New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Title 21 - Miscellaneous
Chapter I - Waterfront Commission Of New York Harbor
Part 1 - General Provisions
Section 1.21 - Probationary registrations and licenses
Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 52, December 24, 2024
(a) Any person whose application for a license has been denied or whose license has been revoked, or any person whose application for registration has been denied or whose registration has been revoked and who has never before submitted an application or petition to the commission seeking inclusion in the register after the final order of denial or revocation of registration by the commission, may, upon application to the commission, be granted leave to apply for a probationary registration or license. Any such person whose application for registration has been denied or whose registration has been revoked must file his application for a probationary registration within one year of the commission's final order of denial or revocation. (For the purposes of this section, petitions for rehearing or reconsideration made substantially contemporaneously with the commission's order of denial or revocation of registration shall not be considered as constituting a prior application or petition to the commission which seeks inclusion in the register.) Any person who is ineligible to apply for probationary registration pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this section may apply to the commission for the removal of his ineligibility so that such person would not be disqualified, because of his previous denial or revocation, from applying for registration upon the next occasion that the commission opens the register pursuant to section 5-p of the Act.
(e) If during the six-month period of probation the commission does not receive any information indicating that the probationer has violated any of the provisions of the Act or any of the terms and conditions imposed or any other laws, the staff supervisor assigned to review the conduct of the probationer shall, immediately prior to the expiration of the six-month probationary period, determine and recommend to the commission whether to terminate the probationary status or whether to continue it for an additional six-month period. The same procedure shall be followed upon the expiration of any additional probationary periods.
(f) If the staff supervisor shall receive information indicating that the terms and conditions of probation have been violated by the probationer, or that the probationer has violated any of the provisions of the Waterfront Commission Act or any other laws, the staff supervisor shall, upon receipt of appropriate evidence of such violation, recommend that a hearing be held to determine whether the probationary terms and conditions, or whether any of the provisions of the Waterfront Commission Act or any other laws, have been violated by the probationer.
(g) If the staff supervisor's recommendation for a hearing is approved, he shall give the probationer sufficient notice of the time and place of said hearing and of the issues to be considered at such hearing. The hearing shall be conducted by a person designated by the commission, who shall have the authority and powers of an administrative judge under section 6.9 of this Title. The probationer shall have an opportunity to appear at such hearing and may be assisted or represented by counsel or any qualified person, including the probationer's sponsor, and shall be so advised in the notice of hearing. At the hearing, the probationer may testify in his own behalf and may present witnesses in his own behalf. If the alleged violations to be heard are of such a nature that the commission is of the opinion that the continuance of the probationary status pending the outcome of the hearing is inimical to the public peace or safety, the commission may order the immediate suspension of the probationary registration or license pending final determination of the hearing.
(h) After the conclusion of the hearing, the person conducting the hearing shall make such findings as he deems appropriate upon the issues contained in the notice of hearing, and shall submit such findings to the commission, together with his recommendation for revocation or continuance of the probationary status upon any additional terms or conditions as he may deem appropriate.
(i) The commission shall determine, upon consideration of the findings and recommendations and any other pertinent information that may be submitted or received, whether the probationary status shall be revoked or continued, and, if continued, whether any additional terms and conditions of probation shall be imposed.