Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. The
responsible party must remediate all releases regardless of volume.
Remediation requirements.
(1) Unless remediation is completed, and a
final closure report submitted, within 90 days of discovery of the release, the
responsible party must complete division-approved remediation for releases
either pursuant to a remediation plan approved pursuant to NMAC or pursuant to an
abatement plan in accordance with 19.15.30 NMAC. If the director determines
that the release has caused water pollution in excess of the standards and
requirements of 19.15.30 NMAC, the director may notify the responsible party
that an abatement plan may be required pursuant to 19.15.30 NMAC.
(2) Any remediation under 19.15.29 NMAC
should be completed as soon as practicable. Any remediation that exceeds 90
days must follow the division-approved timeline in the remediation plan. The
responsible party may request an extension of time to remediate upon a showing
of good cause as determined by the division.
Remediation plan
requirements. The responsible party must take the following action for
any major or minor release containing liquids.
(1) The responsible party must submit a
detailed description of proposed remediation measures in accordance with the
findings of the site assessment/characterization plan that includes:
(a) delineation results, including laboratory
(b) a scaled sitemap
showing release area with horizontal and vertical delineation points;
(c) estimated volume of impacted material to
be remediated;
(d) proposed
remediation technique; and
proposed timeline for remediation activities.
(2) The responsible party shall restore the
impacted surface area of a release occurring on a developed well pad, central
tank battery, drilling site, compressor site or other exploration, development,
production or storage sites to meet the standards of Table I of NMAC or other
applicable remediation standards and restore and reclaim the area pursuant to NMAC. If contamination
is located in areas immediately under or around production equipment such as
production tanks, wellheads and pipelines where remediation could cause a major
facility deconstruction, the remediation, restoration and reclamation may be
deferred with division written approval until the equipment is removed during
other operations, or when the well or facility is plugged or abandoned,
whichever comes first. The deferral may be granted so long as the contamination
is fully delineated and does not cause an imminent risk to human health, the
environment, or ground water. Final remediation and reclamation shall take
place in accordance with and NMAC once the site is
no longer being used for oil and gas operations.
(3)The responsible party shall remediate the
impacted surface area of a release not occurring on a lined, bermed or
otherwise contained exploration, development, production or storage site to
meet the standards of Table I of NMAC or other
applicable remediation standards and restore and reclaim the area pursuant to NMAC.
(4) If a release occurs within the following
areas, the responsible party must treat the release as if it occurred less than
50 feet to ground water in Table I of NMAC:
(a) within
(i) 300 feet of any continuously flowing
watercourse or any other significant watercourse, or
(ii) 200 feet of any lakebed, sinkhole or
playa lake (measured from the ordinary high-water mark);
(b) within 300 feet from an occupied
permanent residence, school, hospital, institution or church;
(c) within
(i) 500 feet of a spring or a private,
domestic fresh water well used by less than five households for domestic or
stock watering purposes, or
1000 feet of any fresh water well or spring;
(d) within incorporated municipal boundaries
or within a defined municipal fresh water well field covered under a municipal
ordinance adopted pursuant to Section
3-27-3 NMSA 1978 as amended, unless
the municipality specifically approves;
(e) within 300 feet of a wetland;
(f) within the area overlying a subsurface
(g) within an unstable area;
(h) within a 100-year
(5) The
division has 60 days from receipt of the proposed remediation plan to review
and approve, approve with conditions or deny the remediation plan. If 60 days
have lapsed without response from the division, then the plan is deemed denied.
If the plan is approved with conditions or affirmatively denied, the division
shall provide a written summary of deficiencies on which the decision is based.
If the responsible party disagrees with any conditions of approval or denial of
the plan, it shall consult with the division or file an application for hearing
pursuant to 19.15.4 NMAC within 30 days of the denial or issuance of the
Closure requirements. The responsible party must take the
following action for any major or minor release containing liquids.
(1) The responsible party must test the
remediated areas for contamination with representative five-point composite
samples from the walls and base, and individual grab samples from any wet or
discolored areas . The samples must be analyzed for the constituents listed in
Table I of NMAC or constituents
from other applicable remediation standards.
(a) The responsible party must verbally
notify the appropriate division district office two business days prior to
conducting final sampling. If the division district office does not respond to
the notice within the two business days, the responsible party may proceed with
final sampling. The responsible party may request a variance from this
requirement upon a showing of good cause as determined by the
(b) The responsible party
may submit a composite and grab sample plan for the division's review and
approval separately or with the remediation plan.
(c) Alternately, without division approval,
the responsible party may elect to perform a composite and grab sample plan of
the remediated area where each composite sample is not representative of more
than 200 square feet.
(2) If all composite and grab sample
concentrations are less than or equal to the parameters listed in Table I of NMAC or any conditions
of approval, then the responsible party may proceed to backfill any excavated
reporting. The responsible party must take the following action for any
major or minor release containing liquids.
(1) The responsible party must submit to the
division a closure report on form C-141, including required attachments, to
document all closure activities including sampling results and the details on
any backfilling, capping or covering, where applicable. The responsible party
must certify that all information in the closure report and attachments is
correct and that the responsible party has complied with all applicable closure
requirements and conditions specified in division rules or directives. The
responsible party must submit closure report along with form C-141 to the
division within 90 days of the remediation plan approval. The responsible party
may apply for additional time to submit the final closure report upon a showing
of good cause as determined by the division. The final report must include:
(a) a scaled site and sampling
(b) photographs of the
remediated site prior to backfill;
(c) laboratory analyses of final sampling;
(d) a description of all
remedial activities.
The division district office has 60 days to review and approve or deny the
closure report. If 60 days have lapsed without response from the division, then
the report is deemed denied. If the report is affirmatively denied, the
division shall provide a written summary of deficiencies on which the decision
is based. If the responsible party disagrees with denial of the closure report,
it may consult with the division or file an application for hearing pursuant to
19.15.4 NMAC within 30 days of the denial.
Table I
Closure Criteria for Soils Impacted by a
Minimum depth below any point within the horizontal
boundary of the release to ground water less than 10,000 mg/l TDS
<= 50 feet
EPA 300.0 or SM4500 Cl B
600 mg/kg
EPA SW-846
Method 8015M
100 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
50 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
10 mg/kg
51 feet-100 feet
EPA 300.0 or SM4500 Cl B
10,000 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8015M
2,500 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8015M
1,000 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
50 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
10 mg/kg
>100 feet
EPA 300.0 or SM4500 Cl B
20,000 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8015M
2,500 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8015M
1,000 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
50 mg/kg
EPA SW-846 Method 8021B or 8260B
10 mg/kg
*Or other test methods approved by the division.
**Numerical limits or natural background level, whichever is
***This applies to releases of produced water or other
fluids, which may contain chloride.