New York Codes, Rules and Regulations
Chapter II - Animal Industry
Subchapter A - Diseases of Domestic Animals; Garbage Feeding
Part 46 - Bovine Brucellosis (bang's Disease)
Section 46.2 - Program
The program provides for Brucella Strain 19 vaccination of calves, four through eight months of age, and all herd and animal blood testing necessary for the elimination of reactors and the certification or recertification of areas. At the time of vaccination the veterinarian will identify the calf by marking its right ear by means of a "V" tattoo with the number indicating the quarter and the year in which vaccinated. Such tattooing, however, shall not be required in the case of calves otherwise permanently identified by owner tattoo or registration number so long as this identification is recorded at the time of vaccination. Special identification ear tags shall be inserted and recorded at the time of vaccination except in the case of calves identified by owner tattoo or registration number. The BRT (brucellosis ring test) is an integral part of the program.