Current through Supplement No. 395, January, 2025
1. In
addition to sections 33.1-20-04.1-02, 33.1-20-04.1-03, 33.1-20-04.1-04, and
33.1-20-04.1-05, the standards of this section apply to all landfills, surface
impoundments closed with solid waste in place, and land treatment units, unless
otherwise indicated.
Construction and operation standards for solid waste management facilities
regulated by this section:
a. Every solid
waste landfill or facility shall have and maintain, or have access to,
equipment adequate for the excavation, compaction, covering, surface water
management, and monitoring procedures required by approval plans and this
b. Roads must be
constructed and maintained to provide access to the facility. Access roads must
be cleaned and decontaminated as necessary.
c. There must be available an adequate supply
of suitable cover material, which, if necessary, must be stockpiled and
protected for winter operation.
The final cover of all disposal facilities must be designed and constructed in
a manner that ensures the quality and integrity of the hydraulic barrier and
the protective vegetative cover.
The working face or open area of a landfill must be limited in size to as small
an area as practicable. Sequential partial closure must be implemented as
necessary to keep the disposal area as small as practicable and to close filled
areas in a timely manner.
f. All
disposal facilities shall identify, quantify, remove, stockpile, and maintain
suitable plant growth material for later use in closure.
g. Any recycling or salvage activity must be
authorized by the owner or operator and must be in a separate area in a manner
to avoid injury and interference with the landfill operation.
h. Vehicles, farm machinery, metal
appliances, mobile homes, trailers, or other similar items brought to the
facility for recycling may be stored temporarily in a separate area.
i. Vector control measures, in addition to
the application of cover material, must be instituted whenever necessary to
prevent the transmission of disease, prevent bird hazards to aircraft, and
otherwise prevent and reduce hazards created by rats, flies, snakes, insects,
birds, cats, dogs, and skunks.
All domestic animals must be excluded from the facility. Feeding of garbage to
animals is prohibited.
k. All
earthen material must be maintained onsite unless removal from the site is
authorized by the department.
3. Construction and operation standards,
excluding inert waste landfills.
a. The
landfill must be designed and operated to prevent the run-on and runoff of
surface waters resulting from a maximum flow of a twenty-five-year,
twenty-four-hour storm.
Facilities receiving on average over twenty tons [18.2 metric tons] per day of
solid waste shall make provisions for measuring all waste delivered to and
disposed in the facility. Weight measurements are preferable; volume
measurements (cubic yards) are acceptable.
c. Active areas of the landfill must be
surveyed periodically to ensure that filling is proceeding in a manner
consistent with the landfill design and that closure grades are not
d. All run-on or runoff
must be properly controlled to avoid its concentration on or in solid waste and
to minimize infiltration into the waste material. Disposal shall avoid any
areas within the facility where run-on or runoff accumulates.
e. Leachate removal systems must be operated
and maintained to assure continued function according to the design efficiency.
This shall include, where applicable:
Flushing, inspection and, if necessary, repair of collection lines after
placement of the first layer of waste in a landfill cell;
(2) Annual sampling and analysis of leachate
for the parameters required under the ground water quality monitoring required
under section 33.1-20-13-02;
(3) At
minimum, semiannual monitoring of leachate head or elevations above the
(4) Annual flushing of
leachate collection lines to remove dirt and scale; and
(5) Inclusion of leachate removal system
operation, inspection, and maintenance procedures in the operating
f. No composite
liner may be exposed to freezing more than one winter season, excluding
composite liners in surface impoundments. At least three feet [0.91 meters] of
solid waste or other material approved by the department must be placed above
the upper drainage layer on all lined areas by December first. No disposal may
take place after December first in areas that have not met this requirement
without first testing the composite liner's integrity and receiving approval
from the department.
Closure standards, excluding land treatment units.
a. Closed solid waste management units may
not be used for cultivated crops, heavy grazing, buildings, or any other use
which might disturb the protective vegetative and soil cover.
b. All solid waste management units must be
closed with a final cover designed to:
Limit the amount of percolation that may enter the waste to meet the efficiency
requirements for that type of solid waste management unit;
(2) Minimize precipitation run-on from
adjacent areas;
(3) Minimize
erosion and optimize drainage of precipitation falling on the landfill. The
grade of slopes may not be less than three percent, nor more than fifteen
percent, unless the applicant or permittee provides justification to show
steeper slopes are stable and will not result in long-term surface soil loss in
excess of two tons [1.82 metric tons] per acre per year. In no instance may
slopes exceed twenty-five percent, including exterior slope of any swales or
drainage structures; and
Provide a surface drainage system which does not adversely affect drainage from
adjacent lands.
c. The
final cover must include six inches [15.2 centimeters] or more of suitable
plant growth material which must be seeded with shallow rooted grass or native
d. The department may
allow, on a case-by-case basis, the use of closed inert waste landfill sites
for certain beneficial uses that would not pose a threat to human health or the
Postclosure standards for solid waste management facilities regulated by this
a. The owner or operator of a
landfill or a surface impoundment closed with solid waste in place shall meet
the following during the postclosure period:
(1) Maintain the integrity and effectiveness
of the final cover, including making repairs to the cover to correct effects of
settlement, subsidence, and other events, and preventing run-on and runoff from
eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover;
(2) Maintain and operate the leachate
collection system, if applicable;
(3) Monitor the ground water and maintain the
ground water monitoring system, if applicable; and
(4) Operate and maintain the gas control
system, if applicable.
b. The owner or operator of a municipal waste
landfill, an industrial waste landfill, a special waste landfill, a surface
impoundment closed with solid waste remaining in place, or a land treatment
facility shall prepare and implement a written postclosure plan approved by the
department as a part of the permitting process. The postclosure plan must
address facility maintenance and monitoring activities for a postclosure period
of thirty years.
(1) Postclosure includes
appropriate ground water monitoring; surface water monitoring; gas monitoring;
and maintenance of the facility, facility structures, and ground water
monitoring systems.
(2) The
postclosure plan must provide the name, address, and telephone number of the
person or office to contact during the postclosure period; and project time
intervals at which postclosure activities are to be implemented, identify
postclosure cost estimates, and provide financial assurance mechanisms as
required by chapter 33.1-20-14.
The department may require an owner or operator to amend the postclosure plan,
including an extension of the postclosure period, and implement the changes. If
the permittee demonstrates that the facility is stabilized, the department may
authorize the owner or operator to discontinue postclosure
c. Following
completion of the postclosure period, the owner or operator shall notify the
department verifying that postclosure management has been completed in
accordance with the postclosure plan.
General Authority: NDCC 23.1-08-03;
2017, ch. 199,
Law Implemented: NDCC 23.1-08-03, 23.1-08-09;
2017, ch. 199,