New Mexico Administrative Code
Title 13 - INSURANCE
Current through Register Vol. 35, No. 24, December 23, 2024
A. General requirement. Carriers shall meet the minimum medical loss ratio established, and in the manner calculated, under this rule.
B. Measurement period. Compliance with the minimum medical loss ratio shall be measured over a rolling three-year period. The initial measurement period shall be the years, 2010, 2011 and 2012. Each year thereafter, the subsequent year shall be added to the rolling three-year period and the oldest year shall be removed. For example, the second measurement period shall be 2011, 2012 and 2013.
C. Aggregation. Medical loss ratios shall be calculated on a consolidated level within a state, with experience allocated to state based upon the situs of the contract. Experience of all affiliates shall be accumulated to the following levels:
D. Frequency. Medical loss ratios shall be calculated annually by carriers that issue products through health product lines, beginning in 2013 covering the period 2010 through 2012.
E. Timeline. Medical loss ratios shall be calculated using claim data incurred during the three-year measurement period and paid before June 30 of the year following the that period. No adjustment may be made for incurred but not reported (IBNR) claims. The compliance requirement form set forth in Section 9 of this rule shall be the basis for the medical loss ratio calculation and will be filed with the superintendent by July 31 of the year following the measurement period.
F. Calculation. The numerator of the loss ratio calculation shall be direct services, as defined by this rule less pharmacy rebates and incurred or paid claims associated with self-funded plans and capitated contracts. The denominator of the calculation shall be premium, as defined by this rule less capitated contract premiums, self-funded administrative fees, self-funded claim reimbursements, any premium tax paid pursuant to the Insurance Premium Tax Act, and fees associated with participating in a health insurance exchange that serves as a clearinghouse for insurance. This calculation is deemed to be fully credible due to the three-year time period used and the aggregation levels required. The New Mexico reimbursements and medical loss ratios for small group, large group, and all other policies shall be calculated collectively across all health product lines. The federal reimbursements paid or due pursuant to 45 CFR Part 158 shall be subtracted from the New Mexico reimbursement to calculate the final New Mexico reimbursement, which cannot be lower than zero.
G. Minimum medical loss ratio levels. The minimum medical loss ratio levels applicable to the policy aggregation in Subsection C of this section shall be as follows:
H. Compliance with minimum medical loss ratio. With compliance requirement form set forth in section 9 of this rule, each carrier shall submit to the superintendent either:
I. Actions required upon noncompliance with requirements. The plan to make the required reimbursements to policyholders shall provide either prospective premium credits or refunds to each policyholder who was enrolled in the affected segment (i.e., individually underwritten health policies, small group, or all other policies) during the last year of the measurement period and provide that any such refund for a policyholder be reduced by the amount of any rebate owing to the policyholder for a medical loss ratio reporting year pursuant to 45 CFR Part 158 that coincides with such measurement period. The premium credits or refunds shall be reflected in either a one-time payment or premium credit or in multiple payments or premium credits. Any such credits or refunds must be provided no later than the end of December of the year following the applicable measurement period. The deadline for reimbursement may be extended if the premium credits exceed the monthly premiums due by the end of December of the year following the applicable measurement period. Any overage may be applied to succeeding premium payments until the full amount of any refund has been credited. No later than March 31st of the second year following the applicable measurement period the carrier shall demonstrate that the refunds in the required amounts have been made or that premium credits are being applied until such time as the full amount on the refund has been credited. The prospective premium credits or refunds shall be made on a per subscriber basis, unless an alternative basis is approved by the superintendent of insurance and shown separately on the policyholder's monthly (or other frequency) bill. This credit may reflect the family composition of the rating structure used for each policyholder. Any premium credit or refund to policyholders shall be based only upon the medical loss ratios calculated for individually underwritten policies and for the total of all group policies calculated collectively across all group health product lines.