Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) A person
conducting regulated activities pursuant to an authorization under a general
permit-by-certification or a general permit shall comply with:
1. The conditions set forth in the general
permit-by-certification or general permit itself;
2. The conditions that apply to all general
permits-by-certification and general permits set forth at (b) below;
3. The conditions that apply to all permits
at N.J.A.C. 7:7A-20.2;
4. The
limits on the use of multiple general permits-by-certification or general
permits in N.J.A.C. 7:7A-5.4;
5. If required under a particular general
permit, mitigation pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:7A-11; and
6. Any additional conditions imposed under
(f) below.
(b) The
following conditions apply to all activities conducted under the authority of a
general permit-by-certification or general permit:
1. Activities performed under a general
permit-by-certification or general permit shall be associated with a proposed
project. The Department shall not authorize activities under a general
permit-by-certification or general permit for the purpose of eliminating a
natural resource in order to avoid regulation. For the purposes of this
subsection, project shall mean the use and configuration of all buildings,
pavements, roadways, storage areas and structures, and all associated
2. The regulated
activities shall not occur in the proximity of a public water supply
3. The activities shall not
destroy, jeopardize, or adversely modify a present or documented habitat for
threatened or endangered species; and shall not jeopardize the continued
existence of any local population of a threatened or endangered
4. The activities will not
occur in a component of either the Federal or State Wild and Scenic River
System; nor in a river officially designated by Congress or the State
Legislature as a "study river" for possible inclusion in either system while
the river is in an official study status; except that the activity may occur in
these waters if approved by the National Park Service in accordance with
40 CFR 233;
5. The
activities shall not adversely affect properties which are listed or are
eligible for listing on the New Jersey or National Register of Historic Places
unless the applicant demonstrates to the Department that the proposed activity
avoids or minimizes impacts to the maximum extent practicable or the Department
determines that any impact to the affected property would not impact the
property's ability to continue to meet the criteria for listing at
7:4-2.3 or otherwise negatively impact the
integrity of the property or the characteristics of the property that led to
the determination of listing or eligibility. The Department shall not issue a
conditional permit if it finds that the mitigation proposed is inadequate to
compensate for the adverse effect. Any permit for an activity which may
adversely affect a property listed or eligible for listing on the New Jersey or
National Register of Historic Places shall contain conditions to ensure that
any impact to the property is minimized to the maximum extent practicable and
any unavoidable impact is mitigated.
i. If
the permittee, before or during the work authorized, encounters a possible
historic property, as described at N.J.A.C. 7:7A-19.5(l), that is or may be
eligible for listing in the New Jersey or National Register, the permittee
shall preserve the resource, immediately notify the Department and proceed as
ii. The Department shall
not issue a general permit-by-certification or general permit authorization if
the applicant, its consultants, engineers, surveyors and/or agents
significantly adversely affect a historic property to which the general
permit-by-certification or general permit authorization applies, unless the
Department determines that circumstances justify issuing the general
permit-by-certification or general permit authorization;
6. Any discharge of dredged or fill material
shall consist of clean, suitable material free from toxic pollutants (see 40
CFR 401) in toxic amounts, and shall comply with all applicable Department
rules regarding use of dredged or fill material;
7. Any structure or fill authorized shall be
maintained as specified in the construction plans;
8. The activities will not result in a
violation of the Flood Hazard Area Control Act,
N.J.S.A. 58:16A-50, or implementing rules at
N.J.A.C. 7:13;
If activities under the general permit meet the definition of "major
development" at
7:8-1.2, then the project of which the
activities are a part shall comply in its entirety with the Stormwater
Management Rules at N.J.A.C. 7:8.
10. If activities under the general
permit-by-certification or general permit involve excavation or dredging, the
applicant shall use an acceptable disposal site for the excavated or dredged
material. No material shall be deposited or dewatered in freshwater wetlands,
transition areas, State open waters or other environmentally sensitive areas.
The Department may require testing of dredged material if there is reason to
suspect that the material is contaminated. If any dredged material is
contaminated with toxic substances, the dredged material shall be removed and
disposed of in accordance with Department-approved procedures;
11. The amount of rip-rap or other energy
dissipating material shall not exceed the minimum necessary to prevent erosion,
as calculated under the Standards for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in New
Jersey at N.J.A.C. 2:90;
12. Best
management practices shall be followed whenever applicable;
13. If the general permit activities are
subject to the Department's Water Quality Management Planning rules at N.J.A.C.
7:15, the activities shall be consistent with those rules and with the
applicable approved Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan) adopted under the
New Jersey Water Quality Planning Act,
N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et seq.;
14. The timing requirements at (c) below
shall be met; and
15. Activities
authorized under a general permit-by-certification or general permit shall not
take place in a vernal habitat, or in a transition area adjacent to a vernal
habitat, with the exception of activities associated with general permits 1, 6,
6A, and 16, which shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis in accordance with
(c) In order to protect the
fishery resources and/or the spawning of the fish population, any activity
which may introduce sediment into a stream or cause a stream to become turbid
shall not be performed during the time periods listed in Table 5.7 below:
Table 5.7<1>
<1>Note that the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC)
imposes additional timing restrictions on certain activities in waters under
DRBC jurisdiction. Contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's River Basin
Coordinator through the DRBC at (609) 883-9500 for information on these
additional timing restrictions.
The Department shall reduce, extend, or otherwise modify a timing restriction
listed in Table 5.7, if it determines that one or more of the following
requirements is satisfied:
1. Potential
adverse impacts to the fishery resource are likely to be reduced if a regulated
activity occurs during a restricted time period rather than during an
unrestricted time period;
2. A
regulated activity is subject to more than one restricted time period, the
combined effect of which would limit the regulated activity to fewer than 183
calendar days per year. In such a case, the Department shall allow regulated
activities to occur for up to 183 calendar days, provided the applicant
demonstrates that additional measures will be taken to reduce potential adverse
impacts to fishery resources to a level acceptable to the Department. Note that
the 183-calendar day period during which the Department determines that
activities may occur need not be consecutive. For example, the Department may
determine that restricting activities for three months in the spring and three
months in the fall best protects fishery resources in a particular
3. The observance of a timing
restriction would adversely impact public health, safety, and/or welfare, and
the applicant demonstrates that additional measures are taken where necessary
to reduce adverse impacts to fishery resources to an acceptable level;
4. Due to the nature of the
project or an unusual circumstance on site, the timing restriction must be
modified in order to prevent a substantial adverse impact to the fishery
resource, to the aquatic environment, or to a threatened or endangered species
or its habitat.
(e) If
an activity will take place in a non-delegable water, and the activity requires
approval from the USACE under the Federal 404 program, the activities
authorized under the general permit or general permit-by-certification shall
not begin until the permittee obtains the required Federal 404 program
(f) In addition to the
conditions that apply to every authorization pursuant to a general permit under
(a) above, the Department shall establish additional conditions in a specific
authorization pursuant to a general permit, on a case-by-case basis in
accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:7A-20.3, as required to ensure the authorized
regulated activity meets all applicable requirements of this chapter and its
enabling statutes.