Current through Register Vol. 39, No. 6, September 16, 2024
(a) Psychotropic medication may be
administered to any non-consenting client who has a mental illness and is
receiving inpatient mental health treatment if any one or more of the following
conditions exist:
(1) failure to treat the
client's illness or injury would pose an imminent substantial threat of injury
or death to the client or those around him; or
(2) there is evidence that the client's
condition is worsening and, if not treated, is likely to produce acute
exacerbation of a chronic condition that would endanger the safety or life of
the client or others; and:
(A) the evidence
of substantial and prolonged deterioration is corroborated by medical history;
(B) the source of the history
is documented in the client's record.
(b) Medication refusal shall mean a client
has refused to take medication within 30 minutes of the initial offer. A client
who accepts medication within 30 minutes of the initial offer shall not be
considered to have refused medication.
(c) Medication Refusal:
(1) All incidents of medication refusal shall
(A) reported as promptly as possible to
the psychiatrist who is treating the client; and
(B) documented on progress notes and the
medication chart by staff responsible for administering the
(2) The
administering staff shall attempt to determine the reason for refusal by
questioning the client and encouraging him to accept the medication. Such shall
be documented in the client's record.
(3) A member of the treatment team shall
discuss the reasons for refusal directly with the client and attempt to resolve
those concerns that are the source of the refusal before a forced medication
order is written.
Initial Emergency Situation:
(1) In an initial
emergency situation the physician:
(A) may
initiate procedures and write an order for administering emergency forced
medication for a period not to exceed 72 hours; and
(B) shall document in the client's record the
pertinent circumstances and rationale for the psychotropic
Psychotropic medication may be administered if the physician determines that
the condition set forth in Paragraph (a) of this Rule exists and:
(A) the medication is a generally accepted
treatment for the client's condition;
(B) there is a substantial likelihood that
the treatment will effectively reduce the signs and symptoms of the client's
illness; and
(C) the proposed
medication is the least intrusive of the possible treatments.
In all cases, the medication shall not exceed the dosage
expected to accomplish the treatment and the client shall be monitored for
adverse reactions and side effects.
(3) Continuation of emergency situation:
(A) If needed, two subsequent emergency
periods of 72 hours may be authorized only after the attending psychiatrist has
received the written or verbal concurrence from another psychiatrist not
currently involved in the client's treatment.
(B) If the client continues to refuse
medication after it is determined that psychotropic medication is still
warranted, procedures for administering medication in a non-emergency situation
shall be implemented.
(e) Non-Emergency Situations:
(1) If a client refuses psychotropic
medication in a non-emergency situation, the attending physician shall:
(A) make every effort to determine the cause
of the refusal;
(B) inform the
client of indications for psychotropic medication, including benefits and risk,
and the advantages and disadvantages of alternate courses of treatment;
(C) request his or her
(2) The
treatment team may also assist in efforts to explain the advantages of
medication to the client.
(3) The
client's record shall contain documentation that efforts have been made to
determine the cause of refusal and advantages of medication.
(4) The physician shall initiate a referral
to the Involuntary Medication Committee if the client continues to refuse
medication. The Committee shall:
determine whether either of the conditions as set forth in Paragraph (a) of
this Rule exists before authorizing an involuntary medication order;
(B) apply the criteria set
forth in Subparagraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this Rule in making its
(C) If neither of
the conditions set forth in Paragraph (a) of this Rule exists, the client shall
not be involuntarily medicated.
(f) Involuntary Medication Committee:
(1) The members of the Involuntary Medication
Committee shall be appointed by the Chief of Psychiatry and shall consist of a
psychiatrist, a psychologist, and a mental health nurse who is a Registered
(A) If the psychiatrist who issued the
involuntary medication order is the individual who normally sits on the
committee, another psychiatrist shall serve in that capacity.
(B) Other prison staff who have pertinent
information that may be useful to the committee in making its determination
shall be required by the committee to attend the hearing.
(2) In conducting the hearing, the committee
chairman, appointed by the Chief of Psychiatry, shall ensure that the client:
(A) has received written and verbal notice of
the time, date, place, and purpose of the hearing;
(B) is informed of his or her right to hear
evidence providing the basis for the involuntary medication, the right to call
witnesses on his or her behalf; and the right to request that the Client
Representative attend the hearing as set forth in Subparagraph (g)(2) of this
(C) attends the hearing
unless his or her clinical condition is such that his or her attendance is not
feasible. In this case, the Committee shall:
(i) state the reasons for determining that
the presence of the client is not feasible;
(ii) allow the client to be interviewed in
his or her room by the client representative and one or more members of the
Committee; and
(iii) allow the
client representative an opportunity to present facts relevant to whether an
involuntary medication order should be issued;
(D) shall be allowed a reasonable number of
witnesses, to be determined by the committee chairman, or:
(i) written statements may be considered in
lieu of direct testimony; and
specific client witnesses may be excluded from direct testimony if the unit
superintendent or designee determines a justifiable security risk would occur
if they were brought to the hearing site; and
(E) be given the opportunity to question any
staff who present evidence that supports the need to involuntarily
(3) After the
committee has received all relevant information, the committee shall:
(A) consider the facts and arrive at a
majority decision;
(B) ensure that
the authorization to involuntarily medicate shall not exceed 30 days;
(C) prepare and file in the client's record a
written summary of the evidence presented and the rationale for the decision;
(D) consult an attorney from
the Attorney General's Office, assigned to represent the Department, concerning
the legal propriety of forcibly administering medication in a given
(4) If, after the
initial 30 day period, involuntary medication is still deemed necessary, the
psychiatrist may again present the case to the Involuntary Medication
Committee, which:
(A) shall conduct a review
of the record and the reasons presented in support of continuing involuntary
medication; and
(B) may then
authorize the administration of involuntary medication for 90 additional days.
Subsequent 90-day periods may be authorized only after similar
Client Representative:
(1) If a client is
recommended for forced medication on a non-emergency basis, the Chief of
Psychiatry or his or her designee shall appoint a member of the treatment staff
to serve as a Client Representative, whose role shall include:
(A) assisting the client in verbalizing the
reasons for his or her refusal of psychotropic medications in meetings with his
or her treatment team;
providing this information to the Involuntary Medication Committee;
(C) preparing a summary of the
reasons for the refusal and documenting it in the client's record.
(2) The Client Representative
shall appear before the Involuntary Medication Committee whenever he feels that
it is in the best interest of the client or at the client's request.
(3) When reviewing a case involving the
involuntary administration of medication, the Involuntary Medication Committee
shall consider oral or written comments from the Client
(h) If
physical force is actually employed, documentation of all actions relating to
the forceful administration of medication shall be included in the client's
record and reported to the Unit Superintendent on a "Use of Force Report"