New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Title 11 - INSURANCE
Part 3 - Election Of Directors In Domestic Life Insurance Companies
Section 3.1 - Notice of policyholder's right to vote
Pursuant to sections 301 and 4210 of the Insurance Law, every domestic life insurance company shall print upon all its life insurance premium receipts and receipts for stipulated payments under annuity contracts, used or delivered after the effective date hereof, or, in the case of industrial life insurance, upon all of its premium receipt books used or delivered after such date in connection with such insurance, an appropriate statement, in type not smaller than eight point single leaded, indicating the right of the policyholder or contract holder, as the case may be, to vote either in person, by mail or by proxy at the annual election of the directors of such company and stating the time and place of the next annual meeting at which such election will be held, and further indicating that, pursuant to section 4210 of the Insurance Law of New York, groups of policyholders and contract holders have the right to nominate one or more independent tickets not less than five months prior to the date of such election.