New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 7:27-20.3 - Burning of on-specification used oil in space heaters covered by a registration

Universal Citation: NJ Admin Code 7:27-20.3

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024

(a) A person may burn used oil in a space heater pursuant to a registration provided that:

1. The total combined gross heat input of all space heaters at any one facility does not exceed 500,000 BTUs per hour. If any additional used oil space heater(s) at the facility result in the combined total gross heat input of all space heaters exceeding 500,000 BTUs per hour, then all of the space heaters shall require permits pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:27-20.4;

2. The used oil space heater(s) covered by a registration shall be installed, operated, and maintained consistently with (b) below and the person submitting the registration shall certify that the space heater(s) is installed, operated, and maintained consistently with (b) below;

3. The registration shall be executed on forms prescribed by the Department. The registration form shall require information identifying full business name, mailing address, facility location, location of equipment on premises, facility contact, and maximum heat input rate; and confirming that the space heater meets the criteria for the registration, and operates in accordance with the registration. Registration forms may be obtained by accessing the Department's website at by submitting a written request to the Department at the following address: Department of Environmental Protection

Division of Air Quality

Air Quality Permitting Program

Bureau of Air Permits

Mail Code 401-02

PO Box 420

Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420

4. The registration form referenced in (a)3 above shall require the registrant to certify the truth and accuracy of the information on the form. The certification shall meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:27-1.39; and

5. The registration shall include certifications consistent with N.J.A.C. 7:27-1.39, Certification of Information.

(b) The space heater for which a registration has been filed with the Department shall conform to the following requirements:

1. The space heater shall be used for the purpose of energy recovery only;

2. Any used oil burned in the space heater shall be:
i. Generated on-site by the owner or operator of the space heater, or by an agent of such person;

ii. Generated by a household do-it-yourselfer used oil generator; or

iii. Collected by do-it-yourselfer used oil collection centers, such as those organized by a municipality;

3. The on-specification used oil to be burned in the space heater shall conform to the following requirements:
i. The used oil shall only be from conveyances that are powered by an internal combustion engine, consisting of any combination of the following substances: used crankcase oil, used brake fluid, used transmission fluid, or used power steering fluid;

ii. None of the following shall be blended with the used oil:
(1) Anti-freeze;

(2) Carburetor cleaner;

(3) Paint thinner;

(4) Paint;

(5) Part degreaser solvents;

(6) Oil additives;

(7) Gasoline;

(8) Chlorinated solvents;

(9) Battery acid; or

(10) A hazardous waste as defined pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:26G-5;

4. The maximum gross heat input of any one space heater at a facility shall not exceed 500,000 BTUs per hour;

5. The discharge point of the stack serving the space heater is higher than the peak of the roof of the building in which the space heater is located and that discharge point is at least 20 feet above grade;

6. The space heater shall be listed and tested by a nationally recognized laboratory in accordance with standards equivalent to the Underwriters Laboratory, Incorporated 296A Standard for Safety, UL296A "Waste Oil Burning Air Heating Appliances" or Canadian Standards Association--CSA Standard B140.4-1974 (R1991)--Oil Fired Warm Air Furnaces and FBL Notice Number 72 Requirements for Appliances Burning Used Oil in an Atomizing Burner. This listing shall be documented by the manufacturer of the used oil space heater and provided to the registrant;

7. The space heater shall be constructed, installed, and operated in conformance with all applicable requirements in this subchapter and all other provisions of the New Jersey Administrative Code;

8. The owner or operator shall adjust the combustion process of the used oil space heater within 24 operating hours after startup and annually thereafter. The adjustment shall consist of the following:
i. Adjusting the air-to-fuel ratio to the manufacturer's recommended standards and ensuring that it is correctly calibrated and functioning properly;

ii. Inspecting the space heater and cleaning or replacing any components of the space heater as necessary to minimize total emissions of carbon monoxide (CO);

iii. Taking an exhaust stream sample and analyzing it for CO and oxygen. This sampling and analysis may be done with a portable monitor. The results of the sampling and analysis shall ensure that CO emissions after adjustment pursuant to (b)8i and ii above are no more than 100 parts per million by volume, dry basis, hourly average, corrected to seven percent oxygen. Testing for less than one hour is permitted if the CO reading is no more than 100 parts per million by volume, dry basis, corrected to seven percent oxygen for five consecutive minutes of operation;
(1) Record the manufacturer and model number of the portable monitor used for the CO and oxygen measurements. The CO testing equipment shall be capable of measuring and recording the in-stack concentrations of CO, over a range of 0 to 500 parts per million by volume, with an accuracy of plus/minus five percent of the reading when measuring 100 parts per million by volume.

(2) If an exhaust stream sample exceeds the CO standard of 100 ppmvd, one hour average, corrected to seven percent oxygen, the used oil space heater shall not be operated, except for adjustment purposes, until the owner or operator corrects any mechanical problems, readjusts the space heater, and the space heater has been demonstrated to meet the carbon monoxide standard of no more than 100 ppmvd, one hour average, corrected to seven percent oxygen;

iv. Ensuring the exhaust emissions at the stack do not contain visible particulate emissions; and

v. Recording all adjustments made to the space heater, all carbon monoxide and oxygen readings, the determination of the presence of visible emissions, and the dates of each adjustment, as outlined in (b)8i, iii and iv above, respectively;

9. If the sample taken in (b)8iii above exceeds the CO standard of 100 parts per million by volume, dry basis, corrected to seven percent oxygen, one hour average, no violation shall occur if the space heater continues to be operated only as is outlined in (b)8iii above;

10. The space heater shall not be operated in a manner which will cause visible emissions, exclusive of visible condensed water vapor, except for a period of no more than three minutes in any consecutive 30 minute period. If visible emissions are observed, the following measures shall be implemented:
i. The operator manual shall be referred to for corrective measures, and the corrective actions taken shall be recorded;

ii. Except for adjustment purposes, the used oil space heater shall not be operated after visible emissions are observed, until the owner or operator corrects any mechanical problems, readjusts the air-to-fuel ratio, if necessary, and the space heater has been demonstrated to meet the no visible emission standard;

11. Commercial Number 1 fuel oil, commonly known as kerosene, and commercial Number 2 fuel oil, commonly known as home heating oil, can be blended with the used oil and charged to the used oil space heater;

12. The used oil in the storage tank for the space heater shall not exceed the following limits. The Department may obtain an oil sample to verify that the used oil is within these limits:

Constituent/PropertyAllowable Level
Arsenic5 ppmw maximum
Cadmium2 ppmw maximum
Chromium10 ppmw maximum
Lead100 ppmw maximum
Flash point100 degrees Fahrenheit minimum
Total halogens1,000 ppmw maximum
Sulfur5,000 ppmw maximum

13. The owner or operator of the used oil space heater shall maintain the oil filtering equipment in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and shall not operate the used oil space heater without an installed and operational filter;

14. Any operation of the space heater which may cause a release of air contaminants which might result in citizen complaints shall be reported by the registrant as required by the Air Pollution Control Act. The registrant shall immediately notify the Department of any non-compliance, including visible emissions, by calling the Department Regional Enforcement Office or the Environmental Action Hotline at (609) 292-7172;

15. All records which shall be maintained pursuant to this section shall be kept on-site in a central file in a permanently bound logbook or in readily accessible computer memories and made available for inspection by the Department for a period of three years after the date of each record. These records shall include the following:
i. Pursuant to (b)8 above, the dates of each adjustment, carbon monoxide and oxygen readings, and presence of visible emissions, if any; and

ii. Pursuant to (b)10 above, instances of when the used oil space heater caused visible emissions;

16. Consistent with the Fee Schedules at N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.6 and 22.31, a fee, which includes registration for operating a space heater, shall be submitted with each registration statement. The registration shall be renewed every five years on forms prescribed by and furnished by the Department in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.4(n). The Department shall send renewal notifications and forms six months prior to the expiration of the registration to the registrants. The renewal fee shall be consistent with the Fee Schedules at N.J.A.C. 7:27-8.6 and 22.31; and

17. The used oil brought to the facility by household do-it-yourselfer used oil generators shall be visually inspected prior to it being charged to the used oil storage tank.

(c) Once the registration has been forwarded to the Department by United States Postal Service by registered mail and a registered receipt is obtained, the space heater may be installed and operated. The Department shall send an acknowledgment to the registrant that it has received the registration. If the registration is incomplete or deficient, the Department shall notify the registrant.

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