Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. History of previous violations The
Director shall assign up to 25 points based on the history of previous
violations. One point shall be assigned for each past violation. Five points
shall be assigned for each violation contained in a cessation order. The
history of previous violations, for the purpose of assigning points, shall be
determined and the points assigned with respect to a particular mining,
exploration or reclamation operation activity. Points shall be assigned as
(1) a violation shall not be counted
if the violation is the subject of pending administrative or judicial review,
or if the time to request such review or to appeal any administrative or
judicial decision has not expired. Thereafter, it shall be counted for only 12
months following the date of final disposition of the violation;
(2) no violation for which the notice or
order has been vacated shall be counted; and
(3) a violation not resulting in a civil
penalty assessment shall not receive more than 50% of the points that would
have been assigned if the violation had resulted in an assessment.
B. Seriousness The Director shall
assign up to 25 points based on the seriousness of the violation, as follows:
(1) Foreseeability of occurrence. The
Director shall assign up to 10 points based on the foreseeability of the
occurrence of the event which a violated standard is designed to prevent.
Points shall be assessed according to the following schedule:
Foreseeability of Occurrence Points
(a) Not foreseeable 0
(b) Unlikely 1-5
(c) Likely 6-9
(d) Almost certain 10
(2) Extent of potential or actual damage.
The Director shall assign up to 15 points, based on the extent of the potential
or actual damage in terms of area and impact on the public or environment, as
(a) If the damage or impact which
the violated Section is to prevent remains within the permit area, the Director
shall assign zero to seven points, depending on the duration and extent of the
damage or impact.
(b) If the damage
or impact which the violated Section is to prevent extends outside the permit
area, the Director shall assign eight to fifteen points, depending on the
duration and extent of the damage or impact.
(3) Alternative. In the case of a violation
of an administrative requirement such as a requirement to keep records or
submit reports, the Director shall, in lieu of subparagraphs a. and b. above,
assign up to 10 points for seriousness.
C. Negligence
(1) The Director shall assign up to 25 points
based on the degree of fault of the permittee in causing or failing to correct
the condition or practice which led to the notice or order, either through act
or omission. Points shall be assessed as follows:
(a) violation which occurs through no
negligence shall be assigned no penalty points for negligence;
(b) violation which is caused by negligence
shall be assigned 12 points or less, depending on the degree of negligence;
(c) violation which occurs
through a greater degree of fault than negligence shall be assigned 13 to 25
points, depending on the degree of fault.
(2) In determining the degree of negligence
involved in a violation and the number of points to be assigned, the following
definitions apply:
(a) No negligence means an
inadvertent violation which was unavoidable by the exercise of reasonable
(b) Negligence means the
failure of a permittee to prevent the occurrence of any violation because of
indifference, lack of diligence or lack of reasonable care, or the failure to
abate any violation because of indifference, lack of diligence or lack of
reasonable care.
(c) A greater
degree of fault than negligence means reckless, willful, or intentional
(3) In
calculating points to be assigned for negligence, the acts of all persons
working on the permit area shall be attributed to the permittee.
D. Good faith in attempting to
achieve compliance
(1) The Director may reduce
points based on the degree of good faith of the permittee in attempting to
achieve rapid compliance after notification of the violation. Points shall be
assigned as follows:
Degree of Good Faith Points
(a) Rapid compliance -1 to -15
(b) Use of additional equipment or labor -1
to -25
(c) Normal compliance 0
(total not to exceed -25)
(2) The following definitions shall apply for
Paragraph 1 of Subsection D of NMAC:
(a) Rapid compliance means that the permittee
took extraordinary measures to abate the violation in the shortest possible
time and that abatement was achieved before the time set for
(b) Use of additional
equipment or labor means rapid compliance and the employment of equipment
and/or labor in amounts and at a cost greater than would normally be
(c) Normal compliance
means the permittee abated the violation within the time given for