2) non-state-owned and operated NF. The
department determines the status of each provider for exclusion from or
inclusion in any one category. Ceilings will be separately established for each
category as described above, and separately established for the two areas of
allowable costs, i.e. operating costs and facility costs. The operating cost
ceiling will be calculated using the base year costs for year one. For years
two and three, the operating cost ceiling will not be recalculated. It will be
indexed forward using the appropriate inflation factor. The facility cost
ceiling of $11.50 will be trended forward in year two beginning July 1, 1985,
by MBI minus one percentage point and then annually by the MBI.
costs: For existing, replacement, and newly constructed facilities,
including remodeling of a facility to become a long term care facility,
facility costs will be limited as follows:
Any facility that is participating in medicaid by July 1, 1984, or has been
granted Section 1122 approval by July 1, 1984, for construction (including bed
additions to such facilities) will be paid the lower of actual allowable
facility costs or the applicable facility cost ceiling for implementation year
one. The facility cost ceiling will be eleven dollars and fifty cents
(2) Any new facility not
approved July 1, 1984, under Section 1122 for construction (including bed
additions to such facilities) will be paid the lower of actual allowable
facility costs or the median of facility costs for all other existing
facilities in the same category.
(3) Effective for leases executed and binding
on both parties on or after January 1, 1988, total allowable lease costs for
the entire term of the lease for each facility will be limited to an amount
determined by a discounted cash flow technique which will provide the less or
an annual rate of return on the fair market value of the facility equal to one
time the average of the rates of interest on special issues of public debt
obligations issued to the federal hospital insurance trust fund for the twelve
months prior to the date the facility became a provider in the New Mexico
medicaid program. The rates of interest for this fund are published in both the
federal register and the commerce clearing house (CCH). The basis of the total
investment will be subject to the limitations described in Paragraphs 1 and 2
of Subsection B of
8.312.3.13 NMAC. The rate of return
described above will be exclusive of any escalator clauses contained in the
lease. The effect of escalator clauses will be considered at the time they
become effective and the reasonableness of such clauses will be determined by
the inflation factor described in Subsection B of
8.312.3.12 NMAC. Any appraisal
necessary to determine the fair market value of the facility will be the sole
responsibility of the provider and is not an allowable cost for reimbursement
under the program. The appraisals must be conducted by an appraiser certified
by a nationally recognized entity, and such appraiser must be familiar with the
health care industry, specifically long term care, and must be familiar with
the geographic area in which the facility is located. Prior to the appraisal
taking place, the provider must submit to the department the name of the
appraiser, a copy of his/her certification, and a brief description of the
appraiser's relevant experience. The use of a particular appraiser is subject
to the approval of the department.
(4) For newly constructed facilities,
reconstruction of a facility to become a long term care facility, and
replacement facilities entering the medicaid program on or after January 1,
1988, the total basis of depreciable assets shall not exceed the median cost of
construction of a nursing home as listed in the Robert S. Means construction
index, adjusted for New Mexico costs and for inflation in the construction
industry from the date of publication to the date the provider is expected to
enter the New Mexico medicaid program. The costs of construction referred to
herein is expected to include only the cost of the building and fixed
equipment. A reasonable value of land and major moveable equipment will need to
be added to obtain the value of the entire facility.
(5) When an existing facility is sold,
facility costs per day will be limited to the lower of:
(a) allowable facility costs determined by
using the medicare principles of reimbursement; or
(b) the facility cost ceiling.
(6) When an existing facility is
leased, the facility costs per day will be limited to the lower of:
(a) actual allowable facility costs;
(b) for facilities owned or
operated by the less or for 10 years or longer, the applicable facility cost
ceiling; or
(c) for facilities
owned or operated by the lessor less than 10 years, one hundred and ten percent
of the median of facility costs for all providers in the same
(7) When a
replaced facility re-enters the medicaid program either under the same
ownership as existed prior to the replacement or under different ownership,
facility costs per day will be limited to the lower of:
(a) actual allowable facility costs;
(b) the median of facility costs
for all other existing facilities in the same category.