Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) An
applicant who receives a notice of qualification shall submit the following
materials prepared in accordance with accepted engineering practices, within
the time period specified in
N.J.A.C. 7:24A-3.1(a):
1. A complete engineer's report prepared,
signed and sealed by a New Jersey-licensed professional engineer experienced in
hydrologic, hydraulic, structural and geotechnical engineering. The report
shall include, but is not limited to, the engineering assumptions, references,
calculations and conclusions relative to the structural, hydrologic and
hydraulic design of all elements within the project scope, as well as all
information, narrative, data, and computations necessary to support and
describe the design developed in such detail as to permit complete
understanding of the project design;
2. Plans for the loan project prepared by a
New Jersey-licensed professional engineer. Each drawing shall be signed and
sealed and shall have a title block giving the name and location of the
project, the scale or scales used, date, the name of the engineer and his or
her license number. Plans shall show clearly the datum to which elevations
shown are referred. The National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (U.S.G.S.)
should be used wherever possible or an equation converting to that datum given.
The plans shall clearly reflect and label all existing and proposed
3. Construction
specifications, including, but not limited to:
i. General provisions, specifying the rights,
duties, and responsibilities of the applicant, engineer and builder, and the
prescribed order of work;
Technical provisions, describing in detail the work methods, equipment, and
materials to be used, the results to be obtained and the project and payment
schedule; and
iii. All other
provisions, submissions and certifications deemed necessary by the
4. A
detailed cost estimate of expenses for the project. The breakdown of the cost
estimates shall be by unit price covering estimated labor, equipment,
materials, supplies and contractor's overhead and profit. A summary form
showing item number, description, estimated quantity, unit, unit price, and
estimated amount is required; and
5. A description of the applicant's plan to
repay the loan and pay any other expenses necessary to fully complete and
implement the project and the steps the applicant has taken or will be taking
to implement this plan.
(b) The Department reserves the right to
waive any of the submission requirements of (a) above if it determines that the
submission of such information is not required or necessary in order for the
Department to enter into a loan award agreement with the applicant.
(c) An applicant who receives a notice of
qualification shall obtain all necessary Federal, State and local permits and
approvals within six months of the date of the notice of qualification. Failure
to obtain the required permits within the required time period shall disqualify
the project for a loan for that application period unless prior written
approval for an extension has been granted by the Department.
1. The Department will extend the time for
submission of the required materials and/or permits for up to three months if
the applicant provides written justification of the need for such extension to
the satisfaction of the Department. The applicant must submit such written
justification to the Department no later than 30 days before the expiration of
the specified six-month period.
The Department will grant an additional extension for the submission of the
required permits and/or materials if the applicant demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the Department that the permits are delayed through no fault of
the applicant.