Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
Determination of priority and amount.
(1) The priority and the diversion amount for
a Section 72-12-1 well, a pre-basin well or
well drilled under a permit from the state engineer shall be the priority and
amount adjudicated in the final decree or authorized in a subsequent permit or
license issued by the state engineer, unless the use is limited by the terms of
an election under the settlement agreement.
(2) If no amount is set forth in the final
decree or in a subsequent permit or license, then the amount shall be the
amount of historic beneficial use of water from the well.
Determination of historic beneficial
(1)If no specific amount of water
is set forth in the final decree or in a subsequent permit or license, then the
amount of historic beneficial use per household shall be presumed to be the
(a) 0.7 afy for pre-basin wells
(in existence prior to November 29, 1956);
(b) 0.7 afy for Section
72-12-1 wells permitted before
January 13, 1983;
(c) 0.7 afy for
Section 72-12-1 wells permitted after
January 13, 1983 that entered into the post-1982 well agreement;
(d) 0.5 afy for Section
72-12-1 wells permitted after
January 13, 1983 that did not enter into the post-1982 well
(2) In no
event shall the total diversion amount from a Section
72-12-1 well exceed 3
(3) Any owner of record
seeking to prove an amount of historic beneficial use greater than the amounts
set forth in Subsection (B)(1) of this Section shall provide the following
information for review and evaluation by the water master:
(a) meter readings taken in compliance with
state engineer requirements, consistent with the metering order for the NPT
basin, for a period of one to three calendar years, which may be the first
calendar year of meter readings at the owner of record's request; and
(b) a map of the area of the claimed
beneficial use prepared by either a licensed professional surveyor or licensed
professional engineer in the state of New Mexico formatted as required by NMAC, or a hydrographic survey map or aerial photograph acceptable
to the state engineer that designates the claimed area of beneficial use from
each point of diversion; and
any other documentation acceptable to the state engineer that demonstrates the
history and continuity of historic beneficial use, and may include deeds,
survey plats, affidavits or other evidence to substantiate the
(4) The water
master will determine the amount based upon the evidence submitted pursuant to
Paragraph 3 of Subsection B of this Section of the highest amount of historic
beneficial use in one calendar year,
(5) Any historic beneficial use amount less
than 0.5 afy is not subject to a reduction under the settlement agreement. An
owner of record who elects to reduce historic beneficial use pursuant to an
election made under the settlement agreement may be subject to restrictions no
sooner than five years after the entry of the well metering order for the NPT
basin, but in no event shall an owner of record be required to reduce below 0.5
relating to the settlement agreement and connection to county water
(1) An owner of record of a
water right from a well used for domestic, commercial or industrial purposes
may elect pursuant to the settlement agreement to connect to the county water
utility for water service as soon as that service is available.
(2) Except for new groundwater points of
diversion for domestic, commercial or industrial uses, an owner of record of a
groundwater right shall not be required to connect to the county water utility
and shall not be required to cease use of their well.
(3) An owner of record that becomes a
settlement party that makes an election and is in compliance with the terms of
the election shall be eligible for protections under sections 4 and 3.1.7 of
the settlement agreement.
State engineer permits to replace,
repair or deepen a well:
(1) Section
72-12-1 well:
(a) Permits for replacement wells, or permits
to deepen or repair a well, may be issued to Section
72-12-1 well owners of record
until such time as those owners connect to the county water utility under the
terms of the settlement agreement.
(b) No replacement well permit will be issued
to a Section
72-12-1 well owner of record that
makes an election to continue use of the well for domestic purposes in
perpetuity, or to connect to the county water utility upon transfer of
ownership of the property, until such well owner of record has provided
documentation of compliance with all applicable county requirements.
(c) If the county water utility is unable to
deliver water to an owner of record that has connected to the county water
utility for water service, the CWU shall convey title to the water right back
to the previous owner of record, who may apply to the state engineer for a
permit to recommence diversions from the well or drill a replacement well for
the purpose of diverting groundwater in the amount previously conveyed and
permitted to the county water utility.
(2) Pre-basin or permitted wells (other than
Section 72-12-1 wells): Permits for
replacement wells, or permits to repair or deepen a well (other than Section
72-12-1 wells) may be issued in
accordance with state law and rules, provided the well is metered and operated
in compliance with any conditions of an applicable permit.
New groundwater points of
diversion. Permits for new groundwater points of diversion for domestic,
agricultural, commercial or industrial uses, including a permit for a Section
72-12-1 well, may be issued
(1) Water rights from within the
NPT basin are moved to the new groundwater point of diversion in accordance
with state law and this rule;
The priority and amount of the moved rights shall be determined under state law
and reflect reductions in amount to account for historic supply; and
(3) The permitted diversions shall cease and
the well owner of record shall connect to the county water utility as soon as
water service is available.
Existing mutual domestic water consumers associations and existing commercial
users shall be required to cease the newly permitted diversion and connect to
the county water utility once water service is available, unless they made an
election to continue such water use under the terms of the settlement agreement
and this rule.
(5) An application
for a change in point of diversion or place or purpose of use of a water right
into or out of an acequia or community ditch subject to Sections
73-2-1 through
73-2-68 NMSA 1978 or Sections
73-3-1 through
73-3-11 NMSA 1978 shall include
the documentary evidence of the applicant's compliance with the requirements of
Section 72-5-24.1 NMSA
Change in
point of diversion, purpose or place of use of groundwater.
(1) The point of diversion, purpose or place
of use of groundwater rights from a pre-basin well or well drilled under a
permit from the state engineer, other than wells permitted under Section
72-12-1, may be changed in
accordance with state law and this rule. The point of diversion, purpose or
place of use of groundwater rights from a well permitted under Section
72-12-1 may only be changed in
accordance with NMAC.
(2) Upon any such change, section 4
protection shall not apply unless the new diversion is metered and operated in
compliance with any applicable permit conditions and consistent with the terms
of the settlement agreement.
Supplemental groundwater points of
(1) Permits for a
supplemental point of diversion from groundwater for an agricultural use may be
issued, provided:
(a) The total diversion
from surface and groundwater is limited to the historic supply of the surface
water diversion.
(b) If a surface
water diversion is permitted to continue and is not metered, the acreage served
by the supplemented and supplemental points of diversion is reduced by the
percentage of deficiency in the historic supply.
(c) If a groundwater point of diversion is
used to supplement another groundwater point of diversion, both diversions
shall be metered.