New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 7:15-4.6 - Habitat Suitability Determinations
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) Where an area is excluded from being eligible for sewer service area in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:15-4.4 on the basis that it is within a habitat Rank 3, 4, or 5 on the Department's Landscape Maps of Habitat for Endangered, Threatened and Other Priority Wildlife, or within a Natural Heritage Priority Site, an applicant may seek a Habitat Suitability Determination from the Department to rebut the presumption that the habitat patch rank is accurate or that the habitat is suitable for the natural resource elements contained in a Natural Heritage Priority Site.
(b) If a project or activity requires a permit from the Department that addresses habitat for endangered and threatened wildlife species or natural resource elements occurring within a Natural Heritage Priority Site, the applicant may submit the permit application, request for habitat suitability determination, and plan amendment application concurrently, so that the Department may review a single Habitat Suitability Determination for a particular project or activity for compliance with this chapter and any relevant permit requirements. A habitat suitability determination is based upon conditions and information available at the time of the determination. A habitat suitability determination obtained prior to permit application may be subject to review to ensure that conditions and/or information have not changed since the issuance of the original determination. Issuance of a favorable Habitat Suitability Determination does not guarantee that other Department permits or approvals will be granted.
(c) An application for a Habitat Suitability Determination shall be submitted to the Department in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:15-1.6 and shall include all the information required below, unless the Department advises the applicant in writing that any particular item(s) is not required for the area that is the subject of the application: or obtained from the Office of Natural Lands Management, Natural Heritage Program at:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
State Forestry Services
Office of Natural Lands Management
Mail Code 501-04, P.O. Box 420
501 East State Street
Station Plaza #5, 4th Floor
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0420
Phone: (609) 984-1339;
(d) In making a Habitat Suitability Determination, the Department shall consider as suitable habitat any site that, based on the best available scientific information, provides any of the components necessary to sustain any endangered or threatened wildlife species or natural resource elements. For wildlife species, this may include, but is not limited to, nesting or breeding areas, foraging or feeding areas, resting or roosting areas, hibernacula or denning areas, migratory and/or movement pathways, areas necessary for lifecycle completion, or any site that is a part of a larger habitat area that provides all of the components necessary to sustain the endangered or threatened wildlife species in question. The determination shall be based upon evaluation of the administrative record consisting of, at a minimum:
(e) Based on the available information, the Department will:
(f) A finding issued by the Department pursuant to (e) above shall be based upon the best information available to the Department at the time of issuance, and is subject to revision at any time based on new information.