New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Appendix 16-B

Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 52, December 24, 2024

A1 and A2 Values for Radionuclides

I. Single Radionuclides

1. For a single radionuclide of known identity, the values of A 1 and A 2 are taken from Table I if listed there. The values A 1 and A 2 in Table I are also applicable for the radionuclides contained in ([ALPHA],n) or ([GAMMA],n) neutron sources.

2. For any single radionuclides whose identity is known but which is not listed in Table I, the value of A1 and A 2 are determined according to the following procedure:

(a) If the radionuclides emits only one type of radiation, A 1 is determined according to the following method. For radionuclides emitting different kinds of radiation, A 1 is the most restrictive value of those determined for each kind of radiation. However, in either case, A 1 is restricted to a maximum of 1000 curies (37 TBq). If a parent nuclide decays into a shorter lived daughter with a half-life not greater than 10 days, A 1 is calculated for both the parent and the daughter, and the more limiting of the two values is assigned to the parent nuclide.

(1) For gamma emitters, A 1 is determined by the expression:

A1 =9/[GAMMA] curies

Where [GAMMA] is the gamma-ray constant, corresponding to the dose in roentgens per curie-hour at 1 meter, and the number 9 results from the choice of 1 rem per hour at a distance of 3 meters as the reference dose-equivalent rate.

(2) For x-ray emitters, A 1 is determined by the atomic number of the nuclide:

for Z <= 55, A1 = 1000 Ci (37 TBq); and

for Z > 55, A1 = 200 Ci (7.4 TBq)

where Z is the atomic number of the nuclide.

(3) For beta emitters, A 1 is determined by the maximum beta energy (Emax) according to Table II; and

(4) For alpha emitters, A 1 is determined by the expression:

A1 = 1000 A3

where A3 is the value listed in Table 3;

(b) A 2 is the more restrictive of the following two values:

(1) The corresponding A1; and

(2) The value A3 obtained from Table 3.

3. For any single radionuclide whose identity is unknown, the value of A1 is taken to be 2 Ci (74 GBq) and the value of A 2 is taken to be 0.0002 Ci (74 MBq). However, if the of the atomic number of the radionuclide is known to be less than 32, the value of A 1, is taken to be 10 Ci (370 GBq) and the value of A 2 is taken to be 0.4 Ci (14.8 GBq).

II. Mixtures of Radionuclides, Including Radioactive Decay Chains

1. For mixed fission products, the activity limit may be assumed if a detailed analysis of the mixture is not carried out.

A1 = 10 Ci (370GBq)

A2 = 0.4 Ci (14.8 GBq)

2. A single radioactive decay chain is considered to be a single radionuclide when the radionuclides are present in their naturally occurring proportions and no daughter nuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days or longer than that of the parent nuclide. The activity to be taken into account and the A1 or A 2 value from Table I to be applied are those corresponding to the parent nuclide of that chain. When calculating A1 or A 2 values, radiation emitted by daughters must be considered. However, in the case of radioactive decay chains in which any daughter nuclide has a half-life either longer than 10 days or greater than that of the parent nuclide, the parent and daughter nuclides are considered to be mixtures of different nuclides.

3. In the case of a mixture of different radionuclides, where the identity and activity of each radionuclide are known, the permissible activity of each radionuclide R1, R2. . . R n is such that F1 + F2 + . . . F n is not greater than unity, where:

F1 =Total activity of R1/A1(R1)

F2 =Total activity of R2/A1(R2)

Fn =Total activity of Rn /A1(Rn)and

A1 (R1, R2. . . R n) is the value of A1 or A 2 as appropriate for the nuclide R1, R 2. . . Rn.

4. When the identity of each radionuclide is known but the individual activities of some of the radionuclides are not known the formula given in paragraph 3 is applied to establish the values of A1 or A 2 as appropriate. All the radionuclides whose individual activities are not known (their total activity will, however, be known) are classed in a single group and the most restrictive value of A1 and A 2 applicable to any one of them is used as the value of A 1 or A2 in the denominator of the fraction.

5. Where the identity of each radionuclide is known but the individual activity of none of the radionuclides is known, the most restrictive value of A1 or A 2 applicable to any one of the radionuclides present is adopted as the applicable value.

6. When the identity of of none of the nuclides is known, the value of A1 is taken to be 2 Ci (74 GBq) and the value of A 2 is taken to be 0.002 Ci (74 MBq). However, if alpha emitters are known, to be absent, the value of A 2, is taken to be 0.4 Ci (14.8 GBq).

Table 1

A1 and A 2 Values for Radionuclides (See footnotes at end of Table)

Symbol of Radionuclide Element and Atomic number A1(Ci) A2(Ci) Specific Activity (Ci/g)
Ac-227 Actinium (89) 1000 0.003 7.2 E+01
AC-228 10 2.2 E+06
Ag-105 Silver (47) 40 40 3.0 E+07
Ag-110m 7 7 4.7 E+03
Ag-111 100 20 1.5 E+05
Am-241 Americium (95) 8 0.008 3.2
Am-243 8 0.008 1.9 E-01
Ar-37 (compressed or Argon (18) 1000 1000 1.0 E+05
Ar-41 (uncompressed)* 20 20 4.3 E+07
Ar-41 (compressed)* 1 1 4.3 E+07
As-73 Arsenic (33) 1000 400 2.4 E+04
As-74 20 20 1.0 E+05
As-76 10 10 1.6 E+06
As-77 300 20 1.1 E+06
At-211 Astatine (85) 200 7 2.1 E+06
Au-193 Gold (79) 200 200 9.3 E+05
Au-196 30 30 1.2 E+05
Au-198 40 20 2.5 E+05
Au-199 200 25 2.1 E+05
Ba-131 Barium (56) 40 40 8.7 E+04
Ba-133 40 40 4.0 E+03
Ba-140 20 20 7.3 E+04
Be-7 Beryllium (4) 300 300 3.5 E+05
Bi-206 Bismuth (83) 5 5 9.9 E+04
Bi-207 10 10 2.2 E+02
Bi-210 (RaE) 100 4 1.2 E+05
Bi-212 6 6 1.5 E+07
Bk-249 Berkelium (97) 1000 1 1.8 E+03
Br-77 Bromine (35) 70 25 7.1 E+03
Br-82 6 6 1.1 E+06
C-11 Carbon (6) 20 20 8.4 E+08
C-14 1000 60 4.6
Ca-45 Calcium (20) 1000 25 1.9 E+04
Ca-47 20 20 5.9 E+05
Cd-109 Cadmium (48) 1000 70 2.6 E+03
Cd-115m 30 30 2.6 E+04
Cd-115 80 20 5.1 E+05
Ce-139 Cerium (58) 100 100 6.5 E+03
Ce-141 300 25 2.8 E+04
Ce-143 60 20 6.6 E+05
Ce-144 10 7 3.2 E+03
Cf-249 Californium (98) 2 0.002 3.1
Cf-250 7 0.007 1.3 E+02
Cf-252 2 0.009 6.5 E+02
Cl-36 Chlorine (17) 300 10 3.2 E-02
Cl-38 10 10 1.3 E+08
Cm-242 Curium (96) 200 0.2 3.3 E+03
Cm-243 9 0.009 4.2 E+01
Cm-244 10 0.01 8.2 E+01
Cm-245 6 0.006 1.0 E-01
Cm-246 6 0.006 3.6 E-01
Co-56 Cobalt (27) 5 5 3.0 E+04
Co-57 90 90 8.5 E+03
Co-58m 1000 1000 5.9 E+06
Co-58 20 20 3.1 E+05
Co-60 7 7 1.1 E+03
Cr-51 Chromium (24) 600 600 9.2 E+04
Cs-129 Cesium (55) 40 40 7.6 E+05
Cs-131 1000 1000 1.1 E+05
Cs-134m 1000 10 7.4 E+06
Cs-134 10 10 1.2 E+03
Cs-135 1000 25 8.8 E-04
Cs-136 7 7 7.4 E+04
Cs-137 30 10 9.8 E+01
Cu-64 Copper (29) 80 25 3.8 E+06
Cu-67 200 25 7.9 E+05
Dy-165 Dysprosium (66) 100 20 8.2 E+06
Dy-166 1000 200 2.3 E+05
Er-169 Erbium (68) 1000 25 8.2 E+04
Er-171 50 20 2.4 E+06
Eu-152m Europium (63) 30 30 2.2 E+06
Eu-152 20 10 1.9 E+02
Eu-154 10 5 1.5 E+02
Eu-155 400 60 1.4 E+03
F-18 Fluorine (9) 20 20 9.3 E+07
Fe-52 Iron (26) 5 5 7.3 E+06
Fe-55 1000 1000 2.2 E+03
Fe-59 10 10 4.9 E+04
Ga-67 Gallium (31) 100 100 6.0 E+03
Ga-68 20 20 4.0 E+07
Ga-72 7 7 3.1 E+06
Gd-153 Gadolinium (64) 200 100 3.6 E+03
Gd-159 300 20 1.1 E+06
Ge-68 Germanium (32) 20 10 7.0 E+03
Ge-71 1000 1000 1.6 E+05
H-3 Hydrogen (1) see Tritium
Hf-181 Hafnium (72) 30 25 1.6 E+04
Hg-197m Mercury (80) 200 200 6.6 E+05
Hg-197 200 200 2.5 E+05
Hg-203 80 25 1.4 E+04
Ho-166 Holmium(67) 30 30 6.9 E+05
I-123 Iodine (53) 50 50 6.9 E+04
I-125 1000 70 1.7 E+04
I-126 40 10 7.8 E+04
I-129 1000 2 1.6 E-04
I-131 40 1 1.2 E+05
I-132 7 7 1.1 E+07
I-133 30 10 1.1 E+06
I-134 8 8 2.7 E+07
I-135 10 10 3.5 E+06
In-111 Indium (49) 30 25 4.2 E+05
In-113m 60 60 1.6 E+07
In-114m 30 20 2.3 E+04
In-115m 100 20 6.1 E+06
Ir-190 Iridium (77) 10 10 6.2 E+04
Ir-192 20 10 9.1 E+03
Ir-194 10 10 8.5 E+05
K-42 Potassium (19) 10 10 6.0 E+06
K-43 20 10 3.3 E+06
Kr-85m (uncompressed)* Krypton (36) 100 100 8.4 E+06
Kr-85m (compressed)* 3 3 8.4 E+06
Kr-85 (uncompressed)* 1000 1000 4.0 E+02
Kr-85 (compressed)* 5 5 4.0 E+02
Kr-87 (uncompressed)* 20 20 2.8 E+07
Kr-87 (compressed)* 0.6 0.6 2.8 E+07
La-140 Lanthanum (57) 30 30 5.6 E+05
Lu-177 Lutetium (71) 300 25 1.1 E+05
MFP Mixed Fission Products 10 0.4 ---
Mg-28 Magnesium (12) 6 6 5.2 E+06
Mn-52 Manganese (25) 5 5 4.4 E+05
Mn-54 20 20 8.3 E+03
Mn-56 5 5 2.2 E+07
Mo-99 Molybdenum (42) 100 20 4.7 E+05
N-13 Nitrogen (7) 20 10 1.5 E+09
Na-22 Sodium (11) 8 8 6.3 E+03
Na-24 5 5 8.7 E+06
Nb-93m Niobium (41) 1000 200 4.1 E+02
Nb-95 20 20 3.9 E+04
Nb-97 20 20 2.6 E+07
Nd-147 Neodymium (60) 100 20 8.0 E+04
Nd-149 30 20 1.1 E+07
Ni-59 Nickel (28) 1000 900 8.1 E-02
Ni-63 1000 100 4.6 E+01
Ni-65 10 10 1.9 E+07
Np-237 Neptunium (93) 5 0.005 6.9 E-04
Np-239 200 25 2.3 E+05
Os-185 Osmium (76) 20 20 7.3 E+03
Os-191 600 200 4.6 E+04
Os-191m 200 200 1.2 E+06
Os-193 100 20 5.3 E+05
P-32 Phosphorus (15) 30 30 2.9 E+05
Pa-230 Protactinium (91 20 0.8 3.2 E+04
Pa-231 2 0.002 4.5 E-02
Pa-233 100 100 2.1 E+04
Pb-201 Lead (82) 20 20 1.7 E???
Pb-210 100 0.2 8.8 E+01
Pb-212 6 5 1.4 E+06
Pd-103 Palladium (46) 1000 700 7.5 E+04
Pd-109 100 20 2.1 E+06
Pm-147 Promethium (61) 1000 25 9.4 E+02
Pm-149 100 20 4.2 E+05
Po-210 Polonium (84) 200 0.2 4.5 E+03
Pr-142 Praseodymium (59 10 10 1.2 E+06
Pr-143 300 20 6.6 E+04
Pt-191 Platinum (78) 100 100 2.3 E+05
Pt-193m 200 200 2.0 E+05
Pt-197m 300 20 1.2 E+07
Pt-197 300 20 8.8 E+05
Pu-238 Plutonium (94) 3 0.003 1.7 E+01
Pu-239 2 0.002 6.2 E-02
Pu-240 2 0.002 2.3 E-01
Pu-241 1000 0.1 1.1 E+02
Pu-242 3 0.003 3.9 E-03
Ra-223 Radium (88) 50 0.2 5.0 E+04
Ra-224 6 0.5 1.6 E+05
Ra-226 10 0.05 1.0
Ra-228 10 0.05 2.3 E+02
Rb-81 Rubidium (37) 30 24 8.2 E+04
Rb-86 30 30 8.1 E+04
Rb-87 Unlimited Unlimited 6.6 E-08
Rb (natural) Unlimited Unlimited 1.8 E-08
Re-186 Rhenium (75) 100 20 1.9 E+05
Re-187 Unlimited Unlimited 3.8 E-08
Re (natural) Unlimited Unlimited 2.4 E-08
Rh-103m Rhodium (45) 1000 1000 3.2 E+07
Rh-105 200 25 8.2 E+05
Rn-222 Radon (86) 2 1.5 E+05
Ru-97 Ruthenium (44) 80 80 5.5 E+05
Ru-103 30 25 3.2 E+04
Ru-105 20 20 6.6 E+06
Ru-106 10 7 3.4 E+03
S-35 Sulphur (16) 1000 60 4.3 E+04
Sb-122 Antimony (51) 30 30 3.9 E+05
Sb-124 5 5 1.8 E+04
Sb-125 40 25 1.4 E+03
Sc-46 Scandium (21) 8 8 3.4 E+04
Sc-47 200 20 8.2 E+05
Sc-48 5 5 1.5 E+06
Se-75 Selenium (34) 40 40 1.4 E+04
Si-31 Silicon (14) 100 20 3.9 E+07
Sm-147 Samarium (62) Unlimited Unlimited 2.0 E-08
Sm-151 1000 90 2.6 E+01
Sm-153 300 20 4.4 E+05
Sn-113 Tin (50) 60 60 1.0 E+04
Sn-119M 100 100 4.4 E+03
Sn-125 10 10 1.1 E+05
Sr-85m Strontium (38) 80 80 3.2 E+07
Sr-85 30 30 2.4 E+04
Sr-89 100 10 2.9 E+04
Sr-90 10 0.4 1.5 E+02
Sr-91 10 10 3.6 E+06
Sr-92 10 10 1.3 E+07
T (uncompressed)* Tritium (1) 1000 1000 9.7 E+03
T (compressed)* 1000 1000 9.7 E+03
T (activated luminous paint) 1000 1000 9.7 E+03
T (adsorbed on solid carrier) 1000 1000 9.7 E+03
T (tritiated water) 1000 1000 9.7 E+03
T (other forms) 20 20 9.7 E+03
Ta-182 Tantalum (73) 20 20 6.2 E+03
Tb-182 Terbium (65) 20 10 1.1 E+05
Tc-96m Technetium (43) 1000 1000 3.8 E+07
Tc-96 6 6 3.2 E+05
Tc-97m 1000 200 1.5 E+04
Tc-97 1000 400 1.4 E+04
Tc-99m 100 100 5.2 E+06
Tc-99 1000 25 1.7 E-02
Te-125m Tellurium (52) 1000 100 1.8 E+04
Te-127m 300 20 4.0 E+04
Te-127 300 20 2.6 E+06
Te-129m 30 10 2.5 E+04
Te-129 100 20 2.0 E+07
Te-131m 10 10 8.0 E+05
Te-132 7 7 3.1 E+05
Th-227 Thorium (90) 200 0.2 3.2 E+04
Th-228 6 0.008 8.3 E+02
Th-230 3 0.003 1.9 E-02
Th-231 1000 25 5.3 E+05
Th-232 Unlimited Unlimited 1.1 E-07
Th-234 10 10 2.3 E+04
Th (natural) Unlimited Unlimited 2.2 E-07
Th (irradiated)** --- --- ---
Tl-200 Thallium (81) 20 20 5.8 E+05
Tl-201 200 200 2.2 E+05
Tl-202 40 40 5.4 E+04
Tl-204 300 10 4.3 E+02
Tm-170 Thulium (69) 300 10 6.0 E+03
Tm-171 1000 100 1.1 E+03
U-230 Uranium (92) 100 0.1 2.7 E+04
U-232 U-232 0.03 2.1 E+01
U-233 100 0.1 9.5 E-03
U-234 100 0.1 6.2 E-03
U-235 100 0.2 2.1 E-06
U-236 200 0.2 6.3 E-05
U-238 Unlimited Unlimited 3.3 E-07
U (natural) Unlimited Unlimited (see Table 4)
U (enriched) < 20% Unlimited Unlimited (see Table 4)
U (enriched) 20% or greater Unlimited Unlimited (see Table 4)
U (depleted) Unlimited (see Table
U (irradiated)*** --- --- ---
V-48 Vanadium (23) 6 6 1.7 E+05
W-181 Tungsten (74) 200 100 5.0 E+03
W-185 1000 25 9.7 E+03
W-187 40 20 7.0 E+05
Xe-127 (uncompressed)* Xenon (54) 70 70 2.8 E+04
Xe-127 (compressed)* 5 5 2.8 E+04
Xe-131m (compressed)* 10 10 1.0 E+05
Xe-131m 100 100 1.0 E+05
Xe-133 (uncompressed)* 1000 1000 1.9 E+05
Xe-133 (compressed)* 5 5 1.9 E+05
Xe-135 (uncompressed)* 70 70 2.5 E+06
Xe-135 (compressed)* 2 2 2.5 E+06
Y-87 Yttrium (39) 20 20 4.5 E+05
Y-90 10 10 5.4 E+05
Y-91m 30 30 4.1 E+07
Y-91 30 30 2.5 E+04
Y-92 10 10 9.5 E+06
Y-93 10 10 3.2 E+06
Yb-169 Ytterbium (70) 80 80 2.3 E+05
Yb-175 400 25 1.8 E+05
Zn-65 Zinc (30) 30 30 8.0 E+03
Zn-69m 40 20 3.3 E+06
Zn-69 300 20 5.3 E+07
Zr-93 Zirconium (40) 1000 200 3.5 E-03
Zr-95 20 20 2.1 E+04
Zr-97 20 20 2.0 E+06

* For the purpose of Table 1, compressed gas means a gas at a pressure which exceeds the ambient atmospheric pressure at the location where the containment system was closed.

** The values of A1 and A 2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix 16-B, paragraph, II 3., taking into account the activity of the fission products and of the uranium-233 in addition to that of the thorium.

*** The values of A1 and A 2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix 16-B, paragraph II 3., taking into account the activity of the fission products and plutonium isotopes in addition to that of the uranium.

Table 2

Relationship Between A1 and E max for Beta Emitters

E max (MeV) A1(Ci)
< 0.5 1000
0.5 - < 1.0 300
1.0 - < 1.5 100
1.5 - < 2.0 30
> 2.0 10

Table 3

Relationship Between A 3 and the Atomic Number of the Radionuclide

Atomic Number Half-life less than 1000 days Half-life 1000 days to 104 years Half-life greater than 104 years
1 to 81 3 Ci 0.05 Ci 3 Ci
82 and above 0.002 Ci 0.002 Ci 3 Ci

Table 4

Activity-Mass Relationships for Uranium/Thorium

Thorium and Uranium Enrichment* wt % U-235 present

Specific Activity




5.0 X 10-7

2.0 X 106

0.72 (natural)

7.06 X 10-7

1.42 X 106


7.6 X 10-7

1.3 X 106


1.0 X 10-6

1.0 X 106


2.7 X 10-6

3.7 X 105


4.8 X 10-6

2.1 X 105


1.0 X 10-5

1.0 X 105


2.0 X 10-5

5.0 X 104


2.5 X 10-5

4.0 X 104


5.8 X 10-6

1.7 X 104


7.0 X 10-6

1.4 X 104


9.1 X 10-6

1.1 X 104

Natural Thorium

2.2 X 10-7

4.6 X 106

* The figures for uranium include representative values for the activity of the uranium-234 which is concentrated during the enrichment process. The activity for thorium includes the equilibrium concentration of thorium-228.


* For the purpose of Table 1, compressed gas means a gas at a pressure which exceeds the ambient atmospheric pressure at the location where the containment system was closed.

** The values of A1 and A 2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix 16-B, paragraph, II 3., taking into account the activity of the fission products and of the uranium-233 in addition to that of the thorium.

*** The values of A1 and A 2 must be calculated in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix 16-B, paragraph II 3., taking into account the activity of the fission products and plutonium isotopes in addition to that of the uranium.

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