New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 7:26A-3.7 - Application procedure for limited Class B recycling center approval to operate a recycling center for the storage, processing, or transfer of Class B recyclable material
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) A person may operate a limited Class B recycling center for the storage, processing or transferring of Class B recyclable materials generated on site for a period of time not to exceed 180 days, provided that prior approval of the Department has been obtained and a fee has been submitted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26A-2 to the Department. A person who has obtained prior approval to operate a limited Class B recycling center pursuant to this subsection may also receive Class B recyclable materials, but only for use at the specific site for which the Department granted approval to operate the limited class B recycling center. The following information shall be submitted to the Department in order to obtain a limited Class B recycling center approval:
(b) The Department shall issue an approval to operate a limited Class B recycling center only under the following circumstances:
(c) Persons applying to the Department for a limited approval to operate a recycling center for Class B recyclable materials shall submit one copy of the application for limited approval to the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the recycling center is located and one copy to the solid waste or recycling coordinator of the solid waste management district in which the recycling center is located.
(d) The Department may require the issuance of a performance bond or letter of credit for persons granted a limited approval to operate a recycling center in accordance with the criteria of N.J.A.C. 7:26A-3.4(c).
(e) Prior to the issuance of a limited approval to operate a recycling center for Class B recyclable materials, and where the Department determines that additional information is needed to adequately address public or environmental health, safety or welfare, the applicant shall submit the additional information requested by the Department.
(f) Within 30 days of receipt of an application for a limited approval submitted pursuant to (a) above, the Department will determine whether the application is administratively complete. An application is administratively complete when it satisfies the information submission requirements of (a) through (e) above and where a fee has been submitted in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:26A-2.
(g) Within 30 days of the issuance of the letter of administrative completeness, the Department will issue to the applicant a limited approval to operate a recycling center, valid for a specified period of time, not to exceed 180 days, where the Department determines the following:
(h) Within 30 days of the issuance of the letter of administrative completeness, the Department will issue a letter of denial of the application where the Department determines the following:
(i) No recycling center shall commence operation until it has received written approval from the Department.
(j) The limited approval will indicate the conditions, if any, which must be met by the recycling center owner or operator for the approval to remain in effect for a time period not to exceed 180 days.
(k) Within 45 days after the expiration of the time period covered by the limited approval to operate a recycling center, a final report shall be prepared by the person issued the limited approval and submitted to the Department, the solid waste or recycling coordinator of the solid waste management district in which the recycling center is located, and to the applicable municipal planning board. The final report shall contain the following information:
(l) All persons operating a recycling center pursuant to a limited approval shall take such measures as are necessary to ensure that no illegal and unauthorized dumping occurs at the recycling center site.
(m) One original and two copies of the information required pursuant to (a) and (k) above shall be submitted to:
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Sustainable Waste Management
401 East State Street, 2nd Floor, West Wing
PO Box 420, Mail Code 401-02C
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420
(n) The Department may extend the duration of the approval where the holder of the limited approval petitions the Department in writing explaining the need for an extension and where the Department determines that an extension is necessary to protect the public or environmental health, safety or welfare. Petitions shall be submitted to the address set out in (m) above. Concurrent with the submission of the petition to the Department, the petitioner shall also notify the applicable municipal planning board and solid waste management district solid waste or recycling coordinator of its request for an extension of the limited approval. In no event will the Department:
(o) All persons who seek limited approval to operate a recycling center for tires, tree stumps, tree parts or wood waste pursuant to this subchapter must also comply with the requirements at N.J.A.C. 7:26A-3.8.