(e) A laboratory performing
acute toxicity tests shall prepare test organisms in accordance with the following
1. All organisms used in a test shall
be from the same source, the same age group or life stage, and the same species.
i. All fish shall be from the same year class and
the total length of the longest fish shall not be more than twice that of the
shortest fish. The laboratory shall make the total length measurements either upon a
10 percent sample of each group of organisms used for a test, or upon all of the
surviving control test organisms after a test.
ii. The laboratory shall use test organisms
collected from the sources listed in (e)1ii(1) through (4) below.
(1) Cladoceran used for toxicity tests shall be
reared in the testing facility from laboratory cultures;
(2) Warm-water, estuarine and marine fishes and
macrocrustaceans shall be obtained from commercial suppliers, hatcheries, or
laboratory cultures. If such fishes or macrocrustaceans are not available from any
such sources, they may be obtained from the wild;
(3) Cold-water fishes shall be obtained from
commercial suppliers or hatcheries, certified disease-free (free of infections,
pancreatic necrosis, furunculosis, kidney disease, and whirling disease);
(4) The laboratory shall not use organisms
captured by the use of electroshocking, chemical treatment, and gill nets for either
toxicity testing or culture brood.
iii. The laboratory shall determine the age of
test organisms at the beginning of a toxicity test. The age of the test organisms
shall satisfy the following requirements:
Daphnia magna or D. pulex shall be neonates between one and 24 hours old;
(2) Ceriodaphnia dubia shall be less than 24 hours
(3) Mysidopsis sp shall be between
one and five days old, and no more than a 24 hour range in age;
(4) Pimephales promelas and Lepomis macrochirus
shall be one to 14 days old, and no more than a 24 hour range in age;
(5) The coldwater fishes shall be:
(A) Oncorhynchus mykiss--15 to 30 days (after yolk
sac absorption to 30 days)
Salvelinus fontinalis--30 to 60 days
Salmo trutta--30 to 60 days
(6) Cyprinodon variegatus shall be one to 14 days
old, and no more than a 24 hour range in age;
(7) Menidia menidia, M. peninsulae, and M.
beryllina shall be nine to 14 days old, and no more than a 24 hour range in age;
(8) Palaemonetes pugio shall be one
to 60 days old.
The laboratory shall satisfy the following requirements in collecting test organisms
for use in toxicity testing:
i. If using
laboratory-reared specimens, report the original source and strain;
ii. If collecting organisms from the wild, or
obtaining organisms from a commercial supplier or hatchery, report the time, place
and method of collection, transportation, and handling;
iii. Do not collect organisms from areas known to
be polluted;
iv. Do not collect
organisms in poor condition, such as organisms that are diseased, parasitized, or
exhibit deformities;
v. Collect
macrocrustaceans and smaller fishes (with a total length of less than 30 mm) near
shore using dip nets or coarse plankton nets, or by hand. Collect larger specimens
in seines. If the specimens are located offshore then trawls shall be used.
(1) To prevent organisms from being damaged during
collection, short hauls with a duration of 10 minutes or less shall be made with
seines or trawls. The nets shall not collect debris that will injure the
(2) The seine bag shall be
left in the water at the end of a haul. Organisms shall be dipped with a container
from the bag and transferred directly to prepared holding tanks. Do not collect
allow overcrowding of the animals. When trawling, bring the trawl up to the boat and
over the side quickly without letting the catch hit the side of the boat. Immerse
the portion of the net with the catch in it in a tank of water. Open the trawl, dip
out organisms with a container or a small mesh hand net, and transfer to a holding
(3) The water temperature,
salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH shall be determined at the collection site and
recorded in a log. During transport to and acclimation in the laboratory, the
organism holding tanks shall be aerated to ensure dissolved oxygen levels at or near
saturation. Dissolved oxygen levels in the holding tanks shall not fall below 60
percent saturation. The holding tank water temperature shall be maintained within
+/-three degrees Celsius of the temperature of the water at the collection site at
the time of collection for at least 24 hours;
(4) When collecting freshwater fish, between 0.1
and 0.3 percent table salt (NaCl) should be added to the holding tank water prior to
the introduction of the collected specimens;
(5) Prophylactic treatments with antibiotics shall
not be used; and
(6) Collected organisms
shall be observed for injury. Injured organisms shall be discarded.
3. The laboratory shall use
only test organisms that have been held, handled, and conditioned in accordance with
the following requirements:
i. All field collected
organisms shall be quarantined for at least fourteen days to observe for parasites
and diseases, and to recover from the stress of collection and transport. Test
organisms obtained from a culture source with demonstrated ability to supply
healthy, disease-free stock shall be quarantined for at least two days. Organisms in
culture in the testing facility do not need to be quarantined before use in a
toxicity test. A log shall be kept documenting the test organism quarantine
procedures used, recording the observations (physical measurements and biological)
made, and recording any mortality;
(1) If during
quarantine more than 10 percent of the organisms either die within two days of their
arrival in the laboratory or if they suffer from parasites or diseases that cannot
be controlled, the entire batch of organisms shall be destroyed. All containers and
equipment that came in contact with the organisms shall be cleaned and sterilized
before reuse by the procedures specified in (e)3i(2) below.
(2) To sterilize tanks, containers or equipment,
the laboratory shall use at least a one-hour soaking in either a 200 mg/L sodium
hypochlorite solution or a 0.5 percent solution of commercial chlorine bleach. The
residual chlorine shall be removed by rinsing at least three times with either
laboratory grade or laboratory pure water. Disinfection by autoclaving shall also be
acceptable as specified in (c)3ii(3) above.
ii. After the quarantine period, disease-free
organisms shall be acclimated to laboratory grade water and temperature, or to test
dilution water and test temperature.
Acclimation of fish and grass shrimp to either laboratory grade water or test
dilution water shall be done by gradually and incrementally making no more than a 50
percent tank volume exchange of water in each holding tank per 12 hours over a 24
hour period;
(2) Mysids are collected
from gravid females held in culture water at a salinity within +/- two ppt of the
dilution water to be used in the test and Cladoceran are transferred from stock
cultures held in laboratory grade water to the test dilution water. No other
acclimation would be necessary for these organisms;
(3) Changes in water temperature shall not exceed
three degrees Celsius within a 24-hour period.
(4) Changes in salinity during acclimation shall
not exceed three ppt in a 12-hour period.
iii. Organisms used in range-finding toxicity
tests do not have to be acclimated to the test dilution water and test temperature
prior to use in a test; the organisms shall have been acclimated to laboratory grade
water and laboratory temperature for at least two days, in accordance with the
procedures in (e)3ii(1) through (4) above.
iv. Organisms to be used in N.M.A.T. or N.O.A.E.C.
definitive and definitive acute toxicity tests shall be acclimated to the test
dilution water and the test temperature prior to their use in the toxicity test.
Acclimation shall be performed in accordance with the criterion stated in (e)3ii(1)
through (4) above. If the organisms were held in laboratory grade water, and the
laboratory grade water is to be used as test diluent water, and the holding
temperature is identical to the test temperature, then acclimation is not
v. After the test organisms
are acclimated to laboratory grade water and laboratory temperature, or to the test
temperature and dilution water, the laboratory shall hold the test organisms under
conditions of salinity and temperature that do not change more than specified in
(e)3ii(3) and (4) above, for the following periods:
(1) Fish and grass shrimp shall be held for at
least 24 hours prior to use in a test; and
(2) Cladoceran and Mysids do not have to be held
any additional time prior to use in a test.
vi. If more than five percent of a group of test
organisms dies during the acclimation and holding period, the laboratory shall take
the following steps:
(1) For Cladoceran or Mysids,
discard the group, and acclimate and hold a new group; and
(2) For fish or grass shrimp, either discard the
group or hold it for an additional ten days in the test dilution water and at test
temperature. If mortality for the group of organisms is more than three percent
during the final 48 hours of the additional 10 days of holding, discard the entire
group, and acclimate and hold a new group.
vii. The laboratory shall satisfy the following
requirements in handling organisms:
(1) Follow
culturing activities and procedures designed to minimize handling;
(2) Discard organisms that touch dry surfaces, are
dropped, or are injured during handling;
(3) Do not use dip nets made of small mesh netting
or cloth for organisms smaller than 0.01 grams each. Handle organisms smaller than
0.01 grams by a large-bore pipette;
Use fire-polished smooth glass tubes or large-bore pipettes for transferring
Cladoceran and Mysid;
(5) Clean and
sanitize nets and other equipment used for handling organisms between
(6) Analysts shall wash their
hands with detergent leaving no toxic residue before handling or feeding
(7) Maintain dissolved oxygen
concentrations in containers for holding fishes, mysids or grass shrimp between 60
percent and 100 percent of saturation. If there is danger of supersaturation with
gases, keep the water in an open system, passed over baffles or otherwise aerated to
bring it into equilibrium with the air;
(8) Thoroughly clean tanks and equipment
regularly, removing or flushing out excessive growths and wastes;
(9) Remove all uneaten food from tanks and
containers within 24 hours of feeding;
(10) Cover tanks and containers to prevent
organisms from jumping out, unless the nature of the organism and the distance
between the top of the water and the top of the container make it unlikely that the
organisms can jump out;
(11) Shield
tanks and containers to protect organisms from nearby movements and noise;
(12) In flow-through holding tanks without any
form of biofiltration, maintain an exchange rate of at least two tank-volumes per 24
(13) In holding tanks with
recirculation systems, maintain a flow of water through the biofiltration systems
sufficient to ensure removal of excreted nitrogen compounds and excess suspended
(14) Shrimp and bottom-dwelling
fish may be provided with either a silica sand substrate or an oyster shell/crushed
coral substrate in the holding tanks;
(15) Feed Cladoceran and coldwater freshwater fish
until the beginning of a test but not during the test. Feed mysids and grass shrimp
before and during a test. Feed all warmwater freshwater and all saltwater fish
before the beginning of the test and at two hours prior to the 48 hour
(16) Each day during holding
and acclimation, observe organisms carefully for signs of disease, stress, damage,
and mortality. Record observations in a log. Discard injured, dead and abnormal
individuals; and
(17) Do not use
organisms used in a test (including those used in a control treatment) in a
subsequent test, or as culture stock.
4. The laboratory shall comply with the following
procedures when culturing test organisms:
Maintain a daily log of organism feeding, behavioral observations, treatments, and
ii. Feed all organisms,
except for Cladoceran, at least once per day;
iii. Destroy zooplankton and saltwater
macrocrustaceans that become diseased or infested. If fishes are treated to either
prevent or cure diseases, fungal infections or parasitic infections, with any
material other than table salt (NaCl), the laboratory shall:
(1) If contamination with disease or parasites is
suspected, disinfect the tanks, equipment and containers by one of the following:
(A) Soak for at least one hour with either a 200
mg/L solution of sodium hypochlorite or a 0.5 percent solution of commercial
chlorine bleach, and then rinse at least three times with laboratory grade or pure
water; or
(B) Rinse with either a 200
mg/L solution of sodium hypochlorite or a 0.5 percent solution of commercial
chlorine bleach and then rinse at least three times with laboratory grade or pure
water; or
(C) Autoclave using the
procedures specified in (c)3ii(3) above;
(2) The laboratory shall not use in toxicity tests
fish from tanks contaminated with parasites or disease, until:
(A) Seven days since the contamination have
elapsed, and there is no evidence of disease; and
(B) Ten days have elapsed after all treatments are
iv. The
Department recommends that a laboratory culturing test organisms use the applicable
method listed in (e)4iv(1) through (7) below.
The Department recommends that a laboratory culturing Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salmo
trutta, or Salvelinus fontinalis do so in accordance with "Standardized Culturing
Methods for Cold-water Fishes," NJDEPE--#CM001.
(2) The Department recommends that a laboratory
culturing Pimephales promelas do so in accordance with "Standardized Culturing
Methods for the Fathead Minnow, Pimephales promelas" NJDEPE--#CM002.
(3) The Department recommends that a laboratory
culturing Daphnia magna or D. pulex do so in accordance with "Standardized Culturing
Methods for Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex and Ceriodaphnia dubia,"
(4) The Department
recommends that a laboratory culturing Cyprinodon variegatus do so in accordance
with "Standardized Culturing Methods for the Sheepshead Minnow,"
(5) The Department
recommends that a laboratory culturing Palaemonetes pugio shall do so in accordance
with "Standardized Culturing Methods for Grass Shrimp," NJDEPE--#CM005.
(6) The Department recommends that a laboratory
culturing Menidia menidia, M. beryllina, or M. peninsulae do so in accordance with
"Standardized Culturing Methods for the Atlantic, Tidewater, and Inland
Silversides," NJDEPE--#CM006.
(7) The
Department recommends that a laboratory culturing Mysidopsis bahia do so in
accordance with "Standardized Culturing Methods for Mysid Shrimp,"