Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 52, December 24, 2024
Prior written notice (notice of recommendation) and other written
(1) Prior written
notice (notice of recommendation) that meets the requirements of section
200.1(oo) of this
Part must be given to the parents of a student with a disability a reasonable
time before the school district proposes to or refuses to initiate or change
the identification, evaluation, educational placement of the student or the
provision of a free appropriate public education to the student. Prior written
notices issued during the 2011-12 school year, and thereafter, shall be on a
form prescribed by the commissioner.
(2) If the prior written notice relates to an
action proposed by the school district that also requires parental consent
under subdivision (b) of this section, the district must give notice at the
same time it requests parent consent.
(3) The prior written notice must include:
(i) a description of the action proposed or
refused by the district;
(ii) an
explanation of why the district proposes or refuses to take the
(iii) a description of
other options that the CSE considered and the reasons why those options were
(iv) a description of
each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the CSE used as a
basis for the proposed or refused action;
(v) a description of other factors that are
relevant to the CSE's proposal or refusal;
(vi) a statement that the parents of a
student with a disability have protection under the procedural safeguards of
this Part, and, if this notice is not an initial referral for an evaluation,
the means by which a copy of a description of the procedural safeguards can be
obtained; and
(vii) sources for
parents to contact to obtain assistance in understanding the provisions of this
(4) The prior
written notice must be written in language understandable to the general
public, and provided in the native language of the parent or other mode of
communication used by the parent, unless it is clearly not feasible to do so.
If the native language or other mode of communication of the parent is not a
written language, the school district shall take steps to ensure that the
notice is translated orally or by other means to the parent in his or her
native language or other mode of communication; that the parent understands the
content of the notice; and that there is written evidence that the requirements
of this section have been met.
In addition to the requirements of paragraphs (3) and (4) of this subdivision:
(i) Upon receipt of a referral for initial
evaluation or prior to conducting a reevaluation, such prior written notice
shall include a description of the proposed evaluation or reevaluation and the
uses to be made of the information and indicate that the parent may submit
evaluation information which, if submitted, shall be considered by the
committee on special education as part of its evaluation or review.
(ii) Prior to the student's graduation with a
local high school or Regents diploma, such prior written notice must indicate
that the student is not eligible to receive a free appropriate public education
after graduation with the receipt of the local high school or Regents
(iii) Prior to the
student's graduation with an individualized education program (IEP) diploma or,
beginning with the 2013-14 school year, prior to the student's exit with a
skills and achievement commencement credential or a career development and
occupational studies commencement credential as set forth in section
100.6 of this Title, such prior
written notice must indicate that the student continues to be eligible for a
free appropriate public education until the end of the school year in which the
student turns age 21 or until the receipt of a Regents or local high school
(6) Other
required notifications. A parent of a student with a disability shall also be
provided written notification as follows:
If the committee on special education and other qualified professionals, as
appropriate, determine in accordance with section
200.4(b)(5) of
this Part that no additional data are needed to determine whether the student
continues to be a student with a disability and to determine the student's
educational needs, the school district must notify the parents of that
determination and the reasons for the determination and the right of such
parents to request an assessment to determine whether the student continues to
be a student with a disability and to determine the student's education
(ii) Upon a board of
education's disagreement with the recommendation of the committee on special
education pursuant to section
200.4(e)(2) of
this Part, the notice to the parent and to the committee shall set forth in
writing a statement of the board of education's reasons and indicate that the
recommendation will be sent back to the committee, with notice of the need to
schedule a timely meeting to review the board's concerns and to revise the IEP
as deemed appropriate.
(iii) For a
student whom the committee on special education has determined to be at risk of
a future residential placement, information must be provided to the parent on
community support services that may be available to the family, including the
name and address of agencies which can perform an assessment of a family's
community support needs, where such list has been made available to the
(iv) For students
recommended for an approved private school, a copy of the approved private
school's policy on the use of psychotropic medication must be provided to the
student's parents if the school uses psychotropic medication.
(7) A parent of a student with a
disability may elect to receive prior written notice and other required
notifications by an electronic mail (e-mail) communication if the school
district makes this option available.
(1) The school district must make reasonable
efforts to obtain written informed consent of the parent, as such term is
defined in section
200.1(l) of this
Part, and must have a detailed record of its attempts, and the results of those
attempts. Written consent of the parent is required:
(i) prior to conducting an initial evaluation
or reevaluation, except that:
(a) parental
consent is not required before reviewing existing data as part of an evaluation
or a reevaluation or administering a test or other evaluation that is
administered to all students unless, before administration of that test or
evaluation, consent is required of parents of all students;
(b) parental consent need not be obtained for
a reevaluation if the school district can demonstrate that it has made
reasonable efforts to obtain that consent, and the student's parents failed to
(c) in the event the
parent of the student to be evaluated does not grant consent for an initial
evaluation, such parent shall be informed by the committee chairperson that,
upon request, the parent will be given an opportunity to attend an informal
conference with the committee or designated professionals most familiar with
the proposed evaluation, the person who referred the student for such an
evaluation pursuant to section
(iii) and/or (iv) of this Part, and counsel
or an advisor of the parent's choice, at which time the parent shall be
afforded an opportunity to ask questions regarding the proposed evaluation. If
at this meeting the parent and such person initiating the referral agree in
writing that the referral is not warranted, the referral shall be withdrawn.
Except in the case of a preschool child, a student who is home instructed
pursuant to section
100.10 of this Title or a student
placed in a private school by the parents at their own expense, if the parent
does not request or attend such a conference, or continues to withhold consent
for evaluation otherwise required for a period of 30 days after the date of
receipt of a referral, the board of education may pursue the initial evaluation
of the student by utilizing the due process procedures described in this
(ii) prior to
the initial provision of special education to a student who has not previously
been identified as having a disability. Consent for initial evaluation may not
be construed as consent for initial provision of special education services;
(iii) prior to releasing any
personally identifiable information as described in subdivision (e) of this
section, in accordance with sections
200.2(b)(6) and
200.4(h) of this
(2) A school
district may not use a parent's refusal to consent to one service or activity
under paragraph (1) of this subdivision to deny the parent or child any other
services, benefit, or activity of the school district, except for the
conditions under paragraph (1) of this subdivision for which consent is
(3) If the parents of a
student with a disability refuse to give consent for an initial evaluation or
reevaluation or fail to respond to a request to provide consent for an initial
evaluation, the school district may, but is not required to, continue to pursue
those evaluations by using the due process procedures described in subdivisions
(h) through (k) of this section. The school district does not violate its
obligation to locate, identify, and evaluate a student in accordance with
sections 200.2(a) and
200.4(b) and (c)
of this Part if it declines to pursue the evaluation.
(4) If the parent of the student refuses to
consent or fails to respond to a request to provide such consent to the initial
provision of special education programs and services, the school district shall
not provide the special education programs and services to the student and
shall not use the due process procedures described in subdivisions (h) through
(k) of this section to challenge the parent's refusal to consent.
(i) the school district shall not be
considered to be in violation of the requirements to make available a free
appropriate public education to the student because of the failure to provide
such student with the special education program and services for which the
parent refuses to or fails to provide consent; and
(ii) the school district shall not be
required to convene a meeting of the committee on special education or develop
an IEP under section
200.4 of this Part for the
(5) If, at any
time subsequent to the initial provision of special education programs and
services, the parent of a student revokes consent in writing for the continued
provision of special education programs and services, the school district;
(i) shall not continue to provide any special
education programs and services to the student, but must provide prior written
notice in accordance with subdivision (a) of this section before ceasing the
provision of special education programs and services;
(ii) shall not use the due process procedures
described in subdivisions (h) through (k) of this section to obtain agreement
or a ruling that the services may be provided to the student;
(iii) shall not be considered to be in
violation of the requirement to make available a free appropriate public
education to the student because of the failure to provide the student with
further special education programs and services;
(iv) is not required to convene a meeting of
the committee on special education or develop an IEP for the student for
further provision of special education programs and services; and
(v) is not required to amend the student's
education records to remove any references to the student's receipt of special
education programs and services because of the revocation of consent.
(6) Consent for a ward of the
State. If the student is a ward of the State and is not residing with the
student's parent, the school district shall make reasonable efforts to obtain
the informed consent from the parent of the student for an initial evaluation
to determine whether the student is a student with a disability. The school
district is not required to obtain informed consent from the parent of a
student, as defined in section
200.1(ii) of this
Part, for an initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education
services if:
(i) despite reasonable efforts
to do so, the school district cannot discover the whereabouts of the parent of
the student; or
(ii) the rights of
the parents of the student have been terminated in accordance with State law;
(iii) the rights of the parent
to make educational decisions have been subrogated by a judge in accordance
with State law and consent for an initial evaluation has been given by an
individual appointed by the judge to represent the student.
(7) Consent for a student who is
home instructed, pursuant to section
100.10 of this Title, or placed in
a private school by parents at their own expense. If a parent of student who is
home instructed or placed in a private school by their parents at their own
expense does not provide consent for an initial evaluation or reevaluation, or
the parent fails to respond to a request to provide consent, the school
district may not continue to pursue those evaluations by using the due process
procedures described in this section; and the school district is not required
to consider the student as eligible for special education services.
(8) Students with disabilities who are
covered by public benefits or insurance. Students with disabilities who are
covered by public benefits or insurance.
Consent. Prior to accessing a student's or parent's public benefits or
insurance for the first time, after providing notification to the student's
parents consistent with subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph, the school
district must obtain the written consent of the parent, consistent with the
confidentiality requirements of sections 99.30 and 300.622 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (Code of Federal Regulations,
2012 edition, title 34, sections 99.30 and 300.622, Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-0001; 2012 -
available at the Office of Counsel, New York State Education Department, State
Education Building, Room 148, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12234), which
consent must specify the personally identifiable information that may be
disclosed (e.g., records or information about the services
that may be provided to a particular student), the purpose of the disclosure
(e.g., billing for special education services), and the agency
to which the disclosure may be made (e.g., the State's public
benefits or insurance program, such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security
Insurance); and specify that the parent understands and agrees that the public
agency may access the parent's or student's public benefits or insurance to pay
for services under this Part.
Notification. Prior to accessing a student's or parent's public benefits or
insurance for the first time, and annually thereafter, the school district must
provide the student's parents with written notification, consistent with the
requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this section, that includes:
(a) a statement of the parental consent
provisions in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph;
(b) a statement that the parents are not
required to sign up for or enroll in public benefits or insurance programs in
order for their child to receive a free appropriate public education under part
B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act;
(c) a statement that the parents are not
required to incur an out-of-pocket expense, such as the payment of a deductible
or co-pay amount, incurred in filing a claim for services pursuant to this
(d) a statement that the
school district may not use the student's benefits under a public benefits or
insurance program if that use would:
decrease available lifetime coverage or any other insured benefit;
(2) result in the family paying for services
that would otherwise be covered by the public benefits or insurance program and
that are required for the student outside of the time the student is in
(3) increase premiums or
lead to the discontinuation of benefits or insurance; or
(4) risk loss of eligibility for home and
community-based waivers, based on aggregate health-related
(e) a
statement that the parents have the right, pursuant to parts 99 and 300 of
title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, to withdraw their
consent to disclosure of their child's personally identifiable information to
the agency responsible for the administration of the State's public benefits or
insurance program (e.g., Medicaid) at any time; and
(f) a statement that the withdrawal of
consent or refusal to provide consent under parts 99 and 300 of title 34 of the
Code of Federal Regulations to disclose personally
identifiable information to the agency responsible for the administration of
the State's public benefits or insurance program (e.g.,
Medicaid) does not relieve the school district of its responsibility to ensure
that all required services are provided at no cost to the parents.
(9) Students with
disabilities who are covered by private insurance. With regard to services
required to provide a free appropriate public education to an eligible student
under this Part, a school district may access the parents' private insurance
proceeds only if the parents provide consent consistent with section
200.1(l) of this
Part. Each time the school district proposes to access the parents' private
insurance proceeds, the school district must obtain such parental consent, and
inform the parents that their refusal to permit the school district to access
their private insurance does not relieve the school district of its
responsibility to ensure that all required services are provided at no cost to
the parents.
Meeting notice.
(1) Whenever the
committee on special education proposes to conduct a meeting related to the
development or review of a student's IEP, or the provision of a free
appropriate public education to the student, the parent must receive
notification in writing at least five days prior to the meeting. The meeting
notice may be provided to the parent less than five days prior to the meeting
to meet the timelines in accordance with Part 201 of this Title and in
situations in which the parent and the school district agree to a meeting that
will occur within five days. The parent may elect to receive the notice of
meetings by an electronic mail (e-mail) communication if the school district
makes such option available. Meeting notices issued during the 2011-12 school
year, and thereafter, shall be on a form prescribed by the
(2) Such notice
(i) inform the parent(s) of the
purpose, date, time, and location of the meeting and the name and title of
those persons who will be in attendance at the meeting;
(ii) indicate that the parent(s) has the
right to participate as a member of the committee on special education with
respect to the identification, evaluation and educational placement of his or
her child;
(iii) state that the
parent(s) has the right to invite such individuals with knowledge or special
expertise about his or her child, including related service personnel as
appropriate, as determined by the parent(s);
(iv) for meetings of the committee on special
education, inform the parent(s) of his or her right to request, in writing at
least 72 hours before the meeting, the attendance of the school physician
member and an additional parent member of the committee on special education at
any meeting of such committee pursuant to section
(1)(b) of the Education Law and include a
statement, prepared by the State Education Department, explaining the role of
having the additional parent member attend the meeting;
(v) for meetings of the committee on
preschool special education, inform the parent(s) of his or her right to
request, in writing at least 72 hours before the meeting, the attendance of an
additional parent member at any meeting of such committee pursuant to section
(3)(a)(1) of the Education Law and include a
statement, prepared by the State Education Department, explaining the role of
having the additional parent member attend the meeting;
(vi) if the meeting is being conducted by a
subcommittee on special education, inform the parent(s) that, upon receipt of a
written request from the parent, the subcommittee shall refer to the committee
on special education any matter on which the parent(s) disagrees with the
subcommittee's recommendation concerning a modification or change in the
identification, evaluation, educational placement or provision of a free
appropriate public education to the student; and
(vii) if the purpose of the meeting is to
consider postsecondary goals and transition services, the meeting notice must
(a) indicate this purpose;
(b) indicate that the district will invite
the student; and
(c) identify any
other agency that will be invited to send a representative;
(viii) in the case of a child who
was previously served under part C (early intervention services), inform the
parent(s) of his or her right to request an invitation to an initial CPSE
meeting be sent to the early intervention service coordinator or other
representatives of the early intervention system to assist with the smooth
transition of services.
Parent participation in CSE
(1) Each school district
shall take steps to ensure that one or both of the student's parents are
present at each committee on special education meeting or are afforded the
opportunity to participate, including:
notifying the parent(s) of the meeting, consistent with subdivision (c) of this
section prior to the meeting to ensure that he or she will have an opportunity
to attend;
(ii) scheduling the
meeting at a mutually agreed on time and place and in a location that is
physically accessible to the parents; and
(iii) using other methods to ensure parent
participation, including individual or conference telephone calls pursuant to
paragraph (7) of this subdivision.
(2) A meeting does not include informal or
unscheduled conversations involving school personnel and conversations on
issues such as teaching methodology, lesson plans, or coordination of service
provision. A meeting also does not include preparatory activities that school
personnel engage in to develop a proposal or response to a parent proposal that
will be discussed at a later meeting.
(3) A school district may conduct a CSE
meeting without a parent in attendance if the school is unable to convince the
parents that they should attend. In this case, the school must have a detailed
record of its attempts, and the results of those attempts to arrange a mutually
agreed on time and place.
(4) A
decision may be made by the committee on special education without the
involvement of the parents, if the school is unable to obtain the parents'
participation in the decision. In this case, the school must have a record of
its attempt to ensure their involvement.
(5) The school district must take whatever
action is necessary to ensure that the parent understands the proceedings at
the meetings of the committee on special education, including arranging for an
interpreter for parents with deafness or whose native language is other than
(6) The parents of a
student with a disability must be afforded an opportunity to inspect and review
all education records with respect to the identification, evaluation, and
educational placement of the student and the provision of a free appropriate
public education to the student, in accordance with the requirements of
C.F.R. sections 300.613 through
(Code of Federal Regulations, 2009 edition, title 34, sections
300.613 -300.625, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402-0001; 2009 - available at the Office of Counsel, New York
State Education Department, State Education Building, Room 148, 89 Washington
Avenue, Albany, NY 12234).
(7) When
conducting a meeting of the committee on special education, the school district
and the parent may agree to use alternative means of participation, such as
video conferences or conference telephone calls.
Confidentiality of personally
identifiable data.
Personally identifiable means:
(i) the name of the student, the student's
parent, or other family member;
(ii) the address of the student;
(iii) a personal identifier, such as the
student's social security number or student number; or
(iv) a list of personal characteristics or
other information that would make it possible to identify the student with
reasonable certainty.
Each public school, public agency, approved private school, and impartial
hearing officer subject to the provisions of this Part shall preserve the
confidentiality of personally identifiable data, information or records
pertaining to students with disabilities. Such confidentiality must be
preserved in a manner consistent with the procedures adopted pursuant to
section 200.2(b)(6) of
this Part and/or in accordance with
USC 1232(g) and the
provisions of part 99 of title 34 of the Code of Federal
Regulations or its successor and sections 300.610 through 300.625.
(United States Code, 2006 edition, volume 12, 2008;
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Stop SSOP,
Washington, DC 20402-9328: 2004; Code of Federal Regulations,
2009 edition, title 34, part 99, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Stop SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001; Code of Federal
Regulations, 2009 edition, title 34, sections 300.610 -300.625,
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
20402-0001; 2009 - available at the Office of Counsel, New York State Education
Department, State Education Building, Room 148, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany,
NY 12234).
Procedural safeguards notice.
(1) A school district must use the procedural
safeguards notice prescribed by the Commissioner of Education.
(2) The school district must ensure that the
procedural safeguards notice is provided in the native language of the parent
or other mode of communication used by the parent, unless it is clearly not
feasible to do so. If the native language or other mode of communication of the
parent is not a written language, the school district shall take steps to
ensure that the notice is translated orally or by other means to the parent in
his or her native language or other mode of communication; that the parent
understands the content of the notice; and that there is written evidence that
the requirements of this section have been met.
(3) A copy of such notice must be given to
the parents of a student with a disability, at a minimum one time per year and
(i) upon initial referral or parental
request for evaluation;
(ii) upon
the first filing of a due process complaint notice to request mediation or an
impartial hearing as described in subdivisions (h) and (j) of this
(iii) upon request by a
(iv) upon a decision to
impose a suspension or removal that constitutes a disciplinary change in
placement pursuant to section
201.2(e) of this
Title; and
(v) upon first receipt
of a State complaint pursuant to subdivision (l) of this
(4) A school
district may place a current copy of the procedural safeguards notice on its
Internet website if such website exists.
(5) A parent of a student with a disability
may elect to receive the procedural safeguards notice by an electronic mail
(e-mail) communication if the school district makes such option
Independent educational evaluations.
(1) Requests by parents. If the parent
disagrees with an evaluation obtained by the school district, the parent has a
right to obtain an independent educational evaluation at public expense. A
parent is entitled to only one independent educational evaluation at public
expense each time the school district conducts an evaluation with which the
parent disagrees.
(i) If requested by the
parent, the school district shall provide to parents, information about where
an independent educational evaluation may be obtained, and the school
district's criteria applicable for independent educational evaluations, as
described in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph.
(ii) The criteria under which the evaluation
is obtained, including the location of the evaluation and the qualifications of
the examiner, shall be the same as the criteria which the school district uses
when it initiates an evaluation, to the extent those criteria are consistent
with the parent's right to an independent educational evaluation. A school
district may not impose additional conditions or timelines related to obtaining
an independent educational evaluation at public expense.
(iii) If a parent requests an independent
educational evaluation at public expense, the school district may ask for the
parent's reason why he or she objects to the public evaluation.
(a) The explanation by the parent in
subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph may not be required and the school
district may not unreasonably delay either providing the independent
educational evaluation at public expense or filing a due process complaint
notice to request a hearing to defend the public evaluation.
(iv) If a parent requests an
independent educational evaluation at public expense, the school district must,
without unnecessary delay, either ensure an independent educational evaluation
is provided at public expense or file a due process complaint notice to request
a hearing to show that its evaluation is appropriate or that the evaluation
obtained by the parent does not meet the school district criteria.
(v) If the school district files a due
process complaint notice to request an impartial hearing and the final decision
is that the school district's evaluation is appropriate, or that the evaluation
obtained by the parent did not meet school district criteria, the parent has
the right to an independent educational evaluation, but not at public
(vi) If the parent obtains
an independent educational evaluation at public expense or shares with the
school district an evaluation obtained at private expense, the results of the
(a) must be considered by the
school district, if it meets the school district's criteria, in any decisions
made with respect to the provision of a free appropriate public education for
the student; and
(b) may be
presented by any party as evidence at an impartial hearing for that
Requests for evaluations by hearing officers. If a hearing officer requests an
independent educational evaluation as part of a hearing, the cost of the
evaluation must be at public expense.
(1) Each school district must ensure that
procedures are established and implemented to allow parties to resolve disputes
involving any matter for which an impartial due process hearing may be brought
through a mediation process, including matters arising prior to the filing of a
due process complaint notice. Such procedures must ensure that:
(i) the mediation process is voluntary on the
part of the parties;
(ii) the
mediation process is not used to deny or delay a parent's right to a hearing on
the parent's due process complaint or to deny any other rights afforded under
this Part;
(iii) the mediation
session is conducted by a qualified and impartial mediator, as defined in
section 200.1(dd) of this
Part, who is trained in effective mediation techniques, is knowledgeable in
laws and regulations relating to the provision of special education services
and who is selected by the community dispute resolution center on a random,
i.e., rotation basis or, if not selected on a random basis,
then by mutual agreement of both parties. An individual who serves as a
mediator may not be the employee of any school district of State agency that is
involved in the education or care of the student and must not have a personal
or professional interest that conflicts with the individual's
(iv) each session in
the mediation process is scheduled in a timely manner and is held in a location
that is convenient to the parties to the dispute;
(v) discussions that occur during the
mediation process must be confidential and may not be used as evidence in any
subsequent due process hearings or civil proceedings; and
(vi) in the case that a resolution is reached
to resolve the complaint through the mediation process, the parties shall
execute a legally binding written agreement that sets forth the resolution and
that states that all discussions that occurred during the mediation process
shall remain confidential and may not be used as evidence in any subsequent due
process hearing or civil proceeding of any Federal or State court. The
agreement shall be signed by both the parent and a representative of the school
district who has the authority to bind the school district. The written, signed
agreement is enforceable in any State court of competent jurisdiction or in a
district court of the United States.
(2) Opportunity to meet with a disinterested
party. A school district may establish procedures that provide parents and
schools who elect not to use the mediation process the opportunity to meet, at
a time and location convenient to the parents, with a disinterested party who
is from a community dispute resolution center who would explain the benefits of
the mediation process, and encourage the parents to use the process; except
that, a school district may not deny or delay a parent's right to a due process
hearing under this section if the parent elects not to participate in this
(3) If the written
agreement reached by the parties in mediation is inconsistent with the
student's IEP then the student's IEP must be immediately amended to be
consistent with the mediation agreement.
(4) Mediation, including meetings with the
parent(s) described in paragraph (2) of this subdivision, shall be provided by
community dispute resolution centers through a contract with the State
Education Department.
(5) When
conducting meetings and carrying out administrative matters under this
subdivision, the parent and the school district may agree to use alternative
means of meeting participation, such as video conferences and conference
process complaint notification requirements.
(1) A parent or school district may file a
due process complaint with respect to any matter relating to the
identification, evaluation or educational placement of a student with a
disability, or a student suspected of having a disability, or the provision of
a free appropriate public education to such student. The party presenting the
complaint, or the attorney representing such party, shall provide a written due
process complaint notice to the party, which shall include:
(i) the name of the student;
(ii) the address of the residence of the
student or in the case of a homeless student as defined in section
200.1(hhh) of this
Part, available contact information for the student and the name of the school
the student is attending;
(iii) the
name of the school the student is attending;
(iv) a description of the nature of the
problem of the student relating to such proposed or refused initiation or
change, including facts relating to such problem; and
(v) a proposed resolution of the problem to
the extent known and available to the party at the time.
(2) A party may not have an impartial due
process hearing until the party, or the attorney representing the party, files
a due process complaint notice that meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of
this subdivision.
(3) The due
process complaint notice shall be deemed to be sufficient unless the party
receiving the notice notifies the impartial hearing officer, appointed in
accordance with the rotational selection process in section
200.2(e)(1) of
this Part and the requirements in subparagraphs (j)(3)(i) and (ii) of this
section, and the other party in writing, within 15 days of the receipt of the
due process complaint notice, that the receiving party believes the notice has
not met the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subdivision. No party may
challenge the sufficiency of a due process complaint using this procedure for
expedited impartial hearings conducted pursuant to section
201.11 of this Title.
(4) School district response to the parent.
School district response to the parent.
If the school district has not sent a prior written notice pursuant to
subdivision (a) of this section to the parent regarding the subject matter in
the parent's due process complaint notice, such school district shall, within
10 days of receiving the complaint, send to the parent a response that shall
(a) an explanation of why the school
district proposed or refused to take the action raised in the
(b) a description of
other options that the committee on special education considered and the
reasons why those options were rejected;
(c) a description of each evaluation
procedure, assessment, record or report the school district used as a basis for
the proposed or refused action; and
(d) a description of the factors that are
relevant to the school district's proposal or refusal.
(ii) A response filed by the school district
pursuant to this paragraph shall not be construed to preclude such school
district from asserting that the parent's due process complaint notice was
insufficient where appropriate.
(5) Other party response. Other party
(i) Except as provided in paragraph
(4) of this subdivision, the noncomplaining party shall, within 10 days of
receiving the due process complaint notice, send to the complaining party a
response that specifically addresses the issues raised in the notice.
(6) Allegation of insufficient due
process complaint notice. Allegation of insufficient due process complaint
(i) Timing. If the party receiving
the due process complaint notice believes the notice has not met the
requirements of paragraph (1) of this subdivision, it shall notify the
impartial hearing officer and the other party in writing within 15 days of
receiving the due process complaint notice.
(ii) Determination. Within five days of the
receipt of the notice of insufficiency, the impartial hearing officer shall
make a determination on the face of the notice of whether the notification
meets the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subdivision and shall
immediately notify the parties in writing of such determination.
(7) Amended due process complaint
notice. Amended due process complaint notice.
(i) A party may amend its due process
complaint notice only if:
(a) the other party
consents in writing to such amendment and is given the opportunity to resolve
the complaint through a meeting held pursuant to paragraph (j)(2) of this
section; or
(b) the impartial
hearing officer grants permission, except that the impartial hearing officer
may only grant such permission at any time not later than five days before an
impartial due process hearing commences.
(ii) The applicable timelines for an
impartial due process hearing, including the timelines for the resolution
process shall recommence at the time the party files an amended due process
complaint notice.
Impartial due process
(1) A parent or a school
district must submit a complete due process complaint notice pursuant to
subdivision (i) of this section prior to initiation of an impartial due process
hearing on matters relating to the identification, evaluation or educational
placement of a student with a disability, or the provision of a free
appropriate public education to the child.
(i) Timeline for requesting an impartial
hearing. The request for an impartial due process hearing must be submitted
within two-years of the date the parent or agency knew or should have known
about the alleged action that forms the basis of the complaint, except that the
two-year timeline shall not apply to a parent if the parent was prevented from
requesting the impartial hearing due to specific misrepresentations by the
school district that it had resolved the problem forming the basis of the
complaint or the school district's withholding of information from the parent
that was required to be provided to the parent under this Part or under Part
201 of this Title.
(ii) Subject
matter of the impartial due process hearing. The party requesting the impartial
due process hearing shall not be allowed to raise issues at the impartial due
process hearing that were not raised in the notice filed under subdivision (i)
of this section, unless the other party agrees otherwise.
(iii) The school district shall inform the
parent in writing of the availability of mediation and of any free or low-cost
legal and other relevant services, such as parent centers, available in the
(a) when an impartial due process
hearing is requested; or
(b) at the
parent's request.
(2) Resolution process. Resolution process.
(i) Resolution meeting. Prior to the
opportunity for an impartial due process hearing under paragraph (1) of this
subdivision, the school district shall, within 15 days of receiving the due
process complaint notice from the parent, convene a meeting with the parents
and the relevant member or members of the committee on special education, as
determined by the school district and the parent, who have specific knowledge
of the facts identified in the complaint, which shall include a representative
of the school district who has decision-making authority on behalf of the
school district and may not include an attorney of the school district unless
the parent is accompanied by an attorney, where the parents of the student
discuss their complaint and the facts that form the basis of the complaint, and
the school district has the opportunity to resolve the complaint. The school
district shall take steps to ensure that one or both of the parents of the
student with a disability are present at the resolution meeting, including
notifying parents of the meeting early enough to ensure that they will have the
opportunity to attend and scheduling the resolution meeting at a mutually
agreed on time and place and in a location that is physically accessible to the
(ii) When conducting
meetings and carrying out administrative matters (such as scheduling) under
this paragraph, the parent and the school district may agree to use alternative
means of meeting participation, such as video conferences and conference
(iii) Waiver of resolution
process. The parent and the school district may agree, in writing, to waive the
resolution process or agree to use the mediation process described in
subdivision (h) of this section to resolve the dispute.
(iv) Written settlement agreement. If, during
the resolution process, the parent and school district reach an agreement to
resolve the complaint, the parties shall execute a legally binding agreement
that is signed by both the parent and a representative of the school district
who has the authority to bind the school district. Such agreement shall be
enforceable in any State court of competent jurisdiction or in a district court
of the United States. A party may void such agreement within three business
days of the agreement's execution.
(v) Resolution period. If the school district
has not resolved the due process complaint to the satisfaction of the parents
within 30 days of the receipt of the due process complaint notice, the
impartial due process hearing may occur consistent with the time period
provided in subparagraph (3)(iii) of this subdivision.
(vi) Failure to convene or participate.
Except where the parties have jointly agreed to waive the resolution process or
use mediation, the failure of a parent filing a due process complaint to
participate in the resolution meeting will delay the timeline for the
resolution process and due process hearing until the meeting is held.
(a) If the school district is unable to
obtain the participation of the parent in the resolution meeting after
reasonable efforts have been made (and documented), the school district may, at
the conclusion of the 30-day period, request that an impartial hearing officer
dismiss the parents' due process complaint.
(b) If the school district fails to hold the
resolution meeting within 15 days of receipt of the parents' due process
complaint or fails to participate in the resolution meeting, the parent may
seek the intervention of the impartial hearing officer to begin the due process
hearing timeline.
(3) Initiation of an impartial due process
hearing. Upon receipt of the parent's due process complaint notice, or the
filing of the school district's due process complaint notice, the board of
education shall arrange for an impartial due process hearing to be conducted in
accordance with the following rules:
Except as provided in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph and paragraph (6) of
this subdivision, appointment from the impartial hearing officer list must be
made in accordance with the rotational selection process established in section
200.2(e)(1) of
this Part and the administrative procedures established by the board of
education pursuant to section
200.2(b)(8) of
this Part.
(1) The rotational selection process must be
initiated immediately, but not later than two business days after receipt by
the school district of the due process complaint notice or mailing of the due
process complaint notice to the parent.
(2) Notwithstanding subclause (1) of this
clause, pursuant to Education Law § 4404(1-a), if an impartial hearing
officer is not appointed within 196 days from receipt by the district of a due
process complaint filed by the parent regarding the evaluation, educational
placement, provision of a free appropriate public education to the student or
in accordance with Education Law § 3602-c, an opportunity to seek
accelerated relief pursuant to subdivision (o) of this section shall be
provided. Temporary appointment of an impartial hearing officer to determine
the student's placement during the pendency of a proceeding brought pursuant to
this Part, consolidation of cases, or provision of an independent educational
evaluation, or when a refiled case is assigned pursuant to subparagraph (iv) of
paragraph (6) of this subdivision and subsequently placed back on the list of
due process complaint notices awaiting appointment of an impartial hearing
officer shall not constitute appointment of an impartial hearing officer for
the purposes of the paragraph above.
(b) The impartial hearing officer may not
accept appointment unless he or she is available to make a determination of
sufficiency of a due process complaint notice within five days of receiving
such a request and to initiate the hearing within the first 14 days of the time
period specified in clause (iii)(a) or (b) of
this paragraph.
(c) The impartial
hearing officer shall not accept appointment if the impartial hearing officer
has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party or a party's lawyer, has
personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in the case, has previously
acted as an attorney for one of the parties to the matter in controversy, is
likely to be a material witness in the matter in controversy, or has a personal
or fiduciary interest in the matter. Additionally, an individual may not serve
as an impartial hearing officer if he or she is simultaneously employed by:
(1) a school district; or
(2) a school or program serving students with
disabilities placed by a school district committee on special education, nor
may an individual employed by a school or program serving students with
disabilities placed by a school district committee on special education serve
as an impartial hearing officer for two years following the termination of such
(ii) The board of education or trustees shall
immediately appoint an impartial hearing officer to conduct the hearing. A
board of education may designate one or more of its members to appoint the
impartial hearing officer.
(a) Consolidation
and multiple due process hearing requests. For a subsequent due process
complaint notice filed while a due process complaint is pending before an
impartial hearing officer involving the same parties and student with a
(1) once appointed to a case in
accordance with the rotational selection process established in section
200.2(e)(1) of
this Part, the impartial hearing officer with the pending due process complaint
shall be appointed to a subsequent due process complaint involving the same
parties and student with a disability, unless that impartial hearing officer is
(2) the impartial
hearing officer may consolidate the new complaint with the pending complaint or
provide that the new complaint proceed separately as an individual complaint
before the same impartial hearing officer;
(3) consolidation of such complaints or the
denial of such consolidation shall be by written order;
(4) when considering whether to consolidate
one or more separate requests for due process, in the interests of judicial
economy and the interests of the student, the impartial hearing officer shall
consider relevant factors that include, but are not limited to:
(i) the potential negative effects on the
child's educational interests or well-being which may result from the
(ii) any adverse
financial or other detrimental consequence which may result from the
consolidation of the due process complaints; and
(iii) whether consolidation would:
(A) impede a party's right to participate in
the resolution process prescribed in paragraph (2) of this
(B) prevent a party
from receiving a reasonable opportunity to present its case in accordance with
subparagraph (xiii) of this paragraph; or
(C) prevent the impartial hearing officer
from timely rendering a decision pursuant to paragraph (5) of this
(5) If the due process complaints are
consolidated, the timeline for issuance of a decision in the earliest pending
due process complaint shall apply.
(6) Nothing in this section shall be
construed to preclude a parent from filing a due process complaint on an issue
separate from a due process complaint already filed.
(iii) Timeline for commencing the
hearing or pre-hearing conference. Unless an extension is granted pursuant to
subparagraph (5)(i) of this subdivision:
when a school district files a due process complaint notice, the hearing or
pre-hearing conference shall commence within the first 14 days after the date
upon which the impartial hearing officer is appointed;
(b) when a parent files a due process
complaint notice, the hearing or a pre-hearing conference shall commence within
the first 14 days after:
(1) the date upon
which the impartial hearing officer receives the parties' written waiver of the
resolution meetings; or
(2) the
impartial hearing officer receives the parties' written confirmation that a
mediation or resolution meeting was held but no agreement could be reached;
(3) the expiration of the 30-day
resolution period, whichever shall occur first, unless:
(4) the parties agree in writing to continue
mediation at the end of the 30-day resolution period, in which case, the
hearing or pre-hearing conference shall commence within the first 14 days after
the impartial hearing officer is notified in writing that either party withdrew
from mediation.
(iv) The impartial hearing officer shall be
authorized to administer oaths and to issue subpoenas in connection with the
administrative proceedings before him/her.
(v) A written or, at the option of the
parents, electronic verbatim record of the proceedings before the impartial
hearing officer shall be maintained and made available to the
(vi) At all stages of the
proceeding, where required, interpreters of the deaf, or interpreters fluent in
the native language of the student's parent, shall be provided at district
(vii) The parties to the
proceeding may be accompanied and advised by legal counsel and by individuals
with special knowledge or training with respect to the problems of students
with disabilities. At all stages of the proceeding, the impartial hearing
officer may assist an unrepresented party by providing information relating
only to the hearing process. Nothing contained in this subparagraph shall be
construed to impair or limit the authority of an impartial hearing officer to
ask questions of counsel or witnesses for the purpose of clarification or
completeness of the record.
In the event the impartial hearing officer requests an independent educational
evaluation as part of a hearing, the cost of the evaluation must be at public
(ix) In the event the
impartial hearing officer determines that the interests of the parent are
opposed to or are inconsistent with those of the student, or that for any other
reason the interests of the student would best be protected by appointment of a
guardian ad litem, the impartial hearing officer shall appoint
a guardian ad litem to protect the interests of such student,
unless a surrogate parent shall have previously been assigned. The impartial
hearing officer shall ensure that the procedural due process rights afforded to
the student's parent pursuant to this section are preserved throughout the
hearing whenever a guardian ad litem is appointed.
(x) The hearing shall be conducted at a time
and place which is reasonably convenient to the parent and student involved and
shall be closed to the public unless the parent requests an open
(xi) A prehearing
conference with the parties may be scheduled. Such conference may be conducted
by telephone. A transcript or a written summary of the prehearing conference
shall be entered into the record by the impartial hearing officer. A prehearing
conference is for the purposes of:
simplifying or clarifying the issues;
(b) establishing date(s) for the completion
of the hearing;
(c) identifying
evidence to be entered into the record;
(d) identifying witnesses expected to provide
testimony; and/or
(e) addressing
other administrative matters as the impartial hearing officer deems necessary
to complete a timely hearing.
(xii) The parents, school authorities, and
their respective counsel or representative, shall have an opportunity to
present evidence, compel the attendance of witnesses and to confront and
question all witnesses at the hearing. Each party shall have the right to
prohibit the introduction of any evidence the substance of which has not been
disclosed to such party at least five business days before the hearing.
(a) Additional disclosure of information. Not
less than five business days prior to a hearing, each party shall disclose to
all other parties all evaluations completed by that date and recommendations
based on the offering party's evaluations that the party intends to use at the
hearing. An impartial hearing officer may bar any party that fails to comply
with this requirement from introducing the relevant evaluation or
recommendation at the hearing without the consent of the other party.
(b) The impartial hearing officer, wherever
practicable, shall enter into the record a stipulation of facts and/or joint
exhibits agreed to by the parties.
(c) The impartial hearing officer may receive
any oral, documentary or tangible evidence except that the impartial hearing
officer shall exclude evidence that he or she determines to be irrelevant,
immaterial, unreliable or unduly repetitious. The impartial hearing officer may
receive testimony by telephone or video conference, provided that such
testimony shall be made under oath and shall be subject to cross
(d) The impartial
hearing officer may limit examination of a witness by either party whose
testimony the impartial hearing officer determines to be irrelevant, immaterial
or unduly repetitious.
(e) The
impartial hearing officer may limit the number of additional witnesses to avoid
unduly repetitious testimony.
The impartial hearing officer may take direct testimony by affidavit in lieu of
in- hearing testimony, provided that the witness giving such testimony shall be
made available for cross examination.
(g) The impartial hearing officer may receive
memoranda of law from the parties not to exceed 30 pages in length, with typed
material in minimum 12-point type (footnotes minimum 10-point type) and not
exceeding 61/2 by 91/2 inches on each page.
(h) The impartial hearing officer may conduct
the impartial hearing by video conference with consent of the parties, which
may be obtained at the pre-hearing conference, or at a minimum of 10 days
before the scheduled hearing date, provided that all personally identifiable
data, information or records pertaining to students with disabilities during
such hearing shall be subject to the requirements of section
200.5(e)(2) of
this Part.
(xiii) Each
party shall have up to one day to present its case unless the impartial hearing
officer determines that additional time is necessary for a full, fair
disclosure of the facts required to arrive at a decision. Additional hearing
days, if required, shall be scheduled on consecutive days wherever
(xiv) The parents
shall have the right to determine whether the student shall attend the
(xv) If, by mutual
agreement of the parties, the impartial hearing officer is deemed incapacitated
or otherwise unavailable or unwilling to continue the hearing or issue the
decision, the board of education shall rescind the appointment of the impartial
hearing officer and appoint a new impartial hearing officer in accordance with
the procedures as set forth in this subdivision.
(xvi) Commencing July 1, 2002, each board of
education shall report information relating to the impartial hearing process,
including but not limited to the request for, initiation and completion of each
impartial hearing, to the Office of Special Education of the State Education
Department in a format and at an interval prescribed by the
(xvii) When carrying
out administrative matters relating to an impartial due process hearing, such
as scheduling, exchange of witness lists and status conferences, the parent and
the school district may agree to use alternative means of meeting
participation, such as video conferences and conference calls.
(4) Decision of the impartial
hearing officer. Decision of the impartial hearing officer.
(i) In general. Subject to subparagraph (ii)
of this paragraph, a decision made by an impartial hearing officer shall be
made on substantive grounds based on a determination of whether the student
received a free appropriate public education.
(ii) Procedural issues. In matters alleging a
procedural violation, an impartial hearing officer may find that a student did
not receive a free appropriate public education only if the procedural
inadequacies impeded the student's right to a free appropriate public
education, significantly impeded the parent's opportunity to participate in the
decision-making process regarding the provision of a free appropriate public
education to the parent's child, or caused a deprivation of educational
benefits. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to preclude an impartial
hearing officer from ordering a school district to comply with procedural
requirements under this Part and Part 201 of this Title.
(iii) Settlement agreements. An impartial
hearing officer shall not issue a so-ordered decision on the terms of a
settlement agreement reached by the parties in other matters not before the
impartial hearing officer in the due process complaint or amended due process
complaint. Nothing in this subdivision shall preclude a party from seeking to
admit a settlement agreement or administrative decision into
(5) Timeline to
render a decision. Except as provided in section
200.16(h)(9) of
this Part and section
201.11 of this Title, if a school
district files the due process complaint, the impartial hearing officer shall
render a decision and mail a copy of the written, or at the option of the
parents, electronic findings of fact and the decision to the parents and to the
board of education not later than 45 days from the day after the public
agency's due process complaint is received by the other party and the State
Education Department. Except as provided in section
200.16(h)(9) of
this Part and section
201.11 of this Title, if the parent
files the due process complaint notice, the decision is due not later than 45
days from the day after one of the following events, whichever shall occur
(a) both parties agree in writing to
waive the resolution meeting;
after either the mediation or resolution meeting starts but before the end of
the 30-day period, the parties agree in writing that no agreement is
(c) if both parties agree
in writing to continue the mediation at the end of the 30-day resolution
period, but later, the parent or public agency withdraws from the mediation
process; or
(d) the expiration of
the 30-day resolution period. In cases where extensions of time have been
granted beyond the applicable required timelines, the decision must be rendered
and mailed no later than 14 days from the date the impartial hearing officer
closes the record. The date the record is closed shall be indicated in the
decision. Whether the parent or school district filed the due process
complaint, the impartial hearing officer shall render a decision in a format
consistent with State Education Department guidelines wherein all personally
identifiable data, information or records pertaining to students with
disabilities shall be subject to the requirements of section
200.5(e)(2) of
this Part. After a final decision has been rendered, the impartial hearing
officer shall promptly transmit the record to the school district together with
a certification of the materials included in the record. The record of the
hearing and the findings of fact and the decision shall be provided at no cost
to the parents. Within 15 days of mailing the decision to the parties, the
impartial hearing officer shall submit the decision to the Office of Special
Education of the State Education Department. All personally identifiable
information, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the commissioner,
shall be deleted from the copy forwarded to the Office of Special Education.
(i) An impartial hearing officer may grant
specific extensions of time beyond the periods set out in this paragraph, in
subparagraph (3)(iii) of this subdivision, or in section
200.16(h)(9) of
this Part at the request of either the school district or the parent. The
impartial hearing officer shall not solicit extension requests or grant
extensions on his or her own behalf or unilaterally issue extensions for any
reason. Each extension shall be for no more than 30 days; except that due to
the COVID-19 crisis, an extension may be granted beyond 30 days but no more
than 60 days. Not more than one extension at a time may be granted. The reason
for each extension must be documented in the hearing record.
(ii) The impartial hearing officer may grant
a request for an extension only after fully considering the cumulative impact
of the following factors:
(a) whether the
delay in the hearing will positively contribute to, or adversely affect, the
child's educational interest or well-being;
(b) whether a party has been afforded a fair
opportunity to present its case at the hearing in accordance with the
requirements of due process;
any adverse financial or other detrimental consequences likely to be suffered
by a party in the event of delay;
(d) whether there has already been a delay in
the proceeding through the actions of one of the parties.
(iii) Absent a compelling reason or a
specific showing of substantial hardship, a request for an extension shall not
be granted because of school vacations, a lack of availability resulting from
the parties' and/or representatives' scheduling conflicts, avoidable witness
scheduling conflicts or other similar reasons. Upon a finding of good cause
based on the likelihood that a settlement may be reached, an extension may be
granted for settlement discussions between the parties. The impartial hearing
officer shall not rely on the agreement of the parties as a basis for granting
an extension. No extension shall be granted after the record close
(iv) The impartial hearing
officer shall promptly respond in writing to each request for an extension and
shall set forth the facts relied upon for each extension granted. The response
shall become part of the record. The impartial hearing officer may render an
oral decision to an oral request for an extension if the discussions are
conducted on the record, but shall subsequently provide that decision in
writing and include it as part of the record. For each extension granted, the
impartial hearing officer shall set a new date for rendering his or her
decision, notify the parties in writing of such date, and as required, revise
the schedule of remaining hearing dates set forth in the written prehearing
order issued pursuant to clause (3)(xi)(b) of this subdivision
to ensure that the impartial hearing officer's decision is issued by the
revised decision due date.
(v) The
impartial hearing officer shall determine when the record is closed and notify
the parties of the date the record is closed. The decision of the impartial
hearing officer shall be based solely upon the record of the proceeding before
the impartial hearing officer, and shall set forth the reasons and the factual
basis for the determination. The decision shall reference the hearing record to
support the findings of fact. The impartial hearing officer shall attach to the
decision a list identifying each exhibit admitted into evidence. Such list
shall identify each exhibit by date, number of pages and exhibit number or
letter. In addition, the decision shall include an identification of all other
items the impartial hearing officer has entered into the record. The decision
shall also include a statement advising the parents and the board of education
of the right of any party involved in the hearing to obtain a review of such a
decision by the State review officer in accordance with subdivision (k) of this
section. The decision of the impartial hearing officer shall be binding upon
both parties unless appealed to the State review officer. Impartial hearing
officers must sign and date their decisions as of the date the decision is
being distributed and shall distribute the decision to the parties on that same
day. This date shall also constitute the case closure date reported by a
district to the Office of Special Education in the New York State Education
(vi) For purposes of
this section, the record shall include copies of:
(a) the due process complaint notice and any
response to the complaint pursuant to paragraphs (i)(4) and (5) of this
(b) all briefs, arguments
or written requests for an order filed by the parties for consideration by the
impartial hearing officer;
(c) all
written orders, rulings or decisions issued in the case including an order
granting or denying a party's request for an order and an order granting or
denying an extension of the time in which to issue a final decision in the
(d) any subpoenas issued by
the impartial hearing officer in the case;
(e) all written and electronic transcripts of
the hearing;
(f) any and all
exhibits admitted into evidence at the hearing, including documentary,
photographic, audio, video, and physical exhibits;
(g) any other documentation deemed relevant
and material by the impartial hearing officer; and
(h) any other documentation as may be
otherwise required by this section.
(6) Withdrawal of a due process complaint. A
due process complaint may be withdrawn by the party requesting a hearing as
(i) Prior to the commencement of the
hearing, a voluntary withdrawal by the party requesting the hearing shall be
without prejudice unless the parties otherwise agree. For purposes of this
paragraph, the commencement of the hearing shall not mean the initial
prehearing conference if one is conducted, but shall mean the first date the
hearing is held after such conference.
(ii) Except for withdrawals in accordance
with subparagraph (i) of this paragraph, a party seeking to withdraw a due
process complaint shall immediately notify the impartial hearing officer and
the other party. The impartial hearing officer shall issue an order of
termination. A withdrawal shall be presumed to be without prejudice except that
the impartial hearing officer may, at the request of the other party and upon
notice and an opportunity for the parties to be heard, issue a written decision
that the withdrawal shall be with prejudice. The decision of an impartial
hearing officer that a withdrawal shall be with or without prejudice is binding
upon the parties unless appealed to the State review officer.
(iii) The withdrawal of a due process
complaint does not alter the timeline pursuant to subparagraph (1)(i) of this
subdivision for requesting an impartial hearing.
(iv) If the party subsequently files a due
process complaint within one year of the withdrawal of a complaint that is
based on or includes the same or substantially similar claims as made in a
prior due process complaint that was previously withdrawn by the party, the
school district shall appoint the same impartial hearing officer appointed to
the prior complaint unless that impartial hearing officer is no longer
available to hear the re-filed due process complaint.
(v) Nothing in this section shall preclude an
impartial hearing officer, in his or her discretion, from issuing a decision in
the form of a consent order that resolves matters in dispute in the
Appeal to a State review officer of the State Education
(1) Any party aggrieved by
the findings of fact and the decisions of an impartial hearing officer rendered
in accordance with subdivision (j) of this section may appeal to a State review
officer of the State Education Department. Such a review shall be initiated and
conducted in accordance with the provisions of Part 279 of this
(2) The State review officer
must ensure that, not later than 30 days after the receipt of a request for a
review, a final decision is reached and a copy of the written decision, or at
the option of the parents, electronic findings of fact and the decisions, is
mailed to each of the parties, except that a State review officer may grant
specific extensions of time beyond the periods set out in this paragraph at the
request of either party. The reason for the extension must be documented in the
(3) The written decision of
the State review officer shall be final, provided that either party may seek
judicial review by means of a proceeding pursuant to article 4 of the Civil
Practice Law and Rules or
20 U.S.C. section
State complaint procedures.
(1) Filing a complaint.
(i) An organization or individual, including
those from another state, may file a signed written complaint under the
procedures described in this paragraph:
(ii) The complaint must include:
(a) a statement that the school district or
the State Education Department has violated a Federal or State law or
regulation relating to the education of students with disabilities;
(b) the facts upon which the
statement is based.
(c) the
signature and contact information for the complainant; and
(d) if alleging violations with respect to a
specific student:
(1) the name and address of
the residence of the student;
the name of the school the student is attending;
(3) in the case of a homeless child or youth
as defined in section
200.1(hhh) of this
Part, available contact information for the student, and the name of the school
the student is attending;
(4) a
description of the nature of the problem of the student, including facts
relating to the problems; and
(5) a
proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the
party at the time the complaint is filed.
(iii) Limitation of time for filing a
(a) The complaint must allege a
violation that occurred not more than one year prior to the date that the State
complaint is received.
(iv) The original signed complaint shall be
filed with the Office of Special Education, New York State Education
Department, State Education Building, Room 307, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany,
NY 12234.
(v) The party filing the
State complaint must forward a copy of the State complaint to the school
district or public agency serving the student at the same time the party files
the State complaint with the State Education Department.
(vi) The school district, or public agency
when appropriate, must provide a procedural safeguards notice to the parent
filing the State complaint upon receipt of the parent's first State complaint
in a school year.
Complaint process. Upon receipt of a complaint the State Education Department:
(i) shall provide complainant written notice
of receipt of the complaint and the complainant's right to submit additional
information, either orally or in writing, regarding the allegations in the
(ii) may require a
school district or other public agency to submit a written reply to the
complaint which could include, at the discretion of the school district or
other public agency, a proposal to resolve the complaint or notification to the
department that the parent who has filed the State complaint and the school
district or other public agency have agreed to voluntarily engage in
(iii) may conduct an
on-site investigation where the department determines such investigation is
(iv) shall review all
relevant information; and
(v) shall
issue a written final decision that:
addresses each allegation in the complaint;
(b) contains findings of fact and
(c) sets forth the
reasons for the final decision;
upon a finding of a violation of a Federal or State law or regulation relating
to the education of students with disabilities, includes, if necessary for
implementation of the decision:
(1) technical
assistance activities;
negotiations; and
(3) corrective
actions to achieve compliance;
(e) upon a finding of failure to provide
appropriate services to an individual student with a disability, includes:
(1) remediation of the denial of services,
including, as appropriate, the awarding of monetary reimbursement or other
corrective action appropriate to the needs of the student; and
(2) appropriate future provision of services
for all students with disabilities;
(vi) shall issue the decision in subparagraph
(v) of this paragraph within 60 days of receipt of the complaint except:
(a) where exceptional circumstances exist
with respect to a particular complaint; or
(b) when the parent and school district or
other public agency involved agree to extend the time to engage in mediation
pursuant to section
200.5(h) of this
(vii) shall set
aside any part of the complaint that is currently being addressed in an
impartial hearing held pursuant to Education Law section 4404; and
(viii) shall, where an issue raised in a
complaint has been previously decided in an impartial hearing held pursuant to
Education Law section 4404 involving the same parties, notify the complainant
that the impartial hearing decision is binding.
(3) Nothing in this section shall abrogate
the right of an individual student with a disability to due process under
Education Law section 4404, including the right to initiate an impartial
hearing to address issues previously raised in a complaint decided pursuant to
this section.
(4) Where a complaint
involves the rights of an individual student under Education Law, article 89,
upon receipt of an adverse decision rendered pursuant to this section, the
complainant or the school district may initiate an impartial hearing pursuant
to Education Law, section 4404(1) to address the issues raised in the
Student's status during proceedings.
(1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph
(2) of this subdivision and section
200.16 of this Part and Part 201 of
this Title, during the pendency of any proceedings conducted pursuant to
subdivision (j) or (k) of this section, unless the local board of education and
the parents otherwise agree, the student shall remain in the then current
placement of such student. During the pendency for any due process proceeding
relating to the evaluation and initial placement in special education, unless
the local board of education and the parents otherwise agree, the student shall
not be evaluated and shall remain in the then current educational placement of
such student or, if applying for initial admission to a public school, shall be
placed in the public school program until all such proceedings have been
(2) If a decision of a
State review officer, pursuant to subdivision (k) of this section, agrees with
the student's parents that a change of placement is appropriate, that placement
must be treated as an agreement between the State or school district and the
parents for purposes of pendency during any subsequent appeals pursuant to
paragraph (k)(3) of this section.
(3) If the complaint involves an application
for initial services as a preschool student with a disability from a child who
is transitioning from early intervention to preschool special education and
related services, the school district is not required to provide the early
intervention services that the child had been receiving. If the child is found
eligible for special education and related services as a preschool student with
a disability and the parent consents to the initial provision of special
education and related services consistent with section
200.16(h)(7) of
this Part, then the school district must provide those special education and
related services that are not in dispute between the parent and the school
Surrogate parents.
(1) Duty of
the board of education. The board of education or other appropriate body shall
select a surrogate parent from a list of individuals who are eligible and
willing to serve as surrogate parents in order to ensure that the rights of a
student are protected if:
(i) no parent, as
defined in section
200.1(ii) of this
Part, can be identified;
(ii) the
school district, after reasonable efforts, cannot discover the whereabouts of a
parent, or the student is an unaccompanied homeless youth, as such term is
defined in section
100.2(x)(1)(vi) of
this Title; or
(iii) the student is
a ward of the State and does not have a parent as defined in section
200.1(ii) of this
Part or the rights of the parent to make educational decisions on behalf of the
student have been subrogated by a judge in accordance with State
(2) Qualifications.
Persons selected as surrogate parents:
shall not be officers, employees or agents of the local school district or
State Education Department or other agency involved in the education or care of
the student. A school district may select as a surrogate a person who is an
employee of a nonpublic agency that only provides noneducational care for the
student and who meets the standards in this paragraph. A surrogate parent is
not an employee of the agency solely because he or she is paid by the agency to
serve as a surrogate parent;
shall have no other interest which could conflict with their primary allegiance
to the student they would represent; and
(iii) shall have knowledge and skills that
ensure adequate representation of the student.
(3) Procedures for assigning surrogates.
Assignment of a surrogate parent to a particular student shall be made in
accordance with the following procedures:
Any person whose work involves education or treatment of students and who knows
of a student who may need special education services, and who knows that the
student meets the criteria in paragraph (1) of this subdivision, may file a
request for assignment of a surrogate parent to the student with the committee
on special education to which the student may be appropriately
(ii) The committee on
special education shall send notice of the possible need for a surrogate parent
to the adult in charge of the student's place of residence and to the parents
at their last known address.
The committee on special education shall determine whether the student's
parents can be identified or located, or whether the student is a ward of the
State, consistent with paragraph (1) of this subdivision. Where the student is
known to the school district to be a ward of the State, such reasonable efforts
to discover the whereabouts of a parent shall include consultation with the
local social services district or other agency responsible for the care of the
student. The determination of the need for a surrogate parent shall be
completed within a reasonable time following the receipt of a referral for an
initial evaluation, reevaluation or services. If the committee on special
education finds that there is a need for a surrogate parent, a surrogate parent
who meets the qualifications identified in paragraph (2) of this subdivision
shall be selected from the list approved by the board of education, except as
otherwise provided in subparagraphs (v) through (vii) of this paragraph, within
10 business days of the date of the determination by the committee of the need
for the surrogate parent.
(iv) A
surrogate parent shall be assigned to represent the student in all matters
relating to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of the
student and the provision of a free appropriate public education to the student
for as long as a surrogate parent is required under this Part.
(v) The foster parent of the student, who
otherwise meets the qualifications in paragraph (2) of this subdivision, may be
appointed as the surrogate parent of the student without being appointed from a
list approved by the board of education.
(vi) The surrogate parent alternatively may
be appointed by the judge overseeing the child's case, provided that the
surrogate parent meets the requirements in paragraph (2) of this subdivision.
The individual appointed by the judge need not be appointed from a list
approved by the board of education.
(vii) Unaccompanied homeless youth. In the
case of a child who is an unaccompanied homeless youth, appropriate staff of
emergency shelters, transitional shelters, independent living programs and
street outreach programs may be appointed as temporary surrogate parents
without regard to paragraph (2) of this subdivision, until a surrogate can be
appointed that meets the appropriate qualifications.
(o) Accelerated review and order
of relief.
(1) Pursuant to Education Law
§ 4404(1-a) a district shall notify a parent in writing no later than five
business days after 196 days have elapsed since the filing of the due process
complaint. Thereafter, the parent may request immediate appointment of an
impartial hearing officer to undertake an accelerated review, under the
following circumstances:
(i) the complaint
does not involve a claim regarding initial identification as a student with a
disability or a manifestation determination;
(ii) the parent requests initiation of
accelerated review; and
(iii) the
parent agrees that the review will be conducted based exclusively on the
written record developed pursuant to this section.
(2) When accelerated review is sought, the
district shall be deemed to have denied the student a free appropriate public
education by virtue of the delay in the appointment of an impartial hearing
officer. This finding is binding and shall not be subject to appeal to a State
review officer of the State Education Department pursuant to subdivision (k) of
this section.
(3) The accelerated
review shall be conducted in place of the hearing procedures specified in
subdivision (j) of this section and shall be conducted in accordance with the
following schedule:
(i) Within one business
day of receipt of a parent's request for accelerated review, an impartial
hearing officer shall be appointed pursuant to subdivision (e) of section
200.2 of this Part to conduct the
accelerated review.
(ii) Within two
business days of appointment, the impartial hearing officer shall notify the
parties via email of the schedule for the electronic submission by the parent
of a proposed order of relief and supporting written documentation pursuant to
this section; such documentation may include affidavits, affirmations, and/or
declarations as well as exhibits.
(iii) The schedule must require completion of
the parent's submission of all documentation via email to the impartial hearing
officer and to the district's representative no later than 10 business days
after the date of the impartial hearing officer's notification pursuant to
subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph.
(iv) Within two business days after receipt
of the parents' electronic submission, the school district may file objections
to the proposed relief and any supporting written documentation submitted by
the parents, together with a proffer of any documentation it wishes to be
permitted to enter into the record for review by the impartial hearing officer.
The district's objections and any supporting documentation must be submitted
via email to the impartial hearing officer and the parent.
(v) Within two business days after receipt of
the school district's objections to the proposed relief, if any, the parent may
submit a written response via email to the impartial hearing officer and to the
district's representative.
Within two business days after receipt of the parent's response, if any, or two
business days after receipt of the parents' proposed order and evidence, if no
objections and supporting documentation are submitted, the impartial hearing
officer shall determine what documents are to be admitted, and shall certify
the record that forms the basis for the order of relief or finding.
(vii) Within two business days after
certification of the record, the impartial hearing officer shall issue a final
determination in the form of:
(a) the order
of relief proposed by the parents;
(b) the order of relief proposed by the
parents as modified by the impartial hearing officer based upon the written
record; or
(c) a finding that no
relief is warranted based upon the written record.
(viii) If either party disagrees with the
impartial hearing officer's order of relief or finding, they retain the right
to appeal to a State review officer of the State Education Department
consistent with paragraph two of this subdivision and with the procedures
outlined in subdivision (k) of this section, except that a parent cannot appeal
a final determination in the form of the order of relief proposed by the
(4) School
districts that have had due process complaint notices resolved pursuant to this
subdivision shall report annually, on a form and in a format prescribed by the
Commissioner, the number of complaints that sought accelerated relief, the
nature of the particular relief sought, and the resolution of such complaints,
to the governor, the Commissioner, the temporary president of the senate, the
speaker of the assembly, the chair of the Senate education committee, the chair
of the senate city of New York education committee and the chair of the
assembly education committee.
(p) Authority of standing administrative
tribunals. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Part, in a city school
district having a population of one million or more, a standing administrative
tribunal employing impartial hearing officers is authorized to promulgate
regulations, in consultation with the Department, related to the procedure and
efficiency of impartial due process hearings, which provisions may expand upon,
but may not conflict with, subdivision (j) of this section, provided such
regulations are consistent with all other applicable state and federal laws and