New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Chapter II - Animal Industry
Subchapter A - Diseases of Domestic Animals; Garbage Feeding
Part 57 - Pullorum And Typhoid Disease
Section 57.6 - Incorporation by reference
The commissioner hereby adopts and incorporates by reference by the provisions of title 9 of the Code of Federal Regulations(revised as of January 1, 1990) part 145 "National Poultry Improvement Plan" (pages 547-576), and part 147 "Auxiliary Provisions on National Poultry Improvement Plan" (pages 576-605) and part 71 "General Provisions" (pages 139-150) and part 82 "Exotic Newcastle Disease in All Birds and Poultry; Psittacosis and Ornithosis in Poultry; Poultry Disease Caused by Salmonella Enteritidis" as amended by Volume 55 Number 33 of the Federal Register, February 16, 1990, (pages 5576-5584) and by Volume 55 Number 62 of the Federal Register, March 30, 1990 (pages 11887- 11888). Copies of said material may be obtained from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 and such material is available for public inspection and copying at the offices of the Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Animal Industry, Capital Plaza, One Winners Circle, Albany, NY 12235.