Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 18, September 24, 2024
Any person, association or corporation, public or private,
the state, or the United States that is intending to construct a dam shall
submit an application to construct and operate a dam and supporting
documentation acceptable to the state engineer. This section primarily
addresses the design and construction of embankment dams. Other types of dams
shall conform to sound engineering principles and current state of the
practice. Because each site, design and operating practice is unique, waivers
of specific requirements in this section will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Request for waiver shall be in writing accompanied with documentation
justifying the request. If the request is not justified to the satisfaction of
the state engineer the request will be denied. If the supporting documentation
for the design of a dam does not meet acceptable engineering standards and does
not conform to these regulations, as determined by the state engineer, a
quality management plan or third party review may be required by the state
engineer. Construction shall not begin until the state engineer has accepted
the supporting documentation and approved the application with permit
conditions. The application and supporting documentation shall include the
information described below.
C. Design report: A
design report, which includes information to evaluate the safe design of the
dam and appurtenant structures, shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the
state engineer. The final design report shall also be submitted in an
electronic format acceptable to the state engineer. The design report may be
submitted as a single report or as individual reports documenting the
information described below. A professional engineer licensed in the state of
New Mexico qualified in the design and construction of dams shall prepare or
supervise the preparation of the design report. The front cover shall show the
name of the dam, the county in which the dam is located, the dam owner and the
type of report. The first page behind the front cover shall show the name of
the dam, the county in which the dam is located, a signed certification from
the engineer and a certification for the state engineer in accordance with
Subsections B and E of NMAC. The design report shall contain the
information described below and any other additional information determined
necessary by the state engineer to evaluate if the design is safe.
(1) Hazard potential classification. A hazard
potential classification shall be based on the dam failure condition that
results in the greatest potential for loss of life and property damage. If the
state engineer concurs, the classification may be based on the judgment and
recommendation of the professional engineer. For all other cases, a low or
significant hazard potential classification shall be supported by a dam breach
and flood routing analysis, which includes calculations and data that supports
the predicted dam failure flood. This analysis shall also address the potential
for foreseeable future development. Evaluation of the effects of flooding from
dam failure shall extend at least to the location downstream where the
classification can be properly identified. The dam breach and flood routing
analysis shall include, but not be limited to:
(a) description of the dam breach and flood
routing methodology;
(b) a
tabulation and justification of parameters used in the analysis;
(c) a sensitivity analysis of the parameters
used in the analysis;
references to all computer models, data and supporting justification used in
the analysis;
(e) appropriate data
sheets, computer program input and output computations and electronic files
from computerized analysis;
table of results for the flood routing for the sunny day failure and the
failure and no failure scenarios for multiple flood events up to and including
the spillway design flood as defined in Subparagraph (a) through (d) of
Paragraph (3) of Subsection C of NMAC; the table of results for all
critical locations downstream shall include the depth of flow in feet, velocity
of flow in feet per second, rate of flow in cubic feet per second and the
incremental impacts; and
(g) dam
failure inundation maps downstream of the dam for the sunny day failure and
failure during the spillway design flood event showing the depth of flow in
feet, average velocity in feet per second and rate of flow in cubic feet per
second at critical locations downstream.
(2) Hydrologic analysis. The hydrologic
analysis shall include a discussion of methodology used to calculate the
spillway design flood for determining the available flood storage and spillway
capacity. Consideration of how the dam will perform under these hypothetical
flood conditions shall be evaluated. The hydrologic analysis shall include, but
not be limited to:
(a) a topographic map of
the drainage area above the dam with the drainage area and sub-basins
delineated and presented on a map of appropriate scale and size;
(b) a description of the topography, soils
and vegetative cover and land treatment of the drainage area;
(c) a discussion of the depth, duration and
distribution of the spillway design storm;
(d) a tabulation, discussion and
justification of all hydrologic parameters and methodology used to calculate
runoff from rainfall;
(e) a
discussion of the peak inflow, volume of runoff and maximum reservoir water
level elevation for the inflow hydrograph;
(f) a plot of the reservoir inflow and
outflow hydrographs extended until flow is negligible and plotted on the same
figure of appropriate size and scale;
(g) a table showing the reservoir area (in
acres) and storage capacity (in acre-feet) for each foot of elevation above the
bottom of the reservoir to the dam crest; the table shall be determined from
the reservoir topography map; indicate the amount of dead storage, elevation of
the invert of the outlet and elevation of the crest of each spillway; all
elevations shall be based on North American vertical datum 1988 or more recent
adjustment; and
(h) appropriate
data sheets and computer program output computations from computerized
(3) Spillway
design flood. The spillway design flood is the flood that a spillway must be
capable of conveying without dam failure. For perimeter embankment dams with no
spillway and no external drainage area, the dam must be capable of impounding
the spillway design flood without dam failure. A spillway design flood less
than these requirements is acceptable to the state engineer if an incremental
damage analysis is presented to justify the inflow design flood in accordance
with Paragraph (4) of Subsection C of NMAC. The spillway design
flood is based on size classification and hazard potential classification of
the dam as described below.
(a) Dams
classified as low hazard potential, regardless of size, shall have spillways
designed to pass a flood resulting from a 100-year precipitation event
expressed as a percentage of the probable maximum precipitation.
(b) Dams classified as small and
intermediate, with a significant hazard potential rating shall have spillways
designed to pass a flood resulting from 50 percent of the probable maximum
(c) Dams classified
as large, with a significant hazard potential rating shall have spillways
designed to pass a flood resulting from 75 percent of the probable maximum
(d) Dams classified
as high hazard potential, regardless of size, shall have spillways designed to
pass a flood resulting from the probable maximum precipitation.
(4) Incremental damage assessment.
Where spillways are not in compliance with Paragraph (3) of Subsection C of NMAC an incremental damage assessment shall justify the inflow
design flood used to size the spillway. The spillway design flood from an
incremental damage assessment is the flood above which the incremental increase
in downstream water surface elevation due to failure of a dam is no longer
considered to present an unacceptable additional downstream threat when
compared to the same flood without dam failure. The lower limit is the flood
resulting from the 100-year precipitation. The assessment shall compare the
incremental impacts on downstream areas including existing and foreseeable
future development. The assessment shall include a dam breach and flood routing
analysis in accordance with Subparagraphs (a) through (g) of Paragraph (1) of
Subsection C of NMAC for the failure and non-failure conditions.
Methods for assessing the damage between failure and non-failure conditions
shall be fully documented.
Spillway capacity. The spillway capacity shall be adequate to pass the spillway
design flood in accordance with Paragraph (3) of Subsection C of
NMAC or accepted inflow design flood in accordance with Paragraph (4) of
Subsection C of NMAC without failure of the dam. If the outlet
works are gated, the design discharge of the outlet works shall not be
considered when routing the spillway design flood through the reservoir and
spillway. The water level shall be at the normal operating level at the
beginning of the spillway design storm. A spillway rating curve and table
showing elevation in one-foot increments versus maximum discharge capacity
shall be prepared. The rating curve and table shall include data from the crest
of the spillway to the dam crest. The parameters used to calculate the spillway
capacity shall be justified and appropriate data sheets and computer program
output computations from computerized analysis shall be provided. Elevations
shall be based on North American vertical datum 1988 or more recent adjustment.
(6) Spillway design. Spillways
shall be evaluated for erosion potential during normal operation and the design
flood event. Damage to a spillway during the design flood event is acceptable;
however, a breach of the spillway is unacceptable. The spillway design shall
address the minimum requirements described below.
(a) The material required for spillway lining
depends on the spillway location, frequency of discharge and velocity of
discharge to adequately address erosion and breach potential. The design shall
provide adequate justification for the material selected.
(b) The design shall provide aeration of the
nappe for cavitation control where control weirs are used at the spillway
(c) The spillway must
discharge away from the toe of the dam and abutment slopes.
(d) The design shall address the potential
for the accumulation of debris that may block the spillway.
(e) The design shall address energy
dissipation to adequately control erosion of the natural channel due to
spillway discharge reasonably expected to occur during the life of the
(f) Channel lining shall be
placed on a suitably prepared, stable subgrade. All edges and joints in channel
lining material must be designed to prevent undermining and erosion. Concrete
channel lining must be provided with adequate jointing to permit thermal
expansion and contraction and adequate reinforcing to control thermal cracking.
Adequate water stops are required at joints in the spillway lining. Concrete
lining shall be adequately anchored against displacement and uplift and shall
be provided with adequate subdrainage to relieve hydrostatic pressure and
prevent frost heave.
(g) Where
training dikes are used to divert the water away from the dam, the dike shall
be designed with a compaction to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor
density, ASTM D 698, or at least 90% of the maximum modified Proctor density,
ASTM D 1557. Erosion protection for the dike shall be addressed in accordance
with Paragraph (16) of Subsection C of NMAC.
(7) Outlet works capacity. Dams shall be
designed with a low level outlet to drain the entire contents above the
elevation of the downstream toe of the dam. If environmental consequences
prevent draining of the reservoir, the state engineer will grant a waiver if
written justification is provided to the satisfaction of the state engineer.
The outlet shall be sized to provide adequate capacity to satisfy water rights
of downstream priority users. A stage discharge curve and table showing
elevation in one-foot increments versus discharge capacity shall be prepared.
The rating curve and table shall be from the invert of the outlet to the dam
crest. The parameters used to calculate the outlet works capacity shall be
justified and appropriate data sheets and computer program output computations
from computerized analysis shall be provided. Elevations shall be based on
North American vertical datum 1988 or more recent adjustment. The outlet works
capacity shall meet the minimum requirements described below.
(a) Outlets for water storage dams shall
drain the reservoir in 45 days with supporting calculations provided.
(b) Outlets for flood control dams shall
drain the reservoir in 96 hours unless a waiver is granted by the state
engineer. The 96-hour time frame begins once the reservoir storage drops to the
emergency spillway crest or reaches its peak during the 100-year, 24-hour
event. Documentation supporting the waiver shall include the time to drain more
frequent events.
Outlet works design. The outlet works design includes the intake structure,
conduit and terminal structure. The outlet works design shall meet the minimum
requirements described below.
(a) Minimum
conduit diameter is 18 inches unless a waiver is granted by the state engineer.
Documentation supporting a waiver shall include identification of methods to
inspect the interior of the conduit.
(b) Metal conduits used in dams that are
classified as significant hazard potential where the sole purpose of the dam is
flood control, or in dams classified as low hazard potential, shall have
adequate strength after corrosion for a minimum of 200 years, based on
corrosivity testing of onsite soils. Cathodic or other protection of metal
conduits is permissible and may be considered in this analysis. Metal conduits
are not acceptable for dams classified as high hazard potential or dams
classified as significant hazard potential with permanent water storage except
as interior forms for cast-in-place concrete conduits.
(c) Outlet conduits for storage reservoirs
shall be gated at the upstream end unless a waiver is granted by the state
engineer. Where gates are located other than at the upstream end of the
conduit, a guard gate or bulkhead shall be provided at the upstream end to
allow draining of the conduit for inspection, maintenance and repair.
(d) Outlet conduits shall be adequately
vented and shall include all supporting calculations. Where the outlet conduit
ties directly to a downstream pipe, a by-pass valve shall be provided. An
exception to the by-pass valve will be granted when the conduit discharges to
an ungated downstream storm drain with adequate access for inspection and
(e) Outlet controls
and equipment shall be properly designed to be secure from damage due to
vandalism, weather, ice, floating debris, wave action, embankment settlement
and other reasonably foreseeable causes. The outlet control operators shall
remain accessible during outlet works and spillway releases.
(f) Outlets for flood control structures
shall be ungated. Where a gate is required to satisfy downstream release
restrictions, a waiver from the state engineer is required. The written request
for waiver shall include a plan for timely release of the floodwater.
(g) Outlet works intake structures shall be
provided with trash racks or grates to prevent clogging with debris. Grate
opening area or bar spacing shall be adequate to satisfy applicable public
safety requirements, if appropriate. Total area of grate openings must be at
least three times the cross-sectional area of the outlet conduit.
(h) The design of the outlet works terminal
structure shall address energy dissipation to prevent erosion and shall include
supporting calculations.
(i) Outlet
conduits shall be designed for full embankment loading and for hydrostatic
pressure equal to the maximum reservoir head, acting separately and in
combination, with an adequate factor of safety for the conduit material. If
future increases in embankment height or reservoir head are foreseeable,
allowance shall be made in the design.
(j) The conduit together with all joints and
fittings shall be watertight at the design pressure and shall be pressure
tested prior to backfilling. Conduits shall be designed for all reasonably
foreseeable adverse conditions including corrosion, abrasion, cavitation,
embankment settlement and spreading, thermal effects and seismic loading. The
ability of the conduit to withstand deflection and separation at the joints
shall be addressed in the design of the outlet conduit.
(k) Outlet works shall be supported by
stable, well-consolidated foundation materials. Where the conduit is placed in
embankment fill or native overburden materials, settlement analysis shall be
(l) Minimizing seepage
along conduits shall be addressed including the methods for ensuring compaction
of backfill around and beneath the conduit. Seepage collars are not an
acceptable design standard for controlling seepage.
(m) All supporting documentation and
calculations for the outlet works design shall be provided. The outlet works
design shall include all foreseeable loading conditions, including but not
limited to ice loading, debris buildup, wave action and embankment settlement.
Structural design calculations for the intake structure, conduit and outlet
structure shall be submitted.
(9) Geological assessment. A geological
assessment of the dam and reservoir site is required for all dams classified as
high or significant hazard potential. The geological assessment may be included
in the geotechnical investigation or seismic study, or may be submitted as a
separate document. The geological assessment shall address regional geologic
setting; local and site geology; geologic suitability of the dam foundation;
slide potential of the reservoir rim and abutment areas; and seismic history
and potential.
(10) Geotechnical
investigation. A geotechnical investigation shall assess site conditions and
support the design. A professional engineer licensed in the state of New Mexico
qualified to provide geotechnical expertise in the design and construction of
dams shall prepare, stamp and sign the geotechnical investigation, which may be
submitted as a separate report. The scope of the geotechnical investigation is
dependent on the size classification, hazard potential classification,
anticipated materials and construction methods, site geology and seismicity,
anticipated soil strata and other site-specific conditions. The geotechnical
investigation shall include a field investigation and laboratory testing.
Results of field and laboratory testing shall be presented in a report,
including recommended parameters to be used in design and construction of the
dam and appurtenant structures. The field investigation and laboratory testing
shall include but not be limited to the following:
(a) test borings in the footprint of the
embankment, spillway excavations and appurtenant structures extending to
bedrock or to a depth equal to at least the height of the dam; where
appropriate, borings may include coring of bedrock materials to determine the
quality and character of the rock;
(b) standard penetration tests or other
field-testing to assess soil character and consistency;
(c) "undisturbed" sampling for further tests
such as insitu density, shear strength and compressibility;
(d) supplemental test pits, if deemed
necessary, to obtain bulk and undisturbed samples, assess soil layering and
measure bedrock orientation;
measurement of water level in drill holes;
(f) field permeability testing, if
(g) logs of test borings
and test pits, location map and profile along dam axis with soil information
(h) testing to determine the
relevant properties of the material to be used in construction, including but
not limited to shear strength, permeability, compressibility and filter
characteristics; the testing method shall conform to accepted industry
standards and be appropriate for the material being tested;
(i) evaluation of liquefaction potential and
dynamic shear strength testing if deformation analysis is required;
(j) identification of the
location of the borrow material to be used during
Seepage and internal drainage. The effects of seepage and potential for
internal erosion shall be evaluated. For dams with aesthetic fill on the
downstream slope, the effects of seepage shall be evaluated with and without
the aesthetic fill. A seepage analysis shall be performed to address the
performance of the embankment under steady-state conditions for dams classified
as high or significant hazard potential. All parameters and assumptions used in
the analysis shall be summarized in a table and justified in the seepage
analysis. A waiver may be requested in writing for flood control dams that
drain in 96 hours. The seepage analysis and internal drainage design shall
include the minimum requirements described below.
(a) Flow nets of appropriate size and scale
shall be prepared. The effects of anisotropy with respect to permeability shall
be addressed. Ratios of horizontal to vertical permeability of less than 4 for
constructed embankments and less than 9 for native deposits shall be supported
by field and laboratory permeability tests. Appropriate data sheets and
computer program output computations from computerized analysis shall be
(b) The design shall
address the effects of anticipated seepage beneath, around and through the dam.
Seepage shall not exit on the dam face and excessive exit seepage gradients are
unacceptable. All filter, transition and drainage zones within earth dams shall
have a thickness adequate to address constructability and enhance seismic
stability with a minimum thickness of 3 feet for each zone.
(c) Collector pipes and conduits for internal
drains shall be made of non-corrodible material capable of withstanding the
anticipated loads. If possible, pipes shall be located where they can be
exposed for repair or replacement without threatening the stability of the dam.
Collector pipes for drains shall be enveloped in a free-draining medium meeting
filter criteria for adjacent embankment or foundation zones. Where surging or
hydraulic gradient reversal is likely, perforation size must be less than the
diameter at which 15 percent of the surrounding medium is finer. Where surging
or hydraulic gradient reversal are unlikely, the perforation size must be less
than the diameter at which 85 percent of the surrounding medium is
(d) Drain pipes shall be
sized to provide a flow depth no more than 1/4 of the pipe diameter when
carrying the anticipated discharge. Drain pipes shall be at least 6 inches in
diameter unless the availability of technology for inspection and maintenance
can be demonstrated. Individual pipes shall discharge to a gallery, well,
manhole, or to daylight such that the flow of each pipe can be monitored and
measured. Manifold connections, tees and wyes are not permitted. A seepage
measuring device must be appropriate for the rate of anticipated flow. The
measuring device must include an upstream catchment to detect any sediment in
the seepage. Where pipes from internal drains are discharged to daylight, a
rodent screen shall be provided.
(12) Stability analysis. Cross-sectional
design for dams shall be supported by slope stability analysis. For dams with
aesthetic fill on the downstream slope, the stability of the downstream slope
shall be evaluated with and without the aesthetic fill. Dams classified as low
hazard potential with upstream slopes no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1
vertical, downstream slopes no steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical and
which are 25 feet or less in height will not require slope stability analysis.
Stability analysis of the reservoir rim is required where slopes are steeper
than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. The analysis model shall adequately represent
the geometry and zoning, shear strength parameters, material unit weights, pore
pressure and seepage conditions, external loading and other relevant factors of
the critical cross section or sections. Manual computations in the analysis
will be accepted if judged to be sufficiently rigorous. Where appropriate, the
analysis shall consider noncircular or block and wedge type failure surfaces as
well as circular failures. All parameters and assumptions used in the analysis
shall be summarized in a table and justified in the geotechnical investigation.
A scale drawing, utilizing the same scale for vertical and horizontal
dimensions, shall be provided for each cross-sectional model used in the
analysis, with the critical failure surface(s) identified. Appropriate data
sheets and computer program output computations from computerized analysis
shall be provided. Dams shall be designed to provide the following minimum
factors of safety from the stability analysis:
(a) 1.5 for steady state long-term
(b) 1.5 for operational
drawdown conditions;
(c) 1.3 for
rapid drawdown conditions; and
1.3 for end of construction.
(13) Seismic design and analysis. Dams and
appurtenant structures classified as high or significant hazard potential shall
be analyzed for seismic stability. Seismic analysis for water storage dams
shall be based on full reservoir under steady state seepage conditions. Flood
control dams with ungated outlets that satisfy Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph
(7) of Subsection C of NMAC without waiver shall be designed for
earthquake loads under empty reservoir conditions and need not consider
steady-state seepage. Dams sited on active faults shall obtain a waiver from
the state engineer. To obtain a waiver the analysis shall show that the
location of the dam is unavoidable and the dam must be designed to withstand
anticipated fault movement without compromising its integrity. Appropriate data
sheets and computer program output computations from computerized analysis
shall be provided. The seismic analysis shall meet the minimum requirements
described below.
(a) A seismological
investigation for the dam area and reservoir area shall be performed. This
study may be part of the geological or geotechnical report for the structure,
or may be a separate effort. The study shall determine and justify the
appropriate seismic parameters to be used for design. The dam and appurtenant
structures shall be capable of withstanding the operating basis earthquake with
little to no damage and without interruption of function. The operating basis
earthquake has a 50% probability of exceedance during the service life of the
dam or appurtenant structures. In no case shall the service life be less than
100 years. The dam and appurtenant structures critical to the safety of the dam
shall be capable of withstanding the design earthquake without failure. The
seismic parameters shall be based on the design earthquake requirements
described below.
(i) Dams classified as high
hazard potential other than flood control structures shall be designed for the
maximum credible earthquake or for a 1% probability of exceedance in 50 years
(approximately 5000-year return frequency).
(ii) Dams classified as significant hazard
potential or high hazard potential dams whose sole purpose is for flood control
shall be designed for a 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years (approximately
2500-year return frequency).
(b) An analysis of materials in the
foundation, reservoir area and proposed embankment shall be completed to
determine the potential for liquefaction, earthquake-induced sliding, or other
seismic sensitivity, which may be accomplished as part of the geotechnical
(c) Pseudostatic
analysis will be acceptable for the following cases:
(i) the embankment is to be mechanically
compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density, ASTM D 698,
or at least 90% of the maximum modified Proctor density, ASTM D 1557; no
materials prone to liquefaction are present in the foundation and peak ground
acceleration is 0.20g or less; or
(ii) the embankment is to be mechanically
compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density, ASTM D 698,
or at least 90% of the maximum modified Proctor density, ASTM D 1557;
potentially submerged portions of the embankment except for internal drain
elements are constructed of clayey material; the dam is constructed on clayey
soil or bedrock foundation and peak ground acceleration is 0.35g or less;
(iii) all safety factor
requirements in accordance with Subparagraphs (a) through (d) of Paragraph (12)
of Subsection C of NMAC are met;
(iv) minimum freeboard requirements in
accordance with Subparagraphs (a) through (e) of Paragraph (15) of Subsection C
of NMAC are met; and
(v) the pseudostatic coefficient selected for
analysis must be at least 50% of the predicted peak ground acceleration, but
not less than 0.05g and the factor of safety under pseudostatic analysis shall
be 1.1 or greater. In determining the factor of safety for pseudostatic
analysis, a search for the critical failure surface shall be
(d) For dams not
satisfying the requirements for pseudostatic analysis, a deformation analysis
is required. The resulting embankment must be capable of withstanding the
design earthquake without breaching and with at least 3 feet of freeboard
remaining after deformation. The analysis shall also assess the potential for
internal erosion as a result of cracking during
(14) Dam
geometry. The dam geometry shall be supported by the stability and seismic
analysis and shall meet the minimum requirements described below.
(a) The crest width shall be at least equal
to the dam height in feet divided by 5 plus 8 feet, with the minimum
permissible crest width being 10 feet and the maximum required crest width
being 24 feet.
(b) Roads located on
the crest shall have appropriate surfacing to provide a stable base that
resists rutting and provides adequate friction for safety in wet
(c) The crest design
shall provide a minimum of 2 feet of cover or the depth of frost penetration;
whichever is greater, above clay cores to prevent cracking of the core due to
desiccation or frost penetration.
(d) Turnarounds shall be provided on dead-end
service roads on dam crests, located in such a manner that backing maneuvers
longer than 300 feet are eliminated.
(e) The crest shall be provided with adequate
cross slope to prevent ponding.
The slope or slopes to which crest drainage is directed must be provided with
adequate erosion protection to accept the crest drainage.
(g) The crest longitudinal profile shall be
provided with adequate camber to maintain the profile after embankment
settlement. Camber shall be based on a settlement analysis and shall be at
least 2 percent of the total embankment height, with a minimum of 1 foot at the
highest point of the dam. The tops of internal core zones shall also be
provided with camber in a similar manner to the crest of the dam.
(h) In the event that safety berms, street
curbs, or other longitudinal features which block, control, or concentrate
drainage are required on the dam crest, the design shall provide for collection
and conveyance of accumulated water to discharge away from the embankment
without erosion.
Freeboard. Dams shall be provided with adequate freeboard. Wave runup shall be
determined taking into consideration wind speed, reservoir fetch, embankment
slope and roughness of the slope surface. Freeboard shall satisfy the minimum
requirements described below.
(a) Anticipated
wave runup resulting from a 100 mph wind with reservoir level at the spillway
crest will not overtop the dam.
Anticipated wave runup resulting from a 50 mph wind with maximum reservoir
level from routed spillway design flood will not overtop the dam.
(c) Clay core cover and capillary rise
requirements in accordance with Subparagraph (c) of Paragraph (14) of
Subsection C of NMAC are satisfied.
(d) A minimum of 3 feet of freeboard remains
after seismic deformation.
(e) In
any case, at least 4 feet of freeboard shall be provided. The minimum of 4 feet
of freeboard may be waived for perimeter embankment dams with no spillway and
no external drainage area, provided a written request is made to the state
engineer accompanied with supporting justification.
(16) Erosion protection. Erosion protection
shall be addressed to protect the dam and appurtenant structures from erosion
that can threaten the safety of the structure. Erosion protection shall address
the minimum requirements described below.
Wave erosion. The upstream slope shall be protected from wave erosion. The
material selected and area of coverage shall be appropriate for the protection
required with justification provided. Flood control dams in compliance with
Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (7) of Subsection C of NMAC without
waiver are exempt from wave protection.
(b) Surface erosion. The slope, crest,
abutment and groins, toe areas and any other constructed areas associated with
the dam and appurtenant structures shall be protected from wind erosion and
erosion from concentrated and sheet flows. The material selected and area of
coverage shall be appropriate for the protection required with justification
(17) Geotextile
design. Geotextiles are an acceptable material for use in dam design only if
the geotextile is placed so that it does not jeopardize the dam or appurtenant
structures during repair or failure of the geotextile. The geotextile shall be
used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and intended use for
the product. Geotextile design computations shall be provided. Where a
geotextile is used for fluid containment the installation shall be performed by
certified personnel and the completed installation shall be certified by a
qualified independent entity.
Structural design. The structural design information for all appurtenant
structures, addressing water, earth, ice and any other applicable load shall be
provided. Reinforced concrete design including assumptions for loads and
limiting stresses and sample calculations shall be provided. Appropriate data
sheets and computer program output computations from computerized analysis
shall be provided.
(19) Utilities
design. Utility placement or relocation shall be addressed as applicable.
Utilities located in the vicinity of the proposed embankment, spillway and
seepage footprint should be relocated and trenches backfilled and compacted
with suitable material to the satisfaction of the state engineer. If utilities
are allowed to remain, they will be required to satisfy applicable provisions
for outlet conduits in accordance with Paragraph (8) of Subsection C of NMAC.
Miscellaneous design. Because each design is unique, all design elements not
specifically addressed in these regulations shall be documented and justified
with sample calculations and appropriate data sheets and computer program
output computations from computerized analysis shall be included in the design
D. Construction
drawings: Construction drawings shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the
state engineer. The final construction drawings shall also be submitted in an
electronic format acceptable to the state engineer. A professional engineer
licensed in the state of New Mexico qualified in dam design and construction
shall prepare the construction drawings. Illegible, mutilated, careless or
otherwise poorly prepared drawings are not acceptable for filing with the state
engineer. The construction drawings shall contain the information described
below and any other additional information determined necessary by the state
engineer to evaluate if the construction drawings are consistent with the
(1) Quality. Construction drawings
and maps shall be made from actual field or photogrammetric surveys of an
accuracy acceptable to the state engineer. Construction drawings and maps shall
be prepared with permanent black ink on mylar. All original signatures, dates
and acknowledgments appearing on the sheet(s) shall be in permanent ink.
Construction drawings and maps shall always be rolled, never folded, for
(2) Scale and size.
Sheets shall range in size from twenty-two (22) to twenty-four (24) inches by
thirty-four (34) to thirty-six (36) inches with one (1) inch margins on all
sides. The scale(s) used on the drawings may vary according to requirements and
space available to show all necessary data in detail clearly in feet and
decimals and to be clearly legible when the drawings are reduced to eleven (11)
inches by seventeen (17) inches. Detailed dimensions of appurtenant structures
shall be given in feet and inches. All sheets shall have bar scales in order to
allow scaling of reduced drawings.
(3) Sheet numbers. Each sheet shall be
numbered sequentially with the first sheet being sheet number one in
conjunction with the total numbered sheets (example Sheet 1 of 5). The sheet
number on the last sheet shall equal the total number of sheets.
(4) Engineer's seal and signature. Each sheet
shall have the responsible engineer's seal and signature.
Seals and signatures shall be presented in accordance with
16.39.3 NMAC.
Orientation and date. The direction of north and the basis of bearings shall be
shown on all maps. The date that field surveys are made or the date of the
aerial photography used shall be shown on the maps.
(6) Title sheet. The first sheet of a set of
construction drawings is the title sheet. The title sheet shall only contain
sufficient information to summarize the scope of the project, the title of the
project, signed certifications from the dam owner, engineer and a certification
for the state engineer in accordance with Subsections A, B and E of
NMAC. The title sheet shall summarize the properties of the dam and shall
include the following information, as appropriate:
(a) name of the dam (same as shown on the
(b) type of dam
(c) hazard potential
(d) maximum height
above the downstream toe in feet;
(e) maximum length in feet;
(f) crest width in feet;
(g) slope of the upstream face (horizontal to
1 vertical);
(h) slope of the
downstream face (horizontal to 1 vertical);
(i) elevation of the dam crest in
(j) elevation of spillway
crest in feet;
(k) length of the
conduit in feet;
(l) invert
elevation of the upstream end of the conduit in feet;
(m) invert elevation of the downstream end of
the conduit in feet;
(n) freeboard
in feet;
(o) residual freeboard in
(p) maximum spillway
discharge capacity in cubic feet per second;
(q) type of outlet conduit (give size and
(r) maximum outlet
conduit discharge capacity in cubic feet per second; and
(s) location of the outlet works intake
structure (using latitude and longitude in decimal degrees at least to the
fifth place after the decimal).
(7) Vicinity map. A vicinity map of
sufficient scale and size to locate the pertinent area shall be shown on the
title sheet or second sheet of the drawings.
(8) Site topography. A detailed topography of
the dam site including sufficient area upstream and downstream and at the
abutments shall be provided. Elevations shall be based on North American
vertical datum 1988 or more recent adjustment.
(9) Design details. Detailed information of
the various construction features including plan view, elevations,
cross-sections at the maximum section and along the outlet works, profile along
and section through the centerline of the dam showing the foundation materials,
construction features and cross-sections and a profile of the emergency
spillway with dimensions and construction details shall be provided. Any other
information necessary for the state engineer to determine the feasibility and
safety of the dam shall be provided.
(10) Reservoir area, capacity and high water
line traverse. The topography of any proposed reservoir site shall be
determined to industry standards and a contour map with a contour interval of 1
foot shall be prepared. Elevations of the contours shall be tied to the North
American vertical datum of 1988 or more recent adjustment. The elevation of the
high water line will be highlighted on the contour map. A curve and table of
elevation versus area and storage capacity for the reservoir shall be prepared
from the contour map. The curve and table shall be from the bottom of the
reservoir to the dam crest. Area shall be provided in acres and storage
capacity in acre-feet.
Permanent bench mark. A permanent bench mark shall be established above the
high water line at a location unlikely to settle or be disturbed. The North
American vertical datum of 1988 or more recent adjustment for the bench mark
elevation and the latitude and longitude in decimal degrees at least to the
fifth place after the decimal for the bench mark location shall be provided. A
detail of construction of the permanent bench mark shall be