New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Subtitle I - Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
Chapter V - Marine And Recreational Vehicles
Subchapter A - Motorboats
Part 450 - Inspection Of Reports And Records
Section 450.1 - Inspection of records and reports
Attorneys-at-law, insurance companies, banks, Federal, State or municipal agencies and their paid employees acting within the scope of their employment, and other persons having a necessary and specific interest and need in obtaining accident reports or records relating to vessel registrations required to be filed in the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, Bureau of Marine and Recreational Vehicles may, on forms provided for the purpose, request that a search be made and/or photocopies be made of such record or report and released to them. Nothing contained herein shall require the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation to divulge or release information pertaining to reports or records, the disclosure of which might interfere with any investigation or prosecution by any law enforcement agency, district attorney, special commission or grand jury empowered under law to conduct such investigation or prosecution.