North Dakota Administrative Code
Title 33.1 - Department of Environmental Quality
Article 33.1-15 - Air Pollution Control
Chapter 33.1-15-21 - Acid Rain Program
Section 33.1-15-21-08.1 - Permits
The provisions of title 40 Code of Federal Regulations part 72 and its appendices, as they exist on January 1, 2012, for purposes of implementing an acid rain program that meets the requirements of title IV of the federal Clean Air Act, are incorporated into this chapter by reference. The term "administrator" means the department except for those duties that cannot be delegated to the department. For those duties that cannot be delegated, "administrator" means the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency. If the provisions or requirements of title 40 Code of Federal Regulations part 72 conflict with or are not included in section 33.1-15-14-06, the provisions of part 72 shall apply and take precedence.
General Authority: NDCC 23.1-06-04; S.L. 2017, ch. 199, § 1
Law Implemented: NDCC 23.1-06-04, 23.1-06-08, 23.1-06-09; S.L. 2017, ch. 199, § 21