Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
Any person seeking a permit under Subsection A of NMAC shall do so by
filing a written application with the Department. The applicant shall submit
the number of copies of the permit application specified in the applicable
application form. The items of this section, if requested on the applicable
application form, are required before the Department may deem an application
administratively complete. The items may be modified by the Department, as
appropriate, for emergency permits processed under NMAC. All applications
shall, as required by the Department:
(1) Be
filled out on the form(s) furnished by the Department;
(2) State the applicant's name and address,
together with the names and addresses of all owners or operators of the source,
and the applicant's state of incorporation or principal registration to do
(3) Provide all
information, including all calculations and computations, to describe the
specific chemical and physical nature and to estimate the maximum quantities of
any regulated air contaminants the source will emit through routine operations
after construction, modification or installation is completed, and estimate
maximum potential emissions during malfunction, startup, shutdown. With respect
to a toxic air pollutant as defined by Subsection H of NMAC this requirement
only applies when the toxic air pollutant is emitted in such a manner that a
permit is required under the provisions of NMAC -
(4) Contain a regulatory
compliance discussion demonstrating compliance with each applicable air quality
regulation, ambient air quality standard, prevention of significant
deterioration increment, and provision of NMAC -
NMAC. The discussion must include an analysis, which may require use of US
EPA-approved air dispersion model(s), to (1) demonstrate that emissions from
routine operations will not violate any New Mexico or National Ambient Air
Quality Standard or prevention of significant deterioration increment, and (2)
if required by NMAC -
NMAC, estimate ambient concentrations of toxic air pollutants.
(5) Provide a preliminary operational plan
defining the measures to be taken to mitigate source emissions during
malfunction, startup or shutdown;
(6) Include a topographical map, at least as
detailed as the 7.5 minute Topographic Quadrangle map published by the United
States Geological Survey, showing the exact location and geographical
coordinates of the proposed construction, modification or installation of the
(7) Include a process flow
sheet, including a material balance, and a site diagram of all components and
locations of emissions to the atmosphere of the facility which would be
involved in routine operations and emissions;
(8) Include a full description, including all
calculations of controlled and uncontrolled emissions and the basis for all
control efficiencies presented, of the equipment to be used for air pollution
control, including a process flow sheet, or, if the Department so requires,
layout and assembly drawings;
Include a description of the equipment or methods proposed by the applicant to
be used for emission measurement;
(10) State the maximum and standard operating
schedules of the source after completion of construction, modification or
installation or after permit revision in terms of which and how many hours per
day, days per week, days per month and days per year;
(11) Contain such other specifically
identified relevant information as the Department may reasonably
(12) Be notarized and
signed under oath or affirmation by the operator, the owner or an authorized
representative, certifying, to the best of his or her knowledge, the truth of
all information in the application and addenda, if any;
(13) Contain payment of any fees which are
specified in 20.2.75 NMAC (Construction Permit Fees) as payable at the time the
application is submitted;
Contain documentary proof of applicant's public notice, if applicable, as
specified in Subsection B of NMAC; and
(15) At the sole discretion of the applicant,
contain a request for accelerated review of the application.
B. The applicant's public notice
for technical permit revisions shall be as specified in Paragraph 6 of
Subsection B of NMAC. The applicant's
public notice for a permit or significant permit revision shall be:
(1) Provided by certified mail, to the owners
of record, as shown in the most recent property tax schedule, of all
(a) Within one hundred (100) feet
of the property on which the facility is located or proposed to be located, if
the facility is or is proposed to be located in a Class A or Class H county or
a municipality with a population of more than two thousand five hundred (2500)
persons; or
(b) Within one-half
(1/2) mile of the property on which the facility is located or is proposed to
be located if the facility is or will be in a county or municipality other than
those specified in Sub-paragraph (a) of Paragraph 1 of Subsection B of NMAC;
(2) Provided by certified mail to
all municipalities and counties in which the facility is or will be located and
to all municipalities, Indian tribes, and counties within a ten (10) mile
radius of the property on which the facility is proposed to be constructed or
(3) Published once in a
newspaper of general circulation in each county in which the property on which
the facility is proposed to be constructed or operated is located. This notice
shall appear in either the classified or legal advertisements section of the
newspaper and at one other place in the newspaper calculated to give the
general public the most effective notice and, when appropriate, shall be
printed in both English and Spanish;
(4) Posted in at least four (4) publicly
accessible and conspicuous places, including:
(a) The proposed or existing facility
entrance on the property on which the facility is, or is proposed to be,
located, until the permit or significant permit revision is issued or denied;
(b) Three (3) locations
commonly frequented by the general public, such as a nearby post office, public
library, or city hall; and
(5) Submitted as a public service
announcement to at least one radio or television station which serves the
municipality or county in which the source is or is proposed to be
C. The notice
specified in Paragraphs 1 through 4 of Subsection B of NMAC shall contain the
(1) The applicant's name and
address, together with the names and addresses of all owners or operators of
the facility or proposed facility;
(2) The actual or estimated date that the
application was or will be submitted to the Department;
(3) The exact location of the facility or
proposed facility;
(4) A
description of the process or change for which a permit is sought, including an
estimate of the maximum quantities of any regulated air contaminant the source
will emit after proposed construction is complete or permit is
(5) The maximum and
standard operating schedules of the facility after completion of proposed
construction or permit issuance; and
(6) The current address of the Department to
which comments and inquiries may be directed.
D. The public service announcement request
specified in Paragraph 5 of Subsection B of NMAC shall contain the
following information about the facility or proposed facility:
(1) The name, location, and type of
(2) The name of the
principal owner or operator;
The type of process or change for which a permit is sought;
(4) Locations where the notices required
under Paragraph 4 of Subsection B of NMAC have been posted;
(5) The address or telephone
number at which comments and inquires may be directed to the
E. Changing,
Supplementing or Correcting Applications:
Prior to a final decision on an application, the applicant shall have a duty to
promptly supplement and correct information submitted in the application. The
duty to supplement shall include relevant information thereafter acquired or
otherwise determined to be relevant.
(2) If, while processing an application,
regardless of whether it has been determined to be administratively complete,
the Department determines that additional information is necessary to evaluate
or take final action on that application, it may request such information. The
request shall be in writing, identify the additional information requested and
the need for the additional information, and set a reasonable deadline for a
response. The applicant shall submit the requested information in writing on or
before the deadline set by the Department.