A. Central Management and Implementation
Team: The New York Power Authority ("NYPA") shall establish a central
management and implementation team ("CMIT") to administer this Executive Order.
(1) The CMIT is hereby directed and
authorized to:
(a) Take all appropriate
measures to ensure that the Target is met;
(b) Direct Affected State Entities to comply
with the requirements of this Executive Order;
(c) Create guidelines ("Guidelines") within
nine months of the issuance of this Executive Order to assist Affected State
Entities in complying with this Executive Order, and thereafter update such
Guidelines as necessary;
Provide strategic, technical, and other assistance to each Affected State
Entity to support implementation of this Executive Order;
(e) Develop annual milestones for achieving
the Target over the next seven years within 12 months of the issuance of this
Executive Order;
(f) Develop and
implement reporting requirements to document each Affected State Entity's
progress toward meeting the Target;
(g) Develop a comprehensive operations and
maintenance plan for the State's building portfolio to help achieve no cost and
low cost efficiency improvements and ensure that efficiency savings are
sustained; and
(h) Submit an annual
report to the Governor by January 15th of each year, beginning in 2014,
detailing the overall progress Affected State Entities are making toward
meeting the Target. Requirements for the annual report shall be contained in
the Guidelines.
(2) The
Office of General Services and the New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority are hereby directed to provide technical assistance to
the CMIT and each of the Affected State Entities with respect to complying with
and implementing the requirements of this Executive Order and those established
by the CMIT pursuant to this Executive Order.
B. Affected State Entities
In addition to the requirements established above, each of
the Affected State Entities shall comply with the following:
(1) Benchmarking. For each State fiscal year,
each Affected State Entity shall measure the energy use in State-owned and
managed buildings having an area greater than 20,000 square feet. Buildings on
master-metered campuses shall be benchmarked at the campus level until they are
sub-metered at the building level, after which point those buildings shall be
benchmarked at the building level.
(2) Audits. Buildings that receive low
benchmark scores, as defined by the Guidelines, shall undergo an American
Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers ("ASHRAE")
Level II energy audit, or any other comparable audit that the CMIT approves.
Campuses that have above-average EUIs or poor benchmark scores, as defined by
the Guidelines, or are otherwise prioritized by the Affected State Entities and
the CMIT, shall undergo a campus-wide ASHRAE Level II energy audit or any other
comparable audit approved by the CMIT. In addition to energy efficiency
measures, the audits shall identify opportunities for cost-effective on-site
renewable generation and high-efficiency combined heat and power.
(3) Required Capital Projects and Energy
Optimization Measures. Affected State Entities shall implement a cost-effective
portfolio of measures identified and recommended in the audit and shall
complete or make substantial progress toward completion of such measures within
two years of completion of the audit. A portfolio may include, but shall[LM1]
not be limited to, no- and low-cost operational improvements,
retrocommissioning, capital energy efficiency retrofits, on-site renewable and
high-efficiency combined heat and power, and other measures identified by the
(4) Submetering. Affected
State Entities shall work with the CMIT to prioritize sub-metering for all
relevant energy sources of buildings larger than 100,000 square feet on a
master-metered campus to identify ways to finance such sub-metering. All
buildings having an area larger than 100,000 square feet on master-metered
campuses shall be sub-metered for all fuels and other energy sources by
December 31, 2016, to enable individual building benchmarking, unless the
Affected State Entity that owns or operates the building can demonstrate to the
CMIT that it is not cost-effective or feasible to do so.
(5) Incorporating Energy Efficiency Analysis
in the Capital Planning Process. As part of the capital planning process, all
Affected State Entities shall include an energy efficiency analysis in the
design phase of all capital project plans. The capital project should include
energy efficient measures or technologies determined to be the most
cost-effective, as defined by the Guidelines.
(6) Credits. Affected State Entities may
receive credit towards the Target for increasing energy efficiency in leased
space. In addition, Affected State Entities may receive credit towards meeting
the Target for installing on-site renewable generation if the host site for
such renewable generation has deployed all cost-effective energy efficiency
improvements consistent with the goals of this Executive Order. Affected State
Entities shall consult with and apply to the CMIT concerning such
(7) Reporting. No later
than October 1st of each calendar year, each Affected State Entity shall submit
all information requested by the CMIT on all State-owned and managed buildings
having an area over 20,000 square feet, as well as any other information
related to assessing compliance with this Executive Order.
C. Exemptions
Electric usage attributable to vehicle charging shall not
be included in the Target and requirements of this Executive Order. The CMIT is
authorized to provide other exemptions for good cause shown pursuant to
criteria and procedures established in the Guidelines, including exceptions
associated with buildings that have obtained and maintained ENERGY STAR or
similar certification, or have benchmark scores placing such buildings in the
top quartile of comparable buildings for the particular year at issue. Affected
State Entities shall submit requests for annual exemptions to the CMIT. Any
such request for exemptions and resulting determination by the CMIT shall be
included in the annual report.