7. A forestry management plan that includes, as appropriate:
i. A cover page for the plan containing:
(1) The name, mailing address and telephone number of the owner of the subject parcel;
(2) The municipality and county in which the subject parcel is located;
(3) The block and lot designation and street address, if any, of the subject parcel;
(4) The name and address of the forester who prepared the plan, if not prepared by the owner of the subject parcel; and
(5) The date the plan was prepared, subsequent revision dates and the period of time the plan is intended to cover;
ii. A clear and concise statement of the owner's objectives for undertaking the proposed forestry activities, including a description of the short- (five years) and long-term (20 years) objectives for all proposed silvicultural techniques that will be used to manage the parcel;
iii. A description of the existing conditions of the subject parcel and of each forest stand in which a proposed activity, prescription or practice will occur. These stand descriptions shall include photographs of each stand taken at eye level showing the location of all Pinelands Native Forest Types, as identified at 7:50-6.43, and shall be keyed to an activity map that shall include, as appropriate, the following information:
(1) The number of acres;
(2) The general condition and quality of each stand;
(3) The overall site quality, relative to the management goals and objectives identified in (b)7ii above;
(4) An inventory and map of Pinelands Native Forest Types with Native Forest Types broken into "stands," including information on type, size and volume by species;
(5) The age of representative trees;
(6) The species composition, including overstory, understory, ground layer structure and composition;
(7) The stand cohort composition;
(8) The percent cover;
(9) The basal area;
(10) The structure, including age classes, diameter breast height (DBH) classes and crown classes;
(11) The condition and species composition of advanced regeneration when applicable;
(12) A stocking table showing the stocking levels, growth rates and volume;
(13) Projections of intended future stand characteristics at 10-, 20-, and 40-year intervals;
(14) A description of the forestry activities, silvicultural prescriptions, management activities and practices proposed during the permit period and the acreage proposed for each activity. These may include, but are not necessarily limited to, a description of:
(A) Stand improvement practices;
(B) Site preparation practices;
(C) Harvesting practices;
(D) Regeneration and reforestation practices;
(E) Improvements, including road construction, stream crossings, landings, loading areas and skid trails;
(F) Herbicide treatments;
(G) Silvicultural treatment alternatives;
(H) If planting will occur to accomplish reforestation, the application shall include seed sources records, if such records are available;
(I) Implementation instructions; and
(J) Measures that will be taken to prevent the potential spread of exotic plant species or Phragmites into wetlands; and
(15) A description, if appropriate, of the forest products to be harvested, including volume expressed in cords and board feet; diameter breast height (DBH) classes and average diameter; age; heights; and number of trees per acre; and
iv. A map of the entire parcel which includes the following:
(1) The owner's name, address and the date the map was prepared;
(2) An arrow designating the north direction;
(3) A scale which is not smaller than one inch equals 2,000 feet or larger than one inch equals 400 feet;
(4) The location of all property lines;
(5) A delineation of the physical features such as roads, streams and structures;
(6) The identification of soil types (a separate map may be used for this purpose);
(7) A map inset showing the location of the parcel in relation to the local area;
(8) Clear location of the area and acreage in which each proposed activity, prescription or practice will occur. If shown on other than the property map, the map or maps shall note the scale, which shall not be smaller than one inch equals 2,000 feet or larger than one inch equals 400 feet, and shall be appropriately keyed to the property map; and
(9) A legend defining the symbols appearing on the map.