New Mexico Administrative Code
Section - FISHING
Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. Angling: Game fish may be taken by angling in all waters that are open for fishing.
B. Season and hours: It is unlawful to fish in any water during a closed season or to fish in any water outside of the legal fishing hours as prescribed in 19.31.4 NMAC.
C. Closed waters: It is unlawful to fish in any water closed by state game commission rule.
D. Ice fishing: It is unlawful to take fish from or through the ice on the following waters: Santa Cruz lake, Bonito lake, and Springer lake. Ice fishing is legal on all other waters unless otherwise prohibited.
E. Hatchery waters: It is unlawful to take or attempt to take fish from the waters of any fish hatchery or rearing ponds owned or operated by state or federal agencies. Exception: During open season, angling shall be permitted in the Glenwood pond at the Glenwood state fish hatchery, Red River hatchery pond at the Red River state fish hatchery, Brood pond at Seven Springs state fish hatchery, Laguna del Campo at Los Ojos state fish hatchery, and settling ponds at Rock Lake state fish hatchery. Additionally, the director may expressly authorize other limited fishing at the state's fish hatcheries based on management needs.
F. Trotlines: Game fish may be taken by use of trotlines in any water except those listed below, however:
Drainage: |
Rivers: |
Lakes: |
Rio Grande drainage |
Rio Grande mainstem from its confluence with the Chama river downstream to New Mexico/Texas state line and Chama river mainstem from the northern boundary of the Monastery of Christ in the Desert downstream to Abiquiu lake |
Abiquiu lake, Cochiti lake, Elephant Butte lake, and Caballo lake |
Pecos river drainage |
Pecos river mainstem downstream of I-25 (excluding Villanueva state park) to the New Mexico/Texas state line and all tributaries within Chavez, De Baca, Eddy, Guadalupe, and San Miguel (downstream of I-25) counties |
Santa Rosa lake, Sumner lake, lake Avalon, Brantley lake, Six Mile lake, Ten Mile reservoir, and Red Bluff reservoir |
Canadian river drainage |
Canadian river mainstem and all tributaries downstream and east of I-25 to the New Mexico/Texas state line |
Stubblefield lake, Laguna Madre, Maxwell lake 14, Springer lake, Conchas lake, and Ute lake |
San Juan river drainage |
San Juan river mainstem from U.S. 64 bridge at Blanco downstream to the Navajo Nation boundary at the Hogback canal diversion |
Navajo lake |
Gila river and San Francisco river drainage |
Gila river mainstem from its confluence with the east fork downstream to the New Mexico/Arizona state line and San Francisco river mainstem from U.S. 180 bridge at Alma downstream to the New Mexico/Arizona state line |
None |
Statewide |
As described above |
Class A lakes and lakes, ponds, and ranch tanks not fed by public waters and not open to public fishing |
G. Spearfishing and bow fishing:
H. Noodling or hand fishing: It is unlawful to catch any game fish by hand without the use of angling equipment.
I. Use of nets: It is unlawful to use cast nets, dip nets, seines or gill nets to capture and retain any protected species of fish from any water unless specifically allowed by permit or state game commission rule. Dip nets may be used to assist in landing fish taken by legal angling methods.
J. Illegal device or substance: It is unlawful to use any device or substance capable of catching, stupefying or killing fish except as permitted by state game commission rule.
K. Bait:
L. Use of bait fish: It is unlawful to use or possess any baitfish while angling except as follows:
Water: |
Approved bait fish species: |
Rio Grande drainage |
Fathead minnow, red shiner and shad |
Elephant Butte and Caballo reservoirs |
Fathead minnow, red shiner, shad and golden shiner |
Pecos river drainage except for Bitter lake national wildlife refuge and Bottomless lakes state park |
Fathead minnow red shiner, and shad |
Canadian river drainage |
Fathead minnow, red shiner, white sucker and shad |
San Juan river drainage |
Fathead minnow and red shiner |
Gila river and San Francisco river drainages |
Fathead minnow |
Water: |
Approved dead baitfish species: |
Statewide |
Common carp |
Heron reservoir |
White sucker |
M. Methods for taking bait fish for personal use: Licensed anglers and children 11 years of age and younger may take bait fish for personal use only in waters containing game fish by angling, nets, traps, spears, arrows and seines. All protected species of fish taken in seines, nets and traps shall be immediately returned to the water.
N. Illegal taking of bait fish:
O. Permits for taking bait fish: The director may issue permits for the use of nets, seines, traps or cast nets in taking bait fish in waters containing protected species of fish. The permit shall specify methods of taking, places for taking and duration of the permit. The permittee shall report monthly, to the department, the species, numbers and poundage of bait fish taken during the preceding month.
P. Limit on angling hooks: It is unlawful to angle with more than two barbless lures or flies with single point angling hooks on a single line when fishing the special trout water on the San Juan river designated in Subsection A of NMAC.
Q. Eradication of fish: In waters where fish are being eradicated or where water shortage warrants reduction of fish numbers the director may permit licensed anglers and children 11 years of age and younger to take and possess game fish in numbers exceeding current bag and possession limits. In granting such permission the director may specify bag and possession limits and manner and method of taking for such waters.
R. Possession and release of live game fish:
S. Possession of undersized fish: It is unlawful for any person to have game fish in their possession which do not meet the minimum length requirements as specified in 19.31.4 NMAC.
T. Number of fishing poles or lines: It is unlawful to angle with more than one pole or line without having purchased a current two rod validation during the current license year. It is unlawful under any circumstance to angle with more than two poles or lines. A trotline shall not count toward an anglers limit on fishing poles or lines.
U. Exceeding daily bag limit: It is unlawful to exceed the daily bag limit of any protected fish species, as specified in 19.31.4 NMAC.
V. Exceeding possession limit: It is unlawful to exceed the possession limit of any protected fish species, as specified in 19.31.4 NMAC.
W. Exceeding daily bag limit or possession limit - Penalty Assessment: Any person exceeding the daily bag limit or the possession limit by two fish or less shall be offered a penalty assessment.
X. Snagging game fish: It is unlawful to snag game fish or to keep any snagged game fish except Kokanee salmon during the special Kokanee salmon season as specified in 19.31.4 NMAC.
Y. Special trout waters: Only barbless lures or flies may be used in the special trout waters designated in 19.31.4 NMAC, except in the following waters any legal angling gear and legal bait may be used: the Vermejo river system within Vermejo Park ranch boundaries, Gilita, Little Turkey, and Willow creeks, Mineral creek, Red River from its confluence with the Rio Grande upstream to the lower walking bridge at Red River state fish hatchery, Rio Chama from the river crossing bridge on U.S. 84 at Abiquiu upstream 7.0 miles to the base of Abiquiu dam, Rio Grande, Rio Ruidoso, and Whitewater creek from Catwalk National Recreation Trail parking area upstream to headwaters. It is unlawful to use tackle which does not meet these restrictions in the designated special trout waters.
Z. Attracting or concentrating fish:
AA. Violation of age or disability restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to fish in any water with age or disability restrictions when that person does not meet the requirements as specified in 19.31.4 NMAC.