Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. Type of tests
required for wells completed in prorated gas pools.
(1) Reclassified GPUs. An operator of a well
on a GPU that the director has reclassified as non-marginal shall conduct
deliverability tests on that well within 90 days of the order reclassifying it,
unless there are current tests on file with the division or that order requires
a new test. A current test is a test that was conducted during the last test
period for that pool or later.
Non-marginal GPUs. Operators shall conduct deliverability tests on wells on
non-marginal GPUs every five years. If the division determines that a well's
test data and production data warrant more frequent testing of the well, the
division may set up special testing schedules for that well.
(3) Scheduling of tests.
(a) Notification of pools to be tested. By
September 1 of each year the division's Aztec district office shall notify
operators of non-marginal GPUs if their wells will be tested during the
following test period.
(b) The
operators shall file the results of all deliverability tests required with the
Aztec district office within 90 days following the completion of each test.
Provided however, that a test completed between December 31 of the test year
and March 10 of the following year is due no later than March 31. The division
shall not grant an extension of time for filing tests beyond March 31 except
after notice and hearing.
(c) The
operator's failure to file a test within the above-prescribed times subjects
the GPU to the loss of one day's allowable for each day the test is
(d) A well scheduled for
testing during its test year may have the conditioning period, test flow period
and part of the seven-day shut-in period conducted in December of the previous
year provided that, if the seven-day shut-in period immediately follows the
test flow period, the operator shall measure the seven-day shut-in pressure in
January of the test year. The earliest date that a well can be scheduled for a
deliverability test is such that the test flow period would end on December 25
of the previous year.
(e) Downhole
commingled wells are to be scheduled for tests on dates for the pool of the
well's lowermost prorated completion.
(f) In the event the division shuts-in a well
for overproduction, the operator may produce the well for a period of time to
secure a test after written notification to the division. The operator shall
use gas produced during this testing period in determining the well's
over/under produced status.
(g) An
operator may schedule a well for a deliverability retest upon notification to
the Aztec district office at least 10 days before the operator will commence
the test. The retest shall be for substantial reason and is subject to the
division's approval. The operator shall conduct a retest in conformance with
the deliverability test procedures of NMAC. The division may
require the retesting of a well by notification to the operator to schedule the
retest. The operator shall identify these tests, as filed on form C-122-A, as
"RETEST" in the remarks column.
(4) Witnessing of tests. Any or all of the
following may witness a deliverability test: a division representative, an
offset operator, a representative of the gas transportation facility connected
to the well under test or a representative of the gas transportation facility
taking gas from an offset operator.
B. Procedure for testing.
(1) The test shall begin by producing a well
in the normal operating manner into the pipeline through either the casing or
tubing, but not both, for a period of 14 consecutive days. This is known as the
conditioning period. The operator shall not change the production valve and
choke settings during either the conditioning or flow periods, except during
the first 10 days of the conditioning period when maximum production would
over-range the meter chart or location production equipment. The first 10 days
of the conditioning period shall not have more than 48 hours of cumulative
interruptions of flow. The 11th to 14th days, inclusive of the conditioning
period, shall have no interruptions of flow. An interruption of flow that
occurs as the well's normal operation as stop-cock flow, intermittent flow or
well blow down shall not be counted as shut-in time in either the conditioning
or flow period.
(2) The operator
shall determine daily flowing rate from an average of seven or eight
consecutive producing days, following a minimum conditioning period of 14
consecutive days of production. This is known as the flow period.
(3) The operator shall measure instantaneous
pressure by a deadweight gauge or other division-approved method during the
seven-day or eight-day flow period at the casinghead, tubinghead and orifice
meter, and record it along with instantaneous meter-chart static pressure
(4) If a well is producing
through a compressor that is located between the wellhead and the meter run,
the operator shall report the meter run pressure and the wellhead casing
pressure and the wellhead tubing pressure on form C-122-A. Neither the suction
pressure nor the discharge pressure of the compressor is considered wellhead
pressure. The operator shall enter a note in the remarks portion on form
C-122-A stating: "This well produced through a compressor".
(5) When it is necessary to restrict the flow
of gas between the wellhead and the orifice meter, the operator shall determine
the ratio of the downstream pressure, psi absolute, to the upstream pressure,
psi absolute. When this ratio is 0.57 or less, the operator shall consider
critical flow conditions to exist across the restriction.
(6) When more than one restriction between
the wellhead and the orifice meter causes the pressures to reflect critical
flow between the wellhead and the orifice meter, the operator shall measure the
pressures across each of these restrictions to determine whether critical flow
exists at any restriction. When critical flow does not exist at any
restriction, the operator shall report the pressures taken to disprove the
critical flow to the division on form C-122-A in item (n) of the form. When
critical flow conditions exist, the operator shall measure the instantaneous
flowing pressures required in Paragraph (3) of Subsection B of NMAC during the last
48 hours of the seven-day or eight-day flow period.
(7) When critical flow exists between the
wellhead and the orifice meter, the operator shall use the measured wellhead
flowing pressure of the string through which the well flowed during the test as
Pt when calculating the static wellhead working pressure
(Pw) using the method established in Paragraph (9) of
Subsection B of NMAC
(8) When critical flow does not exist at any
restriction, Pt shall be the corrected average static
pressure from the meter chart plus friction loss from the wellhead to the
orifice meter.
(9) The operator
shall calculate the static wellhead working pressure
(Pw) of a well under test seven-day or eight-day average
static tubing pressure if the well is flowing through the casing; it shall be
the calculated seven-day or eight-day average static casing pressure if the
well is flowing through the tubing. The operator shall calculate the static
wellhead working pressure (Pw) by applying the tables
and procedures set out in the Gas Well Testing Manual for Northwest New Mexico
available from the division.
To obtain the shut-in pressure of a well under test, the operator shall shut-in
the well some time during the current testing season for a period of seven to
14 consecutive days, which have been preceded by a minimum of seven days of
uninterrupted production. The operator shall measure the shut-in pressure on
the seventh to 14th day of shut-in of the well with a deadweight gauge or other
division-approved method. The operator shall measure the seven-day shut-in
pressure on both the tubing and the casing when communication exists between
the two strings. The operator shall use the higher of such pressures as
Pc in the deliverability calculation. When the division
determines a shut-in pressure to be abnormally low or the well can not be
shut-in due to "HARDSHIP" classification, the operator shall determine the
shut-in pressure to be used as Pc by one of the
following methods:
(a) a division-designated
(b) an average shut-in
pressure of all offset wells completed in the same zone; offset wells include
the four side and four corner wells, if available; or
(c) a calculated surface pressure based on a
calculated bottom hole pressure; the operator shall make the calculations in
accordance with the examples in the "Gas Well Testing Manual for Northwest New
(11) The
operator shall take all wellhead pressures, as well as the flowing meter
pressure tests that are to be taken during the seven-day or eight-day
deliverability test period in Subsection B of NMAC, with a
deadweight gauge or other division-approved method. The operator shall record
and maintain the pressure readings and the date and time according to the chart
in the operator's records with the test information.
(12) The operator shall change and arrange
orifice meter charts to reflect upon a single chart the flow data for the gas
from each well for the full seven-day or eight-day deliverability test period;
however, the division shall not void a test if the operator satisfactorily
explains the necessity for using test volumes through two chart periods. The
operator shall make corrections for pressure base, measured flowing
temperature, specific gravity and supercompressibility, provided however, if
the specific gravity of the gas from a well under test is not available, the
operator may assume an estimated specific gravity for the well, based upon that
of gas from nearby wells, the specific gravity of which has been actually
determined by measurement.
(13) The
purchasing company that integrates the flow charts shall determine the average
flowing meter pressure for the seven-day or eight-day flow period and the
corrected integrated volume and furnish them to the operator or testing
(14) The operator shall
calculate the seven-day or eight-day flow period volume from the integrated
readings as determined from the flow period orifice meter chart. The operator
shall divide volume calculated by the number of testing days on the chart to
determine the average daily rate of flow during the flow period. The flow
period shall have a minimum of seven and a maximum of eight legibly recorded
flowing days to be acceptable for test purposes. The operator shall correct the
volume used in this calculation to the division's standard conditions of 15.025
psi absolute pressure base, 60 degrees fahrenheit temperature base and 0.60
specific gravity base.
(15) The
operator shall calculate the daily volume of flow, as determined from the flow
period chart readings, by applying the basic orifice meter formula or other
acceptable industry standard practices.
Q = C'
Q = metered volume of flow MCFD @ 15.025 psi absolute, 60
degrees fahrenheit and 0.60 specific gravity.
C' = the 24-hour basic orifice meter flow factor corrected
for flowing temperature, gravity and supercompressibility.
hw = daily average differential meter
pressure from flow period chart.
Pf = daily average flowing meter
pressure from flow period chart.
(16) The basic orifice meter flow factors,
flowing temperature factor and specific gravity factor shall be determined from
the tables in the manual.
(17) The
operator shall use the daily flow period average corrected flowing meter
pressure, psi gauge, to determine the supercompressibility factor. The operator
may obtain supercompressibility tables from the division.
(18) When the operator makes a
supercompressibility correction for a gas containing either nitrogen or carbon
dioxide in excess of two percent, the operator shall determine the gas'
supercompressibility factors.
The division may approve use of tables for calculating rates of flow from
integrator readings that do not specifically conform to the division's
manual for back-pressure testing of natural gas wells for
determining the daily flow period rates of flow upon the operator's showing
that the tables are appropriate and necessary.
(20) The operator shall correct the daily
average integrated rate of flow for the seven-day or eight-day flow period for
meter error by multiplication by a correction factor. The operator shall
determine the correction factor by dividing the square root of the deadweight
flowing meter pressure, psi absolute, by the square root of the chart flowing
meter pressure, psi absolute.
The operator shall calculate the deliverability of gas at the deliverability
pressure of a well under test from the test data derived from the required
tests using the following deliverability formula:
- Pd2)
D = Q [(Pc2
- Pw
D = deliverability MCFD at the deliverability pressure,
(Pd), (at standard conditions of 15.025 psi absolute, 60
degrees fahrenheit and 0.60 specific gravity).
Q = daily flow rate in MCFD, at wellhead pressure
Pc = seven-day shut-in wellhead
pressure, psi absolute.
Pd = deliverability pressure, psi
absolute, as defined above.
Pw = average static wellhead working
pressure, as determined from seven-day or eight-day flow period, psi absolute,
and calculated from tables in the manual entitled Pressure Loss Due to Friction
Tables for Northwest New Mexico.
n = average pool slope of back pressure curves as
for pictured cliffs and shallower formations, 0.85;
for formations deeper than pictured cliffs, 0.75.
(Note: Special orders for any specific pool or formation may
supersede the above values. Check special pool orders if in doubt.)
(22) The value of the multiplier
in the above formula (ratio factor after the application of the pool slope) by
which Q is multiplied shall not exceed a limiting value the division determines
and announces periodically. The division shall make the determination after a
study of the test data of the pool obtained during the previous testing
(23) The operator shall
test downhole commingled wells in the test year for the pool of the well's
lowermost prorated completion and shall use pool slope (n) and the lowermost
pool's deliverability pressure. The operator shall use the total flow rate from
the downhole commingled well to calculate a value of deliverability. For each
prorated gas zone of a downhole commingled well the operator shall file a form
C-122-A. Also, in the summary portion of that form all zones shall indicate the
same data for line h, Pc, Q, Pw
and Pd. The value shown for deliverability (D) is that
percentage of the well's total deliverability that is applicable to this zone.
The operator shall place a note in the remarks column that indicates the
percentage of deliverability to be allocated to this zone of the
(24) The division shall
consider a test prescribed in 19.15.21 NMAC acceptable if the average flow rate
for the final seven-day or eight-day deliverability test is not more than 10
percent in excess of any consecutive seven-day or eight-day average of the
preceding two weeks. The division may declare a deliverability test not meeting
this requirement and require the operator to re-test the well.
(25) The operator shall make charts relative
to deliverability tests or copies of the charts available to the division upon
its request.
(26) Operators shall
use only testing agencies, whether individuals, companies, pipeline companies
or operators, that maintain a log of all tests they have accomplished including
all field test data. The operator shall maintain the data collected pursuant to
tests Subsection B of NMAC requires for a
period of not less than two years plus the current test year.
(27) Forms C-122-A and C-122-B are adopted
for use in the northwest New Mexico area in open form subject to modification
by the division as experience may indicate desirable or necessary.
(28) The operator shall conduct and report
deliverability tests for gas wells in formations in accordance with NMAC. Provided,
however, NMAC is subject to a
specific modification or change contained in special pool orders the division
adopts for a pool after notice and hearing.
C. Informational tests.
(1) One-point back pressure test. The
operator may take a one-point back pressure test on newly completed wells
before their connection or reconnection to a gas transportation facility. This
test is a required official test, but the operator may take the test for
informational purposes. When taken, the operator shall take and report this
test as prescribed in Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of NMAC.
(2) Test procedure.
(a) The operator shall accomplish this test
after a minimum shut-in of seven days. The operator shall measure the shut-in
pressure with a deadweight gauge or other division-approved method.
(b) The flow rate shall be that rate in MCFD
measured at the end of a three hour test flow period. The flow from the well
shall be for three hours through a positive choke, which has a 3/4 inch
(c) The operator shall
install a two-inch nipple that provides a mechanical means of accurately
measuring the pressure and temperature of the flowing gas immediately upstream
from the positive choke.
(d) The
operator shall calculate the absolute open flow using the conventional back
pressure formula as shown in the division's manual for back-pressure
testing of natural gas wells.
(e) The operator shall report the observed
data and flow calculations in duplicate on form C-122.
(f) Non-critical flow shall be considered to
exist when the choke pressure is 13 psi gauge or less. When this condition
exists the operator shall measure the flow rate with a pitot tube and nipple as
specified in the division's manual for back-pressure testing of natural
gas wells or in the division's manual of tables and procedure for
pitot tests. The operator shall install the pitot test nipple immediately
downstream from the 3/4-inch positive choke.
(g) The operator shall test a well completed
with two-inch nominal size tubing (1.995-inch internal diameter) or larger
through the tubing.
The operator may conduct other tests for informational purposes prior to
obtaining a pipeline connection for a newly completed well upon receiving
specific approval to conduct the other tests from the Aztec district office.
The Aztec district office shall base approval of these tests primarily upon the
volume of gas to be vented.