New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Title 11 - INSURANCE
Chapter XIII - Life Care Communities
Part 350 - Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Section 350.1 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 52, December 24, 2024
For purposes of this Part, unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions shall apply:
(a) Affiliate shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 107(a)(4).
(b) Capital assets means those assets related to the continuing care retirement community as follows:
(c) Capital expenses means those expenses related to capital assets (both original and replacements) associated with the continuing care retirement community. Capital expenses in any year shall consist of:
(d) Certificate of authority shall have the meaning ascribed by Public Health Law section 4601(1).
(e) Commencement of operations for a continuing care retirement community shall be after the first living unit has been occupied.
(f) Continuing care retirement community or community shall have the meaning ascribed by Public Health Law section 4601(2-b).
(g) Continuing care retirement contract or continuing care at home contract shall have the meaning ascribed by Public Health Law section 4601(2-a)
(h) Control, controlling, controlled by, and under common control with means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities or voting rights, by contract (except a commercial contract for goods or non-management services) or otherwise; but no person shall be deemed to control another person solely by reason of his or her being an officer or director of such other person.
(i) Derivative instrument shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 1401(a)(7).
(j) Earned surplus means the surplus less the paid in surplus.
(k) Fiscal year means the January 1st through December 31st period. The superintendent may approve a different reporting year for a continuing care retirement community provided that the audited financial statement and the actuarial study are prepared in a manner consistent with the alternate fiscal year.
(l) Foreign domicile means any domicile outside of the United States.
(m) The invested assets of a continuing care retirement community means assets meeting the requirements of section 350.6(a)(3) or (c) of this Part.
(n) Institution shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 107(a)(24).
(o) Market value means the price that would be received to sell an asset or the price that would be paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The following shall be used in determining market value:
(p) NRSRO means a nationally recognized statistical rating organization that has been recognized by the superintendent.
(q) Net surplus means the surplus less the part 2 paid in surplus.
(r) Non resident means a person living in a continuing care retirement community who has not entered into a continuing care retirement contract or a continuing care at home contract with that community.
(s) Obligations shall have the meaning ascribed in Insurance Law section 107(a)(33).
(t) Operating expenses means those expenses, other than capital expenses and refund expenses, associated with the services to be provided pursuant to the continuing care retirement contracts and continuing care at home contracts, such as expenses for administration, food service, housekeeping, maintenance, utilities, nursing care, health services, resident services, leases, taxes, and insurance.
(u) Operator means a legal entity operating a continuing care retirement community pursuant to a certificate of authority pursuant to Public Health Law article 46.
(v) Paid in surplus means any stock or funds contributed to the continuing care retirement community by the operator, increased by credits allowed, including any credits appropriate from the date of contribution, and decreased by any distributions of paid in surplus to the operator, which shall be allocated as follows:
(w) Parent corporation shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 107(a)(40).
(x) Person means an individual or other entity, or any combination of the foregoing acting in concert.
(y) Qualified consulting actuary means an individual who:
(z) Rating methodology means the methodology and detailed formulas developed pursuant to Public Health Law section 4604(4)(a)(ii).
(aa) Refund expenses means the amount returned to a resident from either entrance fees or monthly fees upon termination of the continuing care retirement contract or continuing care at home contract because of the death of the resident or withdrawal or dismissal of the resident from the continuing care retirement community, or modification of the continuing care retirement contract or continuing care at home contract.
(ab) Resident shall have the meaning ascribed by Public Health Law section 4601(15).
(ac) Satisfactory actuarial balance means that the most recent actuarial study of the community that is satisfactory to the superintendent indicates all of the following conditions are met:
(ad) Subsidiary shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 107(a)(40).
(ae) Surplus means the total assets less the total reserve liabilities of the continuing care retirement community as shown on the actuarial balance sheet included in the actuarial study.
(af) United States shall have the meaning ascribed by Insurance Law section 1401(a)(4).