) Closure and postclosure care. The owner
or operator of the inactive CCR surface impoundment shall:
(a) Prepare an initial written closure plan
as set forth in subdivision b of subsection 3; and
(b) Prepare an initial written postclosure
care plan as set forth in subdivision d of subsection 5.
2. Closure or retrofit
of CCR units.
a. [Reserved].
b. The owner or operator of an existing CCR
surface impoundment is subject to the requirements of paragraph 1.
(1) Noncompliance with location standards.
(a) [Reserved].
(b) Wetlands, fault areas, seismic impact
zones and unstable areas. Except as provided by paragraph 4, within six months
of determining that an existing CCR surface impoundment has not demonstrated
compliance with any location standard specified in subsections 2 through 5 of
section 33.1-20-08-03, the owner or operator of the CCR surface impoundment
shall cease placing CCR and non-CCR waste streams into such CCR unit and close
the CCR unit in accordance with the requirements of subsection 3.
(2) Within six months of failing
to complete the initial or any subsequent periodic safety factor assessment
required by subdivision e of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04 by the
deadlines specified in subdivision f of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04
or failing to document that the calculated factors of safety for the existing
CCR surface impoundment achieve the minimum safety factors specified in
subdivision e of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04, the owner or operator
of the CCR surface impoundment shall cease placing CCR and non-CCR waste
streams into such CCR unit and close the CCR unit in accordance with the
requirements of subsection 3.
An owner or operator of an existing CCR surface impoundment that closes in
accordance with paragraphs 1 or 2 shall include a statement in the closure
notification required under subdivision g of subsection 3 that the CCR surface
impoundment is closing under the requirements.
(4) The time frame specified in paragraph 1
does not apply if the owner or operator complies with the alternative closure
procedures specified in subsection 4.
c. The owner or operator of a new CCR surface
impoundment is subject to the requirements of paragraph 1.
(1) Within six months of either failing to
complete the initial or any subsequent periodic safety factor assessment
required by subdivision e of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04 by the
deadlines specified in subdivision f of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04
or failing to document that the calculated factors of safety for the new CCR
surface impoundment achieve the minimum safety factors specified in subdivision
e of subsection 3 of section 33.1-20-08-04, the owner or operator of the CCR
surface impoundment must cease placing CCR and non-CCR waste streams into such
CCR unit and close the CCR unit in accordance with the requirements of
subsection 3.
(2) An owner or
operator of a new CCR surface impoundment that closes in accordance with
paragraph 1 shall include a statement in the closure notification required
under subdivision g of subsection 3 that the CCR surface impoundment is closing
under the requirements of this subdivision.
d. The owner or operator of an existing CCR
landfill is subject to the requirements of paragraph 1.
(1) Except as provided by paragraph 3, within
six months of determining that an existing CCR landfill has not demonstrated
compliance with the location restriction for unstable areas specified in
subsection 5 of section 33.1-20-08-03, the owner or operator of the CCR unit
must cease placing CCR and non-CCR waste streams into that landfill and close
the CCR unit in accordance with the requirements of subsection 3.
(2) An owner or operator of an existing CCR
landfill that closes in accordance with paragraph 1 shall include a statement
in the closure notification required under subdivision g of subsection 3 of
this section that the CCR landfill is closing under the requirements of this
(3) The time frame
specified in paragraph 1 does not apply if the owner or operator complies with
the alternative closure procedures specified in subsection 4.
3. Criteria for
conducting the closure or retrofit of CCR units.
a. Closure of a CCR landfill, CCR surface
impoundment, or any lateral expansion of a CCR unit must be completed either by
leaving the CCR in place and installing a final cover system or through removal
of the CCR and decontamination of the CCR unit, as described in subdivisions b
through i. Retrofit of a CCR surface impoundment must be completed in
accordance with the requirements in subdivision j.
b. Written closure plan.
(1) Content of the plan. The owner or
operator of a CCR unit shall prepare a written closure plan that describes the
steps necessary to close the CCR unit at any point during the active life of
the CCR unit consistent with recognized and generally accepted good engineering
practices. The written closure plan must include:
(a) A narrative description of how the CCR
unit will be closed in accordance with this subsection.
(b) If closure of the CCR unit will be
accomplished through removal of CCR from the CCR unit, a description of the
procedures to remove the CCR and decontaminate the CCR unit in accordance with
subdivision c.
(c) If closure of
the CCR unit will be accomplished by leaving CCR in place, a description of the
final cover system and the methods and procedures to be used to install the
final cover. The closure plan must also discuss how the final cover system will
achieve the performance standards specified in subdivision d.
(d) An estimate of the maximum inventory of
CCR ever onsite over the active life of the CCR unit.
(e) An estimate of the largest area of the
CCR unit ever requiring a final cover at any time during the CCR unit's active
(f) A schedule for completing
all activities necessary to satisfy the closure criteria in this subsection,
including an estimate of the year in which all closure activities for the CCR
unit will be completed. The schedule must provide sufficient information to
describe the sequential steps that will be taken to close the CCR unit,
including identification of major milestones, such as coordinating with and
obtaining necessary approvals and permits from other agencies, the dewatering
and stabilization phases of CCR surface impoundment closure, or installation of
the final cover system, and the estimated time frames to complete each step or
phase of CCR unit closure. Upon preparing the written closure plan, if the
owner or operator of a CCR unit estimates that the time required to complete
closure will exceed the time frames specified in paragraph 1 of subdivision f
of this subsection, the written closure plan must include the site-specific
information, factors and considerations that would support any time extension
sought under paragraph 2 of subdivision f.
(2) Time frames for preparing the initial
written closure plan.
(a) Existing CCR units.
The owner or operator of the CCR unit shall include the initial written closure
plan consistent with the requirements specified in paragraph 1 with the
application for a permit.
(b) New
CCR units and any lateral expansion of a CCR unit. The owner or operator shall
include an initial written closure plan consistent with the requirements
specified in paragraph 1 with the application for a new permit or permit
(c) The owner or
operator has completed the written closure plan if the plan, including the
certification required by paragraph 4, has been approved by the department and
placed in the facility's operating record.
(3) Amendment of a written closure plan.
(a) The owner or operator may amend the
initial or any subsequent written closure plan at any time with approval by the
(b) The owner or
operator shall amend the written closure plan whenever:
[1] There is a change in the operation of the
CCR unit that would substantially affect the written closure plan in effect;
[2] Before or after closure
activities have commenced, unanticipated events necessitate a revision of the
written closure plan.
(c) The owner or operator shall amend the
closure plan at least sixty days prior to a planned change in the operation of
the facility or CCR unit, or no later than sixty days after an unanticipated
event requires the need to revise an existing written closure plan. If a
written closure plan is revised after closure activities have commenced for a
CCR unit, the owner or operator shall amend the current closure plan no later
than thirty days following the triggering event.
(4) The owner or operator of the CCR unit
shall obtain a written certification from a qualified professional engineer
that the initial and any amendment of the written closure plan meets the
requirements of this subsection.
c. Closure by removal of CCR. An owner or
operator may elect to close a CCR unit by removing and decontaminating all
areas affected by releases from the CCR unit. The CCR removal and
decontamination of the CCR unit are complete if constituent concentrations
throughout the CCR unit and any areas affected by releases from the CCR unit
have been removed and ground water monitoring concentrations do not exceed the
established ground water protection standards for constituents listed in
appendix II to this chapter.
Closure performance standard when leaving CCR in place.
(1) The owner or operator of a CCR unit shall
ensure that, at a minimum, the CCR unit is closed in a manner that will:
(a) Control, minimize, or eliminate, to the
maximum extent feasible, postclosure infiltration of liquids into the waste and
releases of CCR, leachate, or contaminated run-off to the ground or surface
waters or to the atmosphere;
Preclude the probability of future impoundment of water, sediment, or
(c) Include measures that
provide for major slope stability to prevent the sloughing or movement of the
final cover system during the closure and postclosure care period;
(d) Minimize the need for further maintenance
of the CCR unit; and
(e) Be
completed in the shortest amount of time consistent with recognized and
generally accepted good engineering practices.
(2) Drainage and stabilization of CCR surface
impoundments. Prior to installing the final cover system, the owner or operator
of a CCR surface impoundment or any lateral expansion of a CCR surface
impoundment shall:
(a) Eliminate free liquids
by removing liquid wastes or solidifying the remaining wastes and waste
(b) Stabilize remaining
wastes sufficiently to support the final cover system.
(3) Final cover system. If a CCR unit is
closed by leaving CCR in place, the owner or operator shall install a final
cover system that is designed to minimize infiltration and erosion, and at a
minimum, meets the requirements of subparagraph a, or the requirements of the
alternative final cover system specified in subparagraph b. The design of the
final cover system must be included in the written closure plan.
(a) The final cover system must be designed
and constructed to meet these criteria:
The infiltration of liquids through the closed CCR unit must be minimized by
the use of an infiltration layer that contains a minimum of eighteen inches
[45.7 centimeters] of earthen material. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of
the infiltration layer must be no greater than 1 x
10-7 centimeters per second.
[2] A second layer of twelve inches [30.5
centimeters] or more of clay-rich soil material suitable for serving as a plant
root zone must be placed over the compacted layer. This layer is not required
if the CCR unit contains only bottom ash.
[3] The erosion of the final cover system
must be minimized by the use of an erosion layer that contains a minimum of six
inches [15.2 centimeters] of suitable plant growth material over the covered
CCR unit and the facility planted with adapted grasses. The total depth of
final cover must be three feet [91.4 centimeters] or more unless the CCR unit
contains only bottom ash, in which case the total depth of final cover must be
two feet [61.0 centimeters] or more.
[4] The disruption of the integrity of the
final cover system must be minimized through a design that accommodates
settling and subsidence.
(b) The owner or operator may select an
alternative final cover system design, provided the alternative final cover
system is designed and constructed to meet these criteria:
[1] The design of the final cover system must
include an infiltration layer that achieves an equivalent reduction in
infiltration as the infiltration layer specified in items 1 and 2 of
subparagraph a or an average long-term percolation rate less than 0.2 inches
[5.0 millimeters] per year.
[2] The
design of the final cover system must include an erosion layer that provides
equivalent protection from wind or water erosion as the erosion layer specified
in item 3 of subparagraph a.
The disruption of the integrity of the final cover system must be minimized
through a design that accommodates settling and subsidence.
(c) The owner or operator of the
CCR unit shall obtain a written certification from a qualified professional
engineer that the design of the final cover system meets the requirements of
this section.
e. Initiation of closure activities. Except
as provided for in paragraph 5 and subsection 4, the owner or operator of a CCR
unit shall commence closure of the CCR unit no later than the applicable time
frames specified in either paragraph 1, 2, or 3.
(1) The owner or operator shall commence
closure of the CCR unit no later than thirty days after the date on which the
CCR unit either:
(a) Receives the known final
receipt of waste, either CCR or any non-CCR waste stream; or
(b) Removes the known final volume of CCR
from the CCR unit for the purpose of beneficial use of CCR.
(2) Except as provided by
paragraph 3, the owner or operator shall commence closure of a CCR unit that
has not received CCR or any non-CCR waste stream or is no longer removing CCR
for the purpose of beneficial use within two years of the last receipt of waste
or within two years of the last removal of CCR material for the purpose of
beneficial use.
(3) Notwithstanding
paragraph 2, the owner or operator of the CCR unit may secure an additional two
years to initiate closure of the idle unit provided the owner or operator
provides written documentation to the department that the CCR unit will
continue to accept wastes or will start removing CCR for beneficial use. The
documentation must be supported by, at a minimum, the information specified in
subparagraphs a and b. The owner or operator may obtain two-year extensions
provided the owner or operator continues to be able to demonstrate that there
is reasonable likelihood that the CCR unit will accept wastes in the
foreseeable future or will remove CCR from the unit for beneficial use. The
owner or operator shall submit each completed demonstration to the department
and place it in the facility's operating record prior to the end of any
two-year period.
(a) Information documenting
that the CCR unit has remaining storage or disposal capacity or that the CCR
unit can have CCR removed for the purpose of beneficial use; and
(b) Information demonstrating that there is a
reasonable likelihood that the CCR unit will resume receiving CCR or non-CCR
waste streams in the foreseeable future or that CCR can be removed for the
purpose of beneficial use. The narrative must include a best estimate as to
when the CCR unit will resume receiving CCR or non-CCR waste streams. The
situations listed in items 1 through 4 are examples of situations that would
support a determination that the CCR unit will resume receiving CCR or non-CCR
waste streams in the foreseeable future.
Normal plant operations include periods when the CCR unit does not receive CCR
or non-CCR waste streams, such as the alternating use of two or more CCR units
whereby at any point in time one CCR unit is receiving CCR while CCR is being
removed from a second CCR unit after its dewatering.
[2] The CCR unit is dedicated to a coal-fired
boiler unit that is temporarily idled (e.g., CCR is not being generated) and
there is a reasonable likelihood that the coal-fired boiler will resume
operations in the future.
[3] The
CCR unit is dedicated to an operating coal-fired boiler (i.e., CCR is being
generated); however, no CCR is being placed in the CCR unit because the CCR is
being entirely diverted to beneficial uses, but there is a reasonable
likelihood that the CCR unit will be used in the foreseeable future.
[4] The CCR unit currently receives only
non-CCR waste streams and those non-CCR waste streams are not generated for an
extended period of time, but there is a reasonable likelihood that the CCR unit
will receive non-CCR waste streams in the future.
(c) To obtain additional time extensions to
initiate closure of a CCR unit beyond the first two years provided by paragraph
2, the owner or operator of the CCR unit shall include with the demonstration
required by this subdivision the following statement signed by the owner or
operator or an authorized representative:
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally
examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this demonstration
and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals
immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the
submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there
are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the
possibility of fine and imprisonment.
(4) For purposes of this chapter, closure of
the CCR unit has commenced if the owner or operator has ceased placing waste
and completes any of the following actions or activities:
(a) Taken any steps necessary to implement
the written closure plan required by subdivision b;
(b) Submitted a completed application for any
required state or agency permit or permit modification; or
(c) Taken any steps necessary to comply with
any state or other agency standards that are a prerequisite, or are otherwise
applicable, to initiating or completing the closure of a CCR unit.
(5) The time frames specified in
paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply to any owners or operators of CCR units under
closure as required by subdivisions a through d of subsection 2.
f. Completion of closure
(1) Except as provided for in
paragraphs 2 and 3, the owner or operator shall complete closure of the CCR
(a) For existing and new CCR landfills
and any lateral expansion of a CCR landfill, within six months of commencing
closure activities.
(b) For
existing and new CCR surface impoundments and any lateral expansion of a CCR
surface impoundment, within five years of commencing closure
Extensions of closure time frames. With approval by the department, the time
frames for completing closure of a CCR unit specified under paragraph 1 may be
extended if the owner or operator can demonstrate that it was not feasible to
complete closure of the CCR unit within the required time frames due to factors
beyond the facility's control. If the owner or operator is seeking a time
extension beyond the time specified in the written closure plan as required by
subdivision b, the demonstration must include a narrative discussion providing
the basis for additional time beyond that specified in the closure plan. The
owner or operator shall place each completed demonstration, if more than one
time extension is sought, in the facility's operating record prior to the end
of any two-year period. Factors that may support such a demonstration include:
(a) Complications stemming from the climate
and weather, such as unusual amounts of precipitation or a significantly
shortened construction season;
Time required to dewater a surface impoundment due to the volume of CCR
contained in the CCR unit or the characteristics of the CCR in the
(c) The geology and terrain
surrounding the CCR unit will affect the amount of material needed to close the
CCR unit; or
(d) Time required or
delays caused by the need to coordinate with and obtain necessary approvals and
permits from a state or other agency.
(3) Maximum time extensions.
(a) CCR surface impoundments of forty acres
[16.2 hectares] or smaller may extend the time to complete closure by no longer
than two years.
(b) CCR surface
impoundments larger than forty acres [16.2 hectares] may extend the time frame
to complete closure of the CCR unit multiple times, in two-year increments. For
each two-year extension sought, the owner or operator shall substantiate the
factual circumstances demonstrating the need for the extension. No more than a
total of five two-year extensions may be obtained for any CCR surface
(c) CCR landfills may
extend the time frame to complete closure of the CCR unit multiple times, in
one-year increments. For each one-year extension sought, the owner or operator
shall substantiate the factual circumstances demonstrating the need for the
extension. No more than a total of two one-year extensions may be obtained for
any CCR landfill.
(4) In
order to obtain additional time extensions to complete closure of a CCR unit
beyond the times provided by paragraph 1, the owner or operator of the CCR unit
shall include with the demonstration required by paragraph 2 the following
statement signed by the owner or operator or an authorized representative:
I certify under penalty of law that I have personally
examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this demonstration
and all attached documents, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals
immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the
submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there
are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the
possibility of fine and imprisonment.
(5) Upon completion, the owner or operator of
the CCR unit shall obtain a certification from a qualified professional
engineer verifying that closure has been completed in accordance with the
closure plan specified in subdivision b and the requirements of this
g. Before
starting closure of a CCR unit, the owner or operator shall prepare a
notification of intent to close a CCR unit. The notification must include the
certification by a qualified professional engineer for the design of the final
cover system as required by subparagraph c of paragraph 3 of subdivision d, if
applicable. The owner or operator has completed the notification if it has been
submitted to the department and placed in the facility's operating
h. Within thirty days of
completion of closure of the CCR unit, the owner or operator shall prepare a
notification of closure of a CCR unit. The notification must include the
certification by a qualified professional engineer required by paragraph 5 of
subdivision f. The owner or operator has completed the notification if it has
been submitted to the department and placed in the facility's operating
i. Deed notations.
(1) Except as provided by paragraph 4,
following closure of a CCR unit, the owner or operator shall record a notation
on the deed to the property, or some other instrument that is normally examined
during title search.
(2) The
notation on the deed must in perpetuity notify any potential purchaser of the
property that:
(a) The land has been used as a
CCR unit; and
(b) Its use is
restricted under the postclosure care requirements as provided by subparagraph
c of paragraph 1 of subdivision d of subsection 5.
(3) Within sixty days of recording a notation
on the deed to the property, the owner or operator shall submit a notification
to the department stating that the deed notation has been recorded. The owner
or operator has completed the notification if it has been placed in the
facility's operating record.
(4) An
owner or operator that closes a CCR unit by removal of all CCR materials in
accordance with subdivision c is not subject to the requirements of paragraphs
1 through 3.
j. Criteria
to retrofit an existing CCR surface impoundment.
(1) To retrofit an existing CCR surface
impoundment, the owner or operator must:
First remove all CCR, including any contaminated soils and sediments from the
CCR unit; and
(b) Comply with the
requirements in subdivision b of subsection 2 of section 33.1-20-08-04.
(c) A CCR surface
impoundment undergoing a retrofit remains subject to all other requirements of
this chapter, including the requirement to conduct any necessary corrective
(2) Written
retrofit plan.
(a) Content of the plan. The
owner or operator shall prepare a written retrofit plan for approval by the
department that describes the steps necessary to retrofit the CCR unit
consistent with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices.
The written retrofit plan must include:
[1] A
narrative description of the specific measures that will be taken to retrofit
the CCR unit in accordance with this section.
[2] A description of the procedures to remove
all CCR and contaminated soils and sediments from the CCR unit.
[3] An estimate of the maximum amount of CCR
that will be removed as part of the retrofit operation.
[4] An estimate of the largest area of the
CCR unit that will be affected by the retrofit operation.
[5] A schedule for completing all activities
necessary to satisfy the retrofit criteria in this section, including an
estimate of the year in which retrofit activities of the CCR unit will be
(b) Time
frames for preparing the initial written retrofit plan.
[1] No later than sixty days prior to the
date of initiating retrofit activities, the owner or operator shall prepare the
initial written retrofit plan. For purposes of this chapter, initiation of
retrofit activities has commenced if the owner or operator has ceased placing
waste in the unit and completes any of the following actions or activities:
[a] Taken any steps necessary to implement
the written retrofit plan;
Submitted a completed application for a permit or permit modification;
[c] Taken any steps necessary to
comply with any state standards that are a prerequisite, or are otherwise
applicable, to initiating or completing the retrofit of a CCR unit.
[2] The owner or operator has
completed the written retrofit plan if the plan, including the certification
required by subparagraph d, has been approved by the department and placed in
the facility's operating record.
(c) Amendment of a written retrofit plan.
[1] The owner or operator may amend the
initial or any subsequent written retrofit plan at any time with approval by
the department.
[2] The owner or
operator shall amend the written retrofit plan whenever:
[a] There is a change in the operation of the
CCR unit that would substantially affect the written retrofit plan in effect;
[b] Before or after retrofit
activities have commenced, unanticipated events necessitate a revision of the
written retrofit plan.
[3] The owner or operator shall amend the
retrofit plan at least sixty days prior to a planned change in the operation of
the facility or CCR unit, or no later than sixty days after an unanticipated
event requires the revision of an existing written retrofit plan. If a written
retrofit plan is revised after retrofit activities have commenced for a CCR
unit, the owner or operator shall amend the current retrofit plan no later than
thirty days following the triggering event.
(d) The owner or operator of the CCR unit
shall obtain a written certification from a qualified professional engineer
that the activities outlined in the written retrofit plan, including any
amendment of the plan, meet the requirements of this section.
(3) Deadline for completion of
activities related to the retrofit of a CCR unit. Any CCR surface impoundment
that is being retrofitted must complete all retrofit activities within the same
time frames and procedures specified for the closure of a CCR surface
impoundment in subdivision f or, where applicable, subsection 4.
(4) Upon completion, the owner or operator
shall obtain a certification from a qualified professional engineer verifying
that the retrofit activities have been completed in accordance with the
retrofit plan.
(5) Before
initiating the retrofit of a CCR unit, the owner or operator shall prepare a
notification of intent to retrofit a CCR unit. The owner or operator has
completed the notification when it has been submitted to the department and
placed in the facility's operating record.
(6) Within thirty days of completing the
retrofit activities the owner or operator shall prepare a notification of
completion of retrofit activities. The notification must include the
certification by a qualified professional engineer as required by paragraph 4.
The owner or operator has completed the notification when it has been submitted
to the department and placed in the facility's operating record.
(7) At any time after the initiation of a CCR
unit retrofit, the owner or operator may cease the retrofit and initiate
closure of the CCR unit in accordance with the requirements of this
5. Postclosure care requirements.
a. Applicability.
(1) Except as provided by paragraph 2, this
subsection applies to the owners or operators of CCR landfills, CCR surface
impoundments, and all lateral expansions of CCR units that are subject to the
closure criteria under subsection 3.
(2) An owner or operator of a CCR unit that
elects to close a CCR unit by removing CCR as provided by subdivision c of
subsection 3 is not subject to the postclosure care criteria under this
Postclosure care maintenance requirements. Following closure of the CCR unit,
the owner or operator shall conduct postclosure care for the CCR unit, which
must consist of at least the following:
Maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover system,
including making repairs to the final cover as necessary to correct the effects
of settlement, subsidence, erosion, or other events, and preventing run-on and
run-off from eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover;
(2) If the CCR unit is subject to the design
criteria under subsection 1 of section 33.1-20-08-04, maintaining the integrity
and effectiveness of the leachate collection and removal system and operating
the leachate collection and removal system; and
(3) Maintaining the ground water monitoring
system and monitoring the ground water in accordance with the requirements of
section 33.1-20-08-06.
c. Postclosure care period.
(1) Except as provided by paragraphs 2 and 3,
the owner or operator of the CCR unit shall conduct postclosure care for thirty
(2) If at the end of the
postclosure care period the owner or operator of the CCR unit is operating
under assessment monitoring in accordance with subsection 5 of section 33.1-20-08-06, the owner or operator shall continue to conduct postclosure care
until the owner or operator returns to detection monitoring in accordance with
subdivision e of subsection 5 of section 33.1-20-08-06 or subparagraph b of
paragraph 3 of subdivision g of subsection 5 of section 33.1-20-08-06.
Written postclosure plan.
(1) Content of the
plan. The owner or operator of a CCR unit shall prepare a written postclosure
plan that includes:
(a) A description of the
monitoring and maintenance activities required in subdivision b for the CCR
unit, and the frequency at which these activities will be performed;
(b) The name, address, telephone number, and
email address of the person or office to contact about the facility during the
postclosure care period; and
(c) A
description of the planned uses of the property during the postclosure period.
Postclosure use of the property may not disturb the integrity of the final
cover, liner, or any other component of the containment system, or the function
of the monitoring systems unless necessary to comply with the requirements in
this chapter. Any other disturbance is allowed if the owner or operator of the
CCR unit demonstrates that disturbance of the final cover, liner, or other
component of the containment system, including any removal of CCR, will not
increase the potential threat to human health or the environment. The
demonstration must be certified by a qualified professional engineer, and
notification must be provided to the department that the demonstration has been
placed in the operating record and on the owner's or operator's publicly
accessible internet site.
(2) Deadline to prepare the initial written
postclosure plan.
(a) Existing CCR landfills
and existing CCR surface impoundments. The owner or operator of the CCR unit
shall include the initial written closure plan consistent with the requirements
specified in paragraph 1 with the application for a permit.
(b) New CCR landfills, new CCR surface
impoundments, and any lateral expansion of a CCR unit. The owner or operator
shall include an initial written postclosure plan consistent with the
requirements specified in paragraph 1 with the application for a new permit or
permit modification.
(c) The owner
or operator has completed the written postclosure plan when the plan has been
approved by the department and placed in the facility's operating
(3) Amendment of
a written postclosure plan.
(a) The owner or
operator may amend the initial or any subsequent written postclosure plan
developed pursuant to paragraph 1 at any time with approval by the
(b) The owner or
operator shall amend the written closure plan whenever:
[1] There is a change in the operation of the
CCR unit that would substantially affect the written postclosure plan in
effect; or
[2] After postclosure
activities have commenced, unanticipated events necessitate a revision of the
written postclosure plan.
(c) The owner or operator shall amend the
written postclosure plan at least sixty days prior to a planned change in the
operation of the facility or CCR unit, or no later than sixty days after an
unanticipated event requires the need to revise an existing written postclosure
plan. If a written postclosure plan is revised after postclosure activities
have commenced for a CCR unit, the owner or operator shall amend the written
postclosure plan no later than thirty days following the triggering
(4) The owner or
operator of the CCR unit shall obtain a written certification from a qualified
professional engineer that the initial and any amendment of the written
postclosure plan meets the requirements of this subsection.
e. Notification of completion of
postclosure care period. No later than sixty days following the completion of
the postclosure care period, the owner or operator of the CCR unit shall
prepare a notification verifying that postclosure care has been completed. The
notification must include the certification by a qualified professional
engineer verifying that postclosure care has been completed in accordance with
the closure plan specified in subdivision d and the requirements of this
subsection. The owner or operator has completed the notification if it has been
approved by the department and placed in the facility's operating