Current through Register Vol. 39, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(a) Scope of Rule.
(1) This rule applies to applications for a
certificate of public convenience and necessity pursuant to
62-110.1(a) filed by any
person, other than an electric public utility, who is an owner of a renewable
energy facility that is participating in the Competitive Procurement of
Renewable Energy Program established in
62-110.8, or by any person who is seeking the
benefits of 16 U.S.C.
824a-3 or
62-156 as a qualifying cogenerator or a
qualifying small power producer as defined in
16 U.S.C.
796(17) and (18), or as a
small power producer as defined in
62-3(27a), except persons
exempt from certification by the provisions of
(2) For purposes of this rule, the term
"person" shall include a municipality as defined in Rules R7-2(c) and R10-2(c),
including a county of the State.
(3) The construction of a facility for the
generation of electricity shall include not only the building of a new
building, structure or generator, but also the renovation or reworking of an
existing building, structure or generator in order to enable it to operate as a
generating facility.
(4) This rule
shall apply to any person within its scope who begins construction of an
electric generating facility without first obtaining a certificate of public
convenience and necessity. In such circumstances, the application shall include
an explanation for the applicant's beginning of construction before the
obtaining of the certificate.
(b) The Application. The application shall be
comprised of the following five exhibits:
Exhibit 1 shall contain:
(i) The full and
correct name, business address, business telephone number, and electronic
mailing address of the facility owner;
(ii) A statement of whether the facility
owner is an individual, a partnership, or a corporation and, if a partnership,
the name and business address of each general partner and, if a corporation,
the state and date of incorporation and the name, business address, business
telephone number, and electronic mailing address of an individual duly
authorized to act as corporate agent for the purpose of the application and, if
a foreign corporation, whether domesticated in North Carolina; and
(iii) The full and correct name of the site
owner and, if the owner is other than the applicant, the applicant's interest
in the site.
(2) Exhibit
2 shall contain:
(i) A color map or aerial
photo showing the location of the generating facility site in relation to local
highways, streets, rivers, streams, and other generally known local landmarks,
with the proposed location of major equipment indicated on the map or photo,
including: the generator, fuel handling equipment, plant distribution system,
startup equipment, the site boundary, planned and existing pipelines, planned
and existing roads, planned and existing water supplies, and planned and
existing electric facilities. A U.S. Geological Survey map or an aerial photo
map prepared via the State's geographic information system is preferred;
(ii) The E911 street address,
county in which the proposed facility would be located, and GPS coordinates of
the approximate center of the proposed facility site to the nearest second or
one thousandth of a degree.
(3) Exhibit 3 shall contain:
(i) The nature of the generating facility,
including the type and source of its power or fuel;
(ii) A description of the buildings,
structures and equipment comprising the generating facility and the manner of
its operation;
(iii) The gross and
net projected maximum dependable capacity of the facility as well as the
facility's nameplate capacity, expressed as megawatts (alternating
(iv) The projected date
on which the facility will come on line;
(v) The applicant's general plan for sale of
the electricity to be generated, including the utility to which the applicant
plans to sell the electricity;
Any provisions for wheeling of the electricity, if applicable;
(vii) Arrangements for firm, non-firm or
emergency generation, if applicable;
(viii) The service life of the
(ix) The projected annual
sales in kilowatt-hours; and
Whether the applicant intends to produce renewable energy certificates that are
eligible for compliance with the State's renewable energy and energy efficiency
portfolio standard.
Exhibit 4 shall contain:
(i) A complete list
of all federal and state licenses, permits and exemptions required for
construction and operation of the generating facility and a statement of
whether each has been obtained or applied for.
(ii) A copy of those that have been obtained
should be filed with the application; a copy of those that have not been
obtained at the time of the application should be filed with the Commission as
soon as they are obtained.
(5) Exhibit 5 shall contain the expected cost
of the proposed facility.
(6) An
applicant who desires to enter into a contract for 5 years or more for the sale
of electricity, whose facility will have a nameplate capacity of 5 megawatts
alternating current or more, and whose facility is not a solar photovoltaic
facility, shall include the three additional exhibits as described in
R8-64(b)(6)(i), (ii), and (iii) below, except an applicant who desires to enter
into a contract of 5 years or more for the sale of electricity from a solar
photovoltaic facility of 25 megawatts alternating current or more shall also
include the three additional exhibits referenced herein.
(i) Exhibit 6 shall contain:
a. A statement detailing the experience and
expertise of the persons who will develop, design, construct and operate the
project to the extent such persons are known at the time of the
b. Information
specifically identifying the extent to which any regulated utility will be
involved in the actual operation of the project; and
c. A statement obtained by the applicant from
the electric utility to which the applicant plans to sell the electricity to be
generated setting forth an assessment of the impact of such purchased power on
the utility's capacity, reserves, generation mix, capacity expansion plan, and
avoided costs.
Exhibit 7 shall contain:
a. The most current
available balance sheet of the applicant;
b. The most current available income
statement of the applicant;
c. An
economic feasibility study of the project; and
d. A statement of the actual financing
arrangements entered into in connection with the project to the extent known at
the time of the application.
(iii) Exhibit 8 shall contain:
a. The projected annual hourly production
profile for the first full year of operation of the renewable energy facility
in kilowatt-hours, including an explanation of potential factors influencing
the shape of the production profile, including the following, if applicable:
fixed tilt or tracking panel arrays, inverter loading ratio, over-paneling,
clipped energy, or inverter AC output power limits;
b. A detailed explanation of all energy
inputs and outputs, of whatever form, for the project, including the amount of
energy and the form of energy to be sold to each purchaser; and
c. A detailed explanation of arrangements for
fuel supply, including the length of time covered by the arrangements, to the
extent known at the time of the application.
(7) All applications shall be signed and
verified by the applicant or by an individual duly authorized to act on behalf
of the applicant for the purpose of the application.
(8) Applications filed on behalf of a
corporation are not subject to the provision of R1-5(d) that requires corporate
pleadings to be filed by a member of the Bar of the State of North Carolina.
Should a public hearing be required, the requirements of
84-4 and
84-4.1 shall be applicable.
(9) Falsification of or failure to disclose
any required information in the application may be grounds for denying or
revoking any certificate.
(10) The
application shall be in the form adopted by the Commission and accompanied by
the filing fee required by
62-300. The application may be filed
electronically or by transmission of an original plus 12 copies to the Chief
Clerk of the Utilities Commission.
(11) If an applicant considers certain of the
required information to be confidential and entitled to protection from public
disclosure, it may designate said information as confidential and file it under
seal. Documents marked as confidential will be treated pursuant to applicable
Commission rules, procedures, and orders dealing with filings made under seal
and with nondisclosure agreements.
(c) Procedure upon receipt of Application. -
Upon the filing of an application appearing to meet the requirements set forth
above, the Commission will process it as follows:
(1) The Commission will issue an order
requiring the applicant to publish notice of the application once a week for
four successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where
the generating facility is proposed to be constructed and requiring the
applicant to mail a copy of the application and the notice, no later than the
first date that such notice is published, to the electric utility to which the
applicant plans to sell the electricity to be generated. Each electric utility
shall provide on its website a mailing address to which the application and
notice should be mailed. The applicant shall be responsible for filing with the
Commission an affidavit of publication and a signed and verified certificate of
service to the effect that the application and notice have been mailed to the
electric utility to which the applicant plans to sell the electricity to be
(2) If the applicant
does not file the affidavit of publication and certificate of service within
twelve months of the Commission's publication order, the Commission will
automatically dismiss the application.
(3) The Chief Clerk will deliver 2 copies of
the application and the notice to the Clearinghouse Coordinator of the Office
of Policy and Planning of the Department of Administration for distribution by
the Coordinator to State agencies having an interest in the
(4) If a complaint is
received within 10 days after the last date of the publication of the notice,
the Commission will schedule a public hearing to determine whether a
certificate should be awarded and will give reasonable notice of the time and
place of the hearing to the applicant and to each complaining party and will
require the applicant to publish notice of the hearing in the newspaper in
which the notice of the application was published. If no complaint is received
within the time specified, the Commission may, upon its own initiative, order
and schedule a hearing to determine whether a certificate should be awarded
and, if the Commission orders a hearing upon its own initiative, it will
require notice of the hearing to be published by the applicant in the newspaper
in which the notice of the application was published.
(5) If no complaint is received within the
time specified and the Commission does not order a hearing upon its own
initiative, the Commission will enter an order awarding the
(d) The
(1) The certificate shall be
subject to revocation if any of the other federal or state licenses, permits or
exemptions required for construction and operation of the generating facility
is not obtained and that fact is brought to the attention of the Commission and
the Commission finds that as a result the public convenience and necessity no
longer requires, or will require, construction of the facility.
(2) The certificate must be renewed by
re-compliance with the requirements set forth in this Rule if the applicant
does not begin construction within 5 years after issuance of the
(3) Both before the
time construction is completed and after, all certificate holders must advise
both the Commission and the utility involved of any plans to sell, transfer, or
assign the certificate or the generating facility or of any significant changes
in the information set forth in subsections (b)(1) thru (b)(5) of this Rule,
and the Commission will order such proceedings as it deems appropriate to deal
with such plans or changes. The following changes in information are exemplary
of changes that require an amendment to the certificate issued for the
facility: a transfer of the certificate or the facility, a change in the
facility owner's name, a change in the fuel source, or a change in the
generating capacity of the facility. The following changes in information are
exemplary of changes that require notice to the Commission, but do not require
an amendment to the certificate: a change in facility owner's contact
information, or a change in the upstream ownership of the facility
(e) In addition
to complying with any other applicable filing requirements pursuant to this
Rule or other Commission rules, the filing of an amendment to the certificate
application, or the filing of a FERC Form No. 556 for the purpose of satisfying
the notice requirements of 18 C.F.R.
292.207(c) or for the
purpose of satisfying the requirements of subsection (d) of this Rule, shall be
accompanied by a cover letter that identifies the facility, the facility owner,
and the associated docket number assigned to the matter by the Chief Clerk, and
includes a short, plain statement alerting the Commission to the changed
information, if any.
NCUC Docket No. E-100,
Sub 113, 2/29/08; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Subs 113 & 121, 1/31/11; NCUC
Docket No. M-100, Sub 136, 6/26/12; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 134, 07/30/12;
NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 134, 11/04/14; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 113,
12/31/14; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 134, 3/18/2015, NCUC Docket No.E-100, Sub
134, 5/23/2016; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 150, 11/06/2017; NCUC Docket Nos.
E-100, Subs 113, 121, & 134, 03/29/2018; NCUC Docket No. E-100, Sub 166,