Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) The
provisions of this section apply in addition to those in
40 CFR
68.67 with changes specified at
7:31-4.1(c)5 through
(b) The owner or operator of a
covered process shall perform a process hazard analysis with risk assessment
which shall include the following:
Identification of EHS equipment subject to the assessment, the points of
possible EHS release, the corresponding approximate quantity of an
instantaneous EHS release or the rate(s) and duration of a continuing EHS
release, either steady or non-steady state, and the corresponding cause of the
EHS release. Estimates of the quantity or rate and duration of a release shall
be based on actual release mechanisms and shall reflect the operating
procedures, safeguards, and mitigation equipment and procedures, planned for
new or modified covered processes, or in place for existing covered
2. Consideration of
toxicity, flammability, explosion and reactivity hazards applicable to the EHS;
however, consideration of toxicity shall be required only for those EHSs which
appear in N.J.A.C.
7:31-6.3(a), Table I, Parts
A and/or B as a toxic substance. The owner or operator shall consider both the
explosive/flammability hazard and the capability to generate a toxic EHS, as
applicable to the RHS or RHS mixture and process in which it is handled;
3. Identification of all
scenarios of toxic, flammable, and reactive hazards that have a potential
offsite impact for the endpoint criteria at (b)3iii below using a consequence
analysis, consisting of dispersion analysis, thermal analysis and overpressure
analysis, as applicable to the EHS and scenario. The following parameters shall
be used for the consequence analysis:
i. 1.5
meters per second wind speed measured at 10 meters height and F atmospheric
stability class;
ii. All parameters
listed for alternative scenarios at
40 CFR
68.22(c) through (g);
iii. As applicable to the
scenario being analyzed, the endpoint criteria of five times the toxicity
endpoint as designated at
7:31-2.1(c)2; five kW/m[2]
for 40 seconds; the lower flammability limit; or 2.3 psi overpressure. As an
alternative to using the five times toxicity endpoint as designated at
7:31-2.1(c)2, the value of
the ATC may be used for toxic release scenarios.
(c) The owner or operator shall
identify all release scenarios that have an offsite impact of the endpoint
criteria specified at (b)3iii above.
1. For
each release scenario that has an offsite impact of the endpoint criteria
specified at (b)3iii above, the owner or operator shall determine the
likelihood of release occurrence. If the likelihood of release occurrence is
greater than or equal to 10[LESS THAN]-6[GREATER THAN] per year, the owner or
operator shall perform an evaluation of risk reduction measures which would
reduce the likelihood or consequences of an EHS release. If the frequency of
release occurrence is less than 10[LESS THAN]-6[GREATER THAN] per year, no
further assessment is required.
The owner or operator shall develop and implement a risk reduction plan for
feasible risk reduction measures determined pursuant to (c)1 above.
(d) The following documentation
from the process hazard analysis with risk assessment shall be maintained:
1. Table(s) of the process hazard analysis
results giving the release point and corresponding release scenario of the
potential basic (initiating) and intermediate event sequences, the
corresponding estimated quantity or rate and duration of releases, and the
recommended resolution action based upon
40 CFR
2. Table(s) summarizing each potential
offsite release scenario identified that includes:
i. A scenario identification number and brief
ii. The rate and
duration, or quantity, of potential release;
iii. The distance to the endpoint determined
in (b)3iii above and the respective distance to the nearest property line;
iv. The release likelihood
determined pursuant to (c)1 above.
3. Information from the consequence analysis
modeling that includes:
i. The identification
of the consequence analysis model used; and
ii. Printouts of the consequence analysis
model inputs and outputs, if a consequence analysis model other than the lookup
tables provided in the EPA's RMP Offsite Consequence Analysis Guidance current
as of the time of modeling was used;
4. Documentation to justify the determination
of why risk reduction measures are not feasible; and
5. A statement of completion for each risk
reduction measure in the risk reduction plan or an explanation of any changes
made for each measure in the risk reduction plan.
(e) The owner or operator of a covered
process shall prepare a report of the process hazard analysis with risk
assessment. The report shall include the following:
1. An identification of the covered process
that is the subject of the process hazard analysis with risk assessment; the
name, position and affiliation of persons who performed the process hazard
analysis with risk assessment; the date of completion; and the methodology
2. A description of each
scenario identified in (b)3iii above; and
3. The risk reduction plan developed pursuant
to (c)2 and (d)1 above.