(d) Filing
Requirements. - An application for a PBR must be filed with a general rate case
proceeding initiated under
62-133, and must comply with Rule R1-17
unless otherwise provided in this Rule. Supporting data and work papers for the
information provided by this section shall be provided to the Commission,
Public Staff, and any other party to the proceeding. An electric public utility
seeking approval of PBR must file the following:
(1) A proposed Decoupling Ratemaking
Mechanism that includes the following:
a. The
applicable residential rate schedules and riders eligible to be affected by the
b. The proposed target
annual revenue requirement per residential customer unit for each Rate Year,
with weather normalization, along with the electric public utility's underlying
assumptions, calculations, and methodology.
c. Proposed distribution of the weather
normalized per residential revenue requirement for each month in each Rate
Year, along with the electric public utility's underlying assumptions,
calculations, and methodology.
The projected number of residential customers for each Rate Year, along with
the projected number of residential customers for each month of each Rate Year,
and an explanation of the calculation or methodology for determining the
projected number of residential customers for each month.
e. The proposed method for calculating and
deferring differences realized between the estimated and actual revenue per
customer, including the proposed accounting entries for decoupling true-up
f. A method for
distinguishing kWh sales associated with EVs and the residential class as a
whole and an explanation of how those EV sales will be treated, including the
EV rate schedules or riders that have been excluded from the mechanism, along
with the projected number of EV customers and kWh for each month of each Rate
Year, along with the electric public utility's underlying assumptions,
calculations, and methodology.
(2) A proposed MYRP that includes the
a. A concise, plain statement of
the changes in base rates and the time when the change in rates will go into
effect with schedules for each Rate Year of the MYRP in the same manner
required pursuant to G.S. §
b. A forecast of the weather-normalized
revenues and costs for each Rate Year of the MYRP including detailed supporting
c. A forecast of the
required overall return, return on common equity (or its equivalent), and
revenue requirement for each Rate Year of the MYRP, including detailed
supporting workpapers.
d. A
forecast, for each year of the MYRP, of the kWh sales, kilowatt (kW) load
(coincident peak demand, non-coincident peak demand), electric vehicle kWh
sales, and the number of expected customers, with weather normalization,
including detailed supporting workpapers.
e. The electric public utility's forecasting
methodology used for each of its forecasts, including its forecasts for all
costs, energy sales, peak demand, and number of expected customers for each
year of the MYRP.
f. A detailed
description of and detailed workpapers supporting all adjustments increasing or
decreasing, for each year of the MYRP, operating revenue deductions and capital
expenditures above or below the amounts proposed for the general rate case in
accordance with G.S. §
g. A calculation of the proposed percent
increase in revenue requirements for Rate Years 2 and 3, if applicable, of the
MYRP calculated as set forth in the Statute.
h. A fully adjusted jurisdictional and class
cost of service study that includes:
i. Total
electric cost of service and rates of return on rate base under present rates
per books, present rates annualized, and proposed rates for each year of a MYRP
ii. Functionalization
and classification of all revenues, rate base, and expenses related to the base
year and each subsequent year of a MYRP;
iii. A unit cost study for the base year and
each subsequent year of a MYRP; and
iv. Jurisdictional and customer class
allocation factors and accompanying workpapers.
i. The electric public utility's financing
plan for the capital spending projects for each year of the MYRP.
j. Projected costs, including AFUDC, if
applicable, and related workpapers associated with the discrete and
identifiable capital spending projects to be placed into service for each Rate
Year of the MYRP, including:
i. The reason for
each capital spending project;
The scope of each capital spending project;
iii. The timing of each capital spending
project, including projected in-service month and year for each capital
spending project;
iv. The
depreciation life of each capital spending project by year;
v. Changes expected in the depreciable life
of each capital spending project for two years after the conclusion of the
MYRP; and
vi. The impacts on (a)
operating expenses (including operations and maintenance, depreciation, and
taxes other than income expenses), and (b) the itemized rate base, related to
the construction, and placement into service, of the capital spending projects
for each Rate Year of the MYRP.
k. Projected operating benefits associated
with the capital spending projects to be placed in service during each Rate
Year of the MYRP, including the methodology, modeling, or other analyses used
to determine the projected operating benefits.
l. A reconciliation, accompanied by detailed
workpapers, of the capital expenditures and expenses associated with the
capital spending projects set forth in response to subsection j. above with the
increases in annual expenses and capital investments set forth in subsections
b. and c. above.
m. A proposed
Earnings Sharing Mechanism that provides for the refund to customers of any
annual revenues collected from the ratepayers associated with
weather-normalized earnings 50 basis points or more above the Commission
authorized rate of return on equity. The proposal must include the following:
i. The projected, weather-normalized earnings
for each Rate Year.
ii. The
electric public utility's weather normalization methodology, along with all
underlying assumptions and calculations.
iii. Proposed revenue requirements for each
Rate Year of the MYRP.
n. Proposed base rates and pro forma revenues
for each of the years that a MYRP is in effect or a method for calculating the
same, accompanied by exhibits that illustrate base rate changes (exclusive of
all riders applicable to the electric public utility's service), and workpapers
similar in form to those provided for the general rate case pursuant to G.S. §
62-133, with exhibits including
the base revenues and associated rates for the NC retail jurisdiction, each
customer class and rate schedule.
o. A proposed allocation of the electric
public utility's total revenue requirement among customer classes for each Rate
Year of the MYRP based upon the Cost Causation Principle, including the use of
minimum system methodology by an electric public utility that allocates
distribution costs between customer classes. Interclass subsidization of
ratepayers should be minimized to the greatest extent practicable by the
conclusion of the MYRP period.
p. A
new depreciation study prepared within 180 days of the filing of the PBR
application. However, an electric public utility serving fewer than 150,000
customers in North Carolina may file a new depreciation study that was prepared
within two years of the PBR application date.
(3) One or more clearly defined PIMs that
include the following:
a. Identification of
the Policy Goal targeted by the PIM;
b. A detailed explanation of how the proposed
PIM supports or advances the Policy Goal;
c. An estimate of the impact to annual and
total revenue requirements (NC retail jurisdiction and customer classes) that
would result from supporting or advancing the Policy Goal;
d. Identifiable and measurable metrics that
will be used to assess compliance, including but not limited to projections of
costs to be incurred, along with information on how the electric public utility
intends to evaluate, measure, and verify compliance or achievement, and the
proposed resources (labor, contractors, materials, etc.) the electric public
utility plans to use to support or advance the Policy Goal; and
e. The penalty to be refunded to or the
reward to be collected from customers for the proposed PIM accompanied by one
or more of the following:
i. An explanation
of how any savings achieved by meeting or exceeding a specific Policy Goal will
be shared with customers.
ii. A
proposal for differentiated authorized rates of return on common equity (or its
equivalent) to encourage utility investments or operational changes to meet a
specific Policy Goal; or
Proposed fixed financial rewards or penalties based on achievement of specific
Policy Goals. To the extent possible, the proposed PIMs should reward the
electric public utility for achieving specific outcomes or penalize the
electric public utility for not achieving specific outcomes.
iv. A detailed explanation of:
a) How the proposed penalty or reward will
minimize any duplication of other rewards or penalties created by other
ratemaking mechanisms authorized by statute or Commission rule; and
b) How the electric public utility will
distinguish the achievements that are rewarded through the incentives earned by
the utility related to its DSM/EE portfolio approved pursuant to Rules R8-68
and 8-69 from those that it proposes to be measured for purposes of any
performance incentive pursuant to §
(4) The electric public
utility may include in its PBR application proposed Tracking Metrics with or
without targets or benchmarks to measure electric public utility