Current through Register Vol. 46, No. 39, September 25, 2024
(a) A label within the meaning of this Part
shall mean a display of any printing, lithographing, embossing, stickers,
seals, or other written, printed or graphic matter upon the immediate container
(not including package liners) of any product.
(b) Any word, statement, or other information
required by this Part to appear on the label must be prominently placed thereon
with such conspicuousness (as compared with other words, statements, designs,
or devices, in the labeling) and in such terms as to render it likely to be
read and understood by the ordinary individual under customary conditions of
purchase and use. In order to meet this requirement, such information must
appear on the principal display panel except as otherwise permitted in this
Part. All words, statements, and other information required by or under
authority of the Agriculture and Markets Law to appear on the label or labeling
shall appear thereon in the English language.
(c) Labels of all products shall show the
following information on the principal display panel (except as otherwise
permitted in this Part), in accordance with the requirements of this Part or,
if applicable, Part 319 of this Article:
The name of the product, which in the case of a product which purports to be or
is represented as a product for which a definition and standard of identity or
composition is prescribed in Part 319 of this Article, shall be the name of the
food specified in the standard, and in the case of any other product shall be
the common or usual name of the food, if any there be, and if there is none, a
truthful descriptive designation, as prescribed in subdivision (e) of this
(2) If the product is
fabricated from two or more ingredients, the word "ingredients" followed by a
list of the ingredients as prescribed in subdivision (f) of this
(3) The name and place of
business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor for whom the product is
prepared, as prescribed in subdivision (g) of this section;
(4) An accurate statement of the net quantity
of contents, as prescribed in subdivision (h) of this section;
(5) An official inspection legend and, except
as otherwise provided in subdivision (i) of this section, the number of the
official establishment, in the form required by Part 312 of this Article;
(6) Any other information
required by the regulations in this Part or Part 319 of this Article.
(d) The principal display panel
shall be the part of a label that is most likely to be displayed, presented,
shown, or examined under customary conditions of display for sale. Where
packages bear alternate principal display panels, information required to be
placed on the principal display panel shall be duplicated on each principal
display panel. The principal display panel shall be large enough to accommodate
all the mandatory label information required to be placed thereon by this Part
and Part 319 of this Article with clarity and conspicuousness and without
obscuring of such information by designs or vignettes or crowding. In
determining the area of the principal display panel, exclude tops, bottoms,
flanges at tops and bottoms of cans, and shoulders and necks of bottles or
jars. The principal display panel shall be:
(1) In the case of a rectangular package, one
entire side, the area of which is at least the product of the height times the
width of that side.
(2) In the case
of a cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container:
(i) an area that is 40 percent of the product
of the height of the container times the circumference of the container,
(ii) a panel, the width of which
is one third of the circumference and the height of which is as high as the
provided, however, that if there is immediately to the
right or left of such principal display panel, a panel which has a width not
greater than 20 percent of the circumference and a height as high as the
container, and which is reserved for information prescribed in paragraphs
(c)(2), (3), and (5) of this section, such panel shall be known as the "20
percent panel" and such information may be shown on that panel in lieu of
showing it on the principal display panel, as provided in paragraphs (f)(3),
(g)(2), and (i)(8) and (9) of this section.
(3) In the case of a container of any other
shape, 40 percent of the total surface of the container.
(e) Any descriptive designation used as a
product name for a product which has no common or usual name shall clearly and
completely identify the product. Product which has been prepared by salting,
smoking, drying, cooking, chopping or otherwise shall be so described on the
label unless the name of the product implies, or the manner of packaging shows
that the product was subjected to such preparation. The unqualified terms
"meat", "meat by-product", "meat food product", and terms common to the meat
industry but not common to consumers such as "picnic", "butt", "cala",
"square", "loaf", "spread", "delight", "roll", "plate", "luncheon" and "daisy"
shall not be used as names of a product unless accompanied with terms
descriptive of the product or with a list of ingredients, as deemed necessary
in any specific case by the commissioner in order to assure that the label will
not be false or misleading.
(1) The list of ingredients shall show the
common or usual names of the ingredients arranged in the descending order of
predominance, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph.
(i) The term "flavorings" may be used to
designate natural spices, essential oils, oleoresins and other natural spice
extractives and the term "spices" may be used to designate natural spices,
without naming each.
(ii) The term
"corn syrup" may be used to designate either corn syrup or corn syrup
(iii) The term "animal and
vegetable fats" or "vegetable and animal fats" may be used to designate the
ingredients of mixtures of such edible fats in product designated "compound" or
"shortening". "Animal fats" are used herein means fat derived from inspected
and passed cattle, sheep, swine or goats.
(iv) When a product is coated with pork fat,
gelatin, or other approved substance and a specific declaration of such coating
appears contiguous to the name of the product, the ingredient statement need
not make reference to the ingredients of such coating.
(v) When two meat ingredients comprise at
least 70 percent of the meat and meat by-product ingredients of a formula and
when neither of the two meat ingredients is less than 30 percent by weight of
the total meat and meat by-products used, such meat ingredients may be
interchanged in the formula without a change being made in the ingredients
statement on labeling materials; provided, that the word "and" in lieu of a
comma shall be shown between the declaration of such meat ingredients in the
statement of ingredients.
(2) On containers of frozen dinners, entrees,
pizzas, and similar consumer packaged products in cartons the ingredient
statement may be placed on the front riser panel provided, that the words "see
ingredients" followed immediately by an arrow is placed on the principal
display panel immediately above the location of such statement without
intervening print or designs.
The ingredient statement may be placed on the 20 percent panel adjacent to the
principal display panel and reserved for required information, in the case of a
cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container.
(1) The
name of the person that prepared the product or the name of the operator of the
official establishment where the product is prepared by a subsidiary or tenant
of the operator may appear as the name of the manufacturer or packer without
qualification on the label. Otherwise the name of the distributor of the
product shall be shown with a phrase such as "Prepared for ***" or "Distributed
by ***". The place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor
shall be shown on the label by city, State, and postal zip code when such
business is listed in a telephone or city directory; and if not listed in such
directory then the place of business shall be shown by street address, city,
State and postal zip code.
(2) The
name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be
(i) On the principal display panel
(ii) On the 20 percent panel
adjacent to the principal display panel and reserved for required information,
in the case of a cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container, or
(iii) On the front riser panel of frozen food
(1) The statement of net quantity of contents
shall appear on the principal display panel of all containers to be sold at
retail intact, in conspicuous and easily legible boldface print or type in
distinct contrast to other matter on the package and shall be declared in
accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (2) through (10) of this
(2) The statement as
it is shown on a label shall not be false or misleading and shall express an
accurate statement of the quantity of contents of the container exclusive of
wrappers and packing substances. Reasonable variations caused by loss or gain
of moisture during the course of good distribution practices or by unavoidable
deviations in good manufacturing practice will be recognized. Variations from
stated quantity of contents shall not be unreasonably large.
(3) The statement shall be placed on the
principal display panel within the bottom 30 percent of the area of the panel
in lines generally parallel to the base: provided, that on packages having a
principal display panel of five square inches or less, the requirement for
placement within the bottom 30 percent of the area of the label panel shall not
apply when the statement meets the other requirements of this subdivision. In
any case, the statement may appear in more than one line. The terms "net
weight" or "net wt." shall be used when stating the net quantity of contents in
terms of weight and the term "net contents" or "content" when stating the net
quantity of contents in terms of fluid measure.
(4) Except as provided in section 317.7 the
statement shall be expressed in terms of avoirdupois weight or liquid measure.
Where no general consumer usage to the contrary exists, the statement shall be
in terms of liquid measure, if the product is liquid, or in terms of weight if
the product is solid, semisolid viscous or a mixture of solid and liquid. For
example, a declaraton of three-quarter pound avoirdupois weight shall be
expressed as "Net Wt. 12 oz." except as provided for in paragraph (5) of this
subdivision for random weight packages; a declaration of one and one-half
pounds avoirdupois weight shall be expressed as "Net Wt. 24 oz. (1 lb. 8 oz.)",
"Net Wt. 24 oz. (1 1/2 lb.)", or "Net Wt. 24 oz. (1.5 lbs.)".
(5) On packages containing one pound or one
pint and less than four pounds or one gallon, the statement shall be expressed
as a dual declaration both in ounces and (immediately thereafter in
parenthesis) in pounds, with any remainder in terms of ounces or common or
decimal fraction of the pound, or in the case of liquid measure, in the largest
whole units with any remainder in terms of fluid ounces or common or decimal
fractions of the pint or quart, except that on random weight packages the
statement shall be expressed in terms of pounds and decimal fractions of the
pound carried out to not more than two decimal places, for packages over one
pound, and for packages which do not exceed one pound the statement may be in
decimal fractions of the pound in lieu of ounces.
(6) The statement shall be in letters and
numerals in type size established in relationship to the area of the principal
display panel of the package and shall be uniform for all packages of
substantially the same size by complying with the following type
(i) Not less than
one-sixteenth inch in height on packages, the principal display panel of which
has an area of five square inches or less;
(ii) Not less than one-eighth inch in height
on packages, the principal display panel of which has an area of more than five
but not more than 25 square inches;
(iii) Not less than three-sixteenths inch in
height on packages, the principal display panel of which has an area of more
than 25 but not more than 100 square inches;
(iv) Not less than one-quarter inch in height
on packages, the principal display panel of which has an area of more than 100
but not more than 400 square inches;
(v) Not less than one-half inch in height on
packages, the principal display panel of which has an area of more than 400
square inches.
(7) The
ratio of height to width of letters and numerals shall not exceed a
differential of three units to one unit (no more than three times as high as it
is wide). Heights pertain to upper case or capital letters. When upper and
lower case or all lower case letters are used, it is the lower case letter "o"
or its equivalent that shall meet the minimum standards. When fractions are
used, each component numeral shall meet one-half the height
(8) The statement shall
appear as a distinct item on the principal display panel and shall be separated
by a space at least equal to the height of the lettering used in the statement
from other printed label information appearing above or below the statement and
by a space at least equal to twice the width of the letter "N" of the style of
type used in the quantity of contents statement from other printed label
information appearing to the left or right of the statement. It shall not
include any term qualifying a unit of weight, measure, or count such as, "jumbo
quart", "full gallon", "giant quart", "when packed", "Minimum" or words of
similar import.
(9) The following
exemptions from the requirements contained in this subdivision (h) are hereby
(i) Individually wrapped and
labeled packages of less than one-half ounce net weight which are in a shipping
container, need not bear a statement of net quantity of contents as specified
in this subdivision (h) when the statement of net quantity of contents on the
shipping container meets the requirements of this subdivision (h);
(ii) Random weight consumer size packages
bearing labels declaring net weight, price per pound, and total price, shall be
exempt from the type size, dual declaration and placement requirements of this
subdivision (h), if an accurate statement of net weight is shown conspicuously
on the principal display panel of the package.
(iii) Margarine in 1 pound rectangular
packages (except packages containing whipped or soft margarine or packages that
contain more than four sticks) is exempt from the requirements of paragraphs
(3) and (5) of this subdivision (h) regarding the placement of the statement of
the net quantity of contents within the bottom 30 percent of the principal
display panel and that the statement be expressed both in ounces and in pounds,
if the statement appears as "1 pound" or "one pound" in a conspicuous manner on
the principal display panel.
Sliced shingle packed bacon in rectangular packages containing eight ounces,
one pound or two pounds exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (3) and (5)
of this subdivision regarding the placement of the statement of the net
quantity of contents within the bottom 30 percent of the principal display
panel and that the statement be expressed both in ounces and in pounds if the
statement appears as "8 oz.", "1/2pound", "1 pound", "one pound", "2 pounds" or
"two pounds" as the case may be in a conspicuous manner on the principal
display panel.
Labels for containers which bear any representation as to the number of
servings contained therein shall bear, contiguous to such representation, and
in the same size type as is used for such representation, a statement of the
net quantity of each such serving.
(11) As used in this section a "random weight
package" is one which is one of a lot, shipment, or delivery of packages of the
same product with varying weights and with no fixed weight pattern.
(12) On a multiunit retail package, a
statement of the net quantity of contents shall appear on the outside of the
package and shall include the number of individual units, the quantity of each
individual unit, and in parentheses, the total net quantity of contents of the
multiunit package in terms of avoirdupois or fluid ounces, except that such
declaration of total quantity need not be followed by an additional
parenthetical declaration in terms of the largest whole units and subdivisions
thereof, as required by paragraph (h)(5) of this section. For the purposes of
this section "multiunit retail package" means a package containing two or more
individually packaged units of the identical commodity and in the same
quantity, with the individual packages intended to be sold as part of the
multiunit retail package but capable of being individually sold in full
compliance with all requirements of the regulations in this Part. Open
multiunit retail packages that do not obscure the number of units and the
labeling thereon are not subject to this paragraph if the labeling of each
individual unit complies with the requirements of paragraphs (2), (3), (6) and
(8) of this subdivision.
Shingle packed sliced bacon cartons containing product weighing other than
eight ounces, one pound, or two pounds shall have the statement of the net
quantity of contents shown with the same prominence as the most conspicuous
feature on the label, and printed in a color of ink contrasting sharply with
the background and such containers of sliced bacon that are rectangular are
exempt from the requirements of paragraphs (3) and (5) of this subdivision
regarding the placement of the statement of the net quantity of contents within
the bottom 30 percent of the principal display panel and that the statement be
expressed both in ounces and in pounds.
(1) The
official establishment number shall be either embossed or lithographed on all
hermetically sealed metal, plastic or glass containers of products fully
processed within such containers in an official establishment, except that such
containers which bear labels lithographed directly on the container and in
which the establishment number is incorporated need not have the establishment
number separately embossed or lithographed thereon. Labels shall not be affixed
to containers so as to obscure the embossed or lithographed establishment
(2) When any product is
placed in a carton or in a wrapper of paper or cloth or in any other type of
container approved by the commissioner, which is labeled in accordance with
this Part, the official inspection legend and the official establishment number
as specified in subdivision (c) of this section, may be applied by means of a
sticker to be securely and prominently affixed, along with the name of product,
at a place on the label reserved for the purpose. In case there are two or more
display panels featuring the name of product, the inspection sticker shall be
affixed to each panel.
(3) The
official establishment number may be omitted from the official inspection
legend on cartons used as outer containers of edible fats, such as lard and
oleomargarine, when such products are enclosed in wrappers which bear an
official inspection legend containing the official establishment
(4) The official
establishment number may be omitted from the official inspection legend on the
immediate containers of sliced bacon, frozen dinners and pies, and similarly
packaged products when the official establishment number is placed on an end
panel at the time of packaging and when it is presented on a single colored
background in a prominent and legible manner in a size sufficient to insure
easy recognition.
(5) The official
establishment number may be omitted from the official inspection legend on
consumer size packages of sliced meat food products when official establishment
number is printed on the label at the time of packaging and when it is
presented on a single colored background in a prominent and legible manner in a
size sufficient to insure easy recognition.
(6) The official establishment number may be
omitted from the official inspection legend on consumer size containers of meat
food products in aluminum pans or trays when the official establishment number
is embossed in such pans or trays and when a statement such as "Est. No. on
Pan" is placed contiguous to the official inspection legend on the
(7) The official
establishment number may be omitted from the official inspection legend printed
on artificial casings or bags enclosing meat food products when the official
establishment number is etched in ink on a flat surface of a metal clip used to
close the container in a prominent and legible manner in a size sufficient to
insure easy recognition and when a statement, such as, "Est. No. on Metal Clip"
is placed contiguous to the official inspection legend on the casing or
(8) The official establishment
number may be omitted from the official inspection legend printed on paper
labels of canned products when the official establishment number is printed on
the principal display panel, or on the 20 percent panel as permitted under
paragraph (9), at the time of labeling the container; or the official
establishment number may be printed on the back of the paper label when the
statement "Est. No. on Back of Label" is printed contiguous to the official
inspection legend, in a prominent and legible manner in a size sufficient to
insure easy recognition.
(9) The
official inspection legend, and the official establishment number when required
under this subdivision, may be placed on the 20 percent panel adjacent to the
principal display panel and reserved for required information, in the case of a
cylindical or nearly cylindrical container.
(j) Labels of any product within any of the
following paragraphs shall show the information required by such paragraph for
such product:
(1) A label for product which
is an imitation of another food shall bear the word "imitation" immediately
preceding the name of the food imitated and in the same size and style of
lettering as in that name and immediately thereafter the word "ingredients";
and the names of the ingredients arranged in the order of their
(2) If a product
purports to be or is represented for any special dietary use by man, its label
shall bear a statement concerning its vitamin, mineral, and other dietary
properties upon which the claim for such use is based in whole or in part and
shall be in conformity with regulations ( 21 CFR Part 125) established pursuant
to sections 403 and 701 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(21 U.S.C. 343,
(3) When an approved artificial smoke
flavoring or an approved smoke flavoring is added as an ingredient in the
formula of a meat food product, as permitted in Part 318 of this Article, there
shall appear on the label, in prominent letters and contiguous to the name of
the product, a statement such as "Artificial Smoke Flavoring Added" or "Smoke
Flavoring Added", as may be applicable, and the ingredient statement shall
identify any artificial smoke flavoring or smoke flavoring so added as an
ingredient in the formula of the meat food product.
(4) When any other artificial flavoring is
permitted under Part 318 of this Article to be added to a product, the
ingredient statement shall identify it as "Artificial Flavoring".
(5) When artificial coloring is added to
edible fats as permitted under Part 318 of this Article such substance shall be
declared on the label in a prominent manner and contiguous to the name of the
product by the words "Artificially colored" or "Artificial coloring added" or
"With added artificial coloring". When natural coloring such as annatto is
added to edible fats as permitted under Part 318 such substance shall be
declared on the label in the same manner by a phrase such as "Colored with
(6) When product is
placed in a casing to which artificial coloring is applied as permitted under
Part 318 of this Article, there shall appear on the label, in a prominent
manner and contiguous to the name of the product, the words, "Artificially
(7) If a casing is
removed from product at an official establishment and there is evidence of
artificial coloring on the surface of the product, there shall appear on the
label, in a prominent manner and contiguous to the name of product, the words
"Artificially colored".
(8) When a
casing is colored prior to its use as a covering for product and the color is
not transferred to the product enclosed in the casing, no reference to color
need appear on the label but no such casing may be used if it is misleading or
deceptive with respect to color, quality, or kind of product, or
(9) Product which bears
or contains any other artificial coloring, as permitted under Part 318 of this
Article, shall bear a label stating that fact on the immediate container or if
there is none, on the product.
When an antioxidant is added to product as permitted under Part 318 of this
Article, there shall appear on the label in prominent letters and contiguous to
the name of the product, a statement identifying the officially approved
specific antioxidant by its common name or abbreviation thereof and the purpose
for which it is added, such as, "BHA, BHT and Propylgallate added to help
protect flavor".
Packaged products which require special handling to maintain their wholesome
condition shall have prominently displayed on the principal display panel of
UNDER REFRIGERATION", or such similar statement as the commissioner may approve
in specific cases. Products that are distributed frozen during distribution and
thawed prior to or during display for sale at retail shall bear the statement
on the shipping container: "KEEP FROZEN". The consumer-size containers for such
products shall bear the statement "PREVIOUSLY HANDLED FROZEN FOR YOUR
PROTECTION, REFREEZE OR KEEP REFRIGERATED". For all perishable canned products
the statement shall be shown in upper case letters one-fourth inch in height
for containers having a net weight of three pounds or less, and for containers
having a net weight over three pounds, the statement shall be in upper case
letters at least one-half inch in height.