New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 7:31-1.11A - Fees
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) After June 21, 1999, each owner or operator of a stationary source subject to this chapter shall pay an annual fee to the Department. The annual fee shall be computed in accordance with (b), (c) and (i) through (m) below, and billed and remitted in accordance with (f) through (h) below.
(b) The Department shall assess annual fees that include a base fee, a covered process derived fee, and an inventory derived fee. The base fee unit rate, covered process derived fee unit rate, and inventory derived fee unit rate shall be calculated using the data from the TCPA database as of October 1 of the current year.
(c) The Department shall annually determine during the month of October the base fee and the covered process fee and the inventory derived fee unit rates, taking the following steps:
(d) An owner or operator of a new covered process with no EHSs registered who registers an extraordinarily hazardous substance with the Department shall submit the annual fee for that calendar year computed in accordance with (b), (c) and (i) through (m) below in accordance with the bill received from the Department.
(e) An owner or operator having previously registered EHSs who is registering a new covered process or increasing the EHS inventory shall submit the inventory derived fee for the incremental EHS inventory, computed in accordance with (i) below, in accordance with the bill received from the Department.
(f) The annual fees are assessed on the basis of the fiscal year and shall not be prorated or refunded.
(g) Except for the fees submitted pursuant to (d) and (e) above, the Department, during the month of January, will send each owner or operator a bill for each stationary source stating the fee for that calendar year.
(h) The owner or operator shall pay his or her fee by check or money order, payable to "Treasurer, State of New Jersey" prior to February 28 of the year in which it is billed. Any owner or operator who has not paid the annual fee by the due date shall be assessed a 25 percent late fee. The check or money order shall be submitted in accordance with the remittance information contained on the bill.
(i) For the purpose of calculating fees, "inventory" as used in this section means the maximum quantity for each EHS reported by the owner or operator of a covered process on the Risk Management Plan submitted to the Department in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:31-7.
(j)-(l) (Reserved)
(m) The annual fee for the owner or operator of a stationary source shall be the sum of the base fee and the sum of the covered process derived fee for each covered process and the sum of each EHS inventory derived fee except as provided at (o) and (p) below.
(n) (Reserved)
(o) The annual fee for an owner or operator who has temporarily discontinued use, handling, storage or generation of all EHSs at the facility and has signed a consent agreement or consent agreement addendum pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:31-4.10 (for the Program 3 covered processes) shall be 25 percent of the base fee.
(p) The annual fee for an owner or operator who has obtained a temporary discontinuance in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:31-4.10 for one or more EHSs, but has retained other EHSs at the facility that are registered in the most current Risk Management Plan in amounts that meet or exceed threshold quantities shall be the full base fee and the covered process and inventory fees for the registered EHSs.
(q) Each owner or operator submitting a confidentiality claim substantiation form in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:31-10.5(d) shall submit a fee of $ 350.00 in 1988 dollars, adjusted pursuant to (u) below by the Consumer Price Index from July 1988 to the month in which the claim is submitted, for the review of the claim at the time of submitting the claim substantiation form. The fee shall be submitted in accordance with the remittance information contained on the bill.
(r) Each owner or operator submitting a petition to withhold privileged trade secret or security information in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:31-10.6 shall submit a fee of $ 350.00 in 1988 dollars, adjusted pursuant to (u) below by the Consumer Price Index from July 1988 to the month in which the petition is submitted, for the review of his or her petition at the time of submitting the petition substantiation form. The fee shall be submitted in accordance with the remittance information contained on the bill.
(s) Any fee under this chapter that is subject to N.J.A.C. 7:1L shall be payable in installments in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:1L.
(t) Each owner or operator submitting an exemption request in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:31-6.3(e) shall submit a fee of $ 275.50 in 1988 dollars, adjusted pursuant to (u) below by the Consumer Price Index from July 1988 to the month in which the exemption request is made, for the review of the request. The fee shall be submitted in accordance with the remittance information contained on the bill provided by the Department.
(u) The Consumer Price Index used to adjust the fee submitted with a request pursuant to (q), (r) or (t) above shall be calculated using the CPI-U data published monthly by the U.S. Department of Labor. The CPI-U data is re-published monthly in the Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce. The percentage increase in the CPI for the month in which a request pursuant to (q), (r) or (t) is made (the submittal month), relative to the CPI for July 1988, shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure: