New Mexico Administrative Code
Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. Avoidance of damage. Any persons engaged in activities on state trust lands are subject to the requirements of the Cultural Properties Act, the Cultural Properties Protection Act, and NMAC. Persons shall not disturb, dislodge, damage, destroy, or remove any cultural properties on state trust lands. Any project on state trust lands that has the potential to directly or indirectly damage cultural properties is additionally subject to the requirements of Subsections B, C, D, and E of NMAC.
B. Signed acknowledgment. Parties shall acknowledge, on a form prescribed by the commissioner, that they understand and agree to comply with applicable laws and rules pertaining to the protection of cultural properties on state trust lands.
C. ARMS inspection and survey. Prior to conducting surface disturbing activities, parties shall cause a permitted archaeologist to submit to the state land office an ARMS inspection of the entire area of potential effect. More detailed guidance regarding the submission process for ARMS inspection and surveys under this subpart will be provided in an instructional document to be published on the state land office's website and also will be provided to any party or other interested person upon request. The time when that submission is required is provided in Subsection E of this section. In the best interest of the trust, the commissioner, in the commissioner's discretion, may elect to provide the ARMS inspection for any particular portion of state trust land. The following subparagraphs describe the necessary steps to be taken after an ARMS inspection is conducted.
D. Compliance measures. For any application or project where any survey has identified cultural properties within the area of potential effect, the party shall cause a permitted archaeologist to develop and submit to the state land office compliance measures related to project siting, and avoidance and mitigation of damage to cultural properties; those compliance measures may be included within the survey that is submitted to the state land office on behalf of any party, or may be submitted separately. The state land office will review any applicable compliance measures, and determine if those measures are sufficient to protect or mitigate damages to the affected cultural properties, a review that may include consultation with the SHPO and shall include consultation with any impacted tribe. In the best interests of the trust, the state land office may require additional or different compliance measures as a condition to approval of the application or project. This review process will be completed within 60 calendar days of submission of an administratively complete submission (ARMS inspection or survey, and any applicable compliance measures), but that time period may be extended in the commissioner's discretion for up to an additional 60 calendar days as may be necessary to ensure appropriate review. Upon commissioner approval, the relevant leasing division shall include appropriate compliance measures in the relevant lease, easement, or other instrument, if applicable, consistent with applicable statutes and rules.
E. Timing of requirements. The undertakings required in Subsections A, B, and C of NMAC are required at different points in time depending on the nature of the application or project, as follows:
F. Archaeological survey permits and notifications to survey. Individuals with valid archaeological survey permits issued by the New Mexico cultural properties review committee, as provided in 4.10.8 NMAC, are pre-approved to access state trust lands for the sole purpose of conducting archaeological surveys pursuant to this rule, without the need for a separate authorization from the commissioner. For other project purposes (that is, other than archaeological surveys), parties who are already authorized to access and occupy particular state trust lands by virtue of a lease or easement are not required to obtain separate authorization from the commissioner. All other persons needing access to state trust lands for other project purposes (that is, other than archaeological surveys) shall apply for a right of entry permit on a form prescribed by the commissioner, and the state land office will process such application on a timely basis. The state land office should be notified at least 15 calendar days before an archaeological survey is conducted, except for exigent situations, including but not limited to responses to spills or hazardous conditions, in which case the state land office should be notified as soon as possible and in any event prior to the survey.