Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
General. No waste material shall be used in existing or new dams without the
approval of the regulatory authority. The permittee shall design, locate,
construct, operate, maintain, modify and abandon or remove all dams (used
either temporarily or permanently) constructed of waste materials in accordance
with the requirements of this Section.
B. Construction of dams.
(1) Waste shall not be used in the
construction of dams unless demonstrated through appropriate engineering
analysis to have no adverse effect on stability.
(2) Plans for dams subject to this Section,
and also including those dams that do not meet the size or other criteria of
Section 77.216(a)of this title, shall be approved by the regulatory authority
before construction and shall contain the minimum plan requirements established
by the mining enforcement and safety administration pursuant to Section
77.216-2 of this title.
Construction requirements are as follows:
Design shall be based on the flood from the probable maximum precipitation
event unless the permittee shows that the failure of the impounding structure
would not cause loss of life or severly damage property or the environment, in
which case, depending on site conditions, a design based on a precipitation
event of no less than 100-year frequency may be approved by the regulatory
(b) The design freeboard
distance between the lowest point on the embankment crest and the maximum water
elevation shall be at least 3 feet to avoid overtopping by wind and wave
(c) Dams shall have minimum
safety factors as follows:
Case Loading condition Minimum safety factor
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ End of construction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Partial pool with steady seep-age
saturation 1.5
III _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Steady seepage from spillway or
decant crest 1.5
IV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Earthquake (cases II and III with
seismic loading) 1.0
(d) The dam, foundation and
abutments shall be stable under all conditions of construction and operation of
the impoundment. Sufficient foundation investigations and laboratory testing
shall be performed to determine the factors of safety of the dam for all
loading conditions in Paragraph (b)(3)(ii) [now Subparagraph b of Paragraph 3
of Subsection B of NMAC] of this Section
and for all increments of construction.
(e) Seepage through the dam, foundation and
abutments shall be controlled to prevent excessive uplift pressures, internal
erosion, sloughing, removal of material by solution or erosion of material by
loss into cracks, joints and cavities. This may require the use of impervious
blankets, pervious drainage zones or blankets, toe drains, relief wells or
dental concreting of jointed rock surface in contact with embankment
(f) Allowances shall be
made for settlement of the dams and the foundation so that the freeboard will
be maintained.
(g) Impoundments
created by dams of waste materials shall be subject to a minimum drawdown
criteria that allows the facility to be evacuated by spillways or decants of 90
percent of the volume of water stored during the design precipitation event
within 10 days.
(h) During
construction of dams subject to this Section, the structures shall be
periodically inspected by a registered professional engineer to ensure
construction according to the approved design. On completion of construction
the structure shall be certified by a professional engineer registered in the
State of New Mexico, experienced in the field of dam construction as having
been constructed in accordance with accepted professional practice and the
approved design.
(i) A permanent
identification marker, at least 6 feet high that shows the dam number assigned
pursuant to Section 77.216-1 of this title and the name of the person operating
or controlling the dam, shall be located on or immediately adjacent to each dam
within 30 days of certification of design pursuant to this Section.
(4) All dams, including those not
meeting the size or other criteria of Section 77.216(a) of this title, shall be
routinely inspected by a registered professional engineer, or someone under the
supervision of a registered professional engineer, in accordance with mining
enforcement and safety administration regulations pursuant to Section 77.216-3
of this title.
(5) All dams shall
be routinely maintained. Vegetative growth shall be cut where necessary to
facilitiate inspection and repairs. Ditches and spillways shall be cleaned. Any
combustible materials present on the surface, other than that used for surface
stability such as mulch or dry vegetation shall be removed and any other
appropriate maintenance procedures followed.
(6) All dams subject to this section shall be
recertified annually as having been constructed and modified in accordance with
current prudent engineering practices to minimize the possibility of failures.
Any changes in the geometry of the impounding structure shall be highlighted
and included in the annual recertification report. These certifications shall
include a report on existing and required monitoring procedures and
instrumentation, the average and maximum depths and elevations of any impounded
waters over the past year, existing storage capacity of impounding structures,
any fires occurring in the material over the past year and any other aspects of
the structures affecting their stability.
(7) Any enlargements, reductions in size,
reconstruction or other modification of the dams shall be approved by the
regulatory authority before construction begins.
(8) All dams shall be removed and the
disturbed areas regraded, revegetated and stabilized before the release of bond
unless the regulatory authority approves retention of such dams as being
compatible with an approved postmining land use (Section 715.13).