New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Chapter V - New York State Supplement To The National Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices For Streets And Highways-2009 Edition
Part 9 - Traffic Control For Bicycle Facilities
Chapter 9B - Signs
Section 9B.20 - Bicycle Guide Signs (D1-1b, D1-1c, D1-2b, D1-2c, D1-3b, D1-3c, D11-1, D11-1c)
DELETE Paragraph 11.
INSERT the following paragraphs:
01A Bike Route Guide (D11-1) signs may be used to guide bicyclists along an unnumbered bicycle route that is part of a small local system, or that connects two places between which bicycle travel is common.
01B Bike Route Guide signs are not intended for use along residential streets where bicycle travel patterns are random, or where guidance for bicyclists is unnecessary.
01C Bike Route Guide signs do not alter statutory provisions about bicyclists' rights to travel on highways, paths, and trails, nor do they alter the rules for bicycle operation.
04A Bicycle Destination (D1-1b, D1-1c, D1-2b, D1-2c, D1-3b, D1-3c) signs shall not contain destination information that can also apply to other road users. When used on roadways, Destination (D1-1, D1-1a) and Street Name (D3) signs shall be the sizes indicated in Table 2D-1.
05A The use of horizontal separator lines should be limited to instances where it is deemed necessary to emphasize the presence of independent messages appearing on the same sign face. On most Destination signs, adequate separation of destinations should be accomplished through the spacing of lines of legend.