New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 7:14A-23.34 - Closure requirements for wastewater treatment units
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) This section applies to any and all wastewater and sludge facilities and equipment permanently removed from use or operation at NJPDES permitted facilities or at facilities for which a NJPDES permit has been revoked or an application for renewal denied, unless a judicial or administrative stay is in effect. The intent of this section is to protect public safety and health and to assure that no contamination of ground or surface water will occur as a result of removing such facilities and equipment from service either through the act of closure or through continuing the discharge of pollutants into or through equipment; or through leaking, leaching, or discharge of pollutants from wastewater or residuals remaining in facilities or equipment which has been removed from use but remains on site.
(b) The closure of a wastewater treatment facility or equipment means either the termination of the source of wastewater or sludge, or the permitted conveyance of wastewater or sludge to an alternate location (such as a regional facility) in such a manner that no further treatment storage or conveyance of wastewater or sludge is performed by the facility.
(c) Wastewater treatment works closures shall conform with the following procedures:
Water Compliance and Enforcement Element
PO Box 422
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0422; and
Assistant Director
Watershed Permitting Element
PO Box 029
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0029
(d) Upon satisfaction of closure requirements specified in (c) above, the Water Compliance and Enforcement Element shall be contacted, in writing, to schedule a final site inspection of any treatment works which had a NJPDES discharge permit to verify that influent and effluent pipes have been sealed and that all solid and residual materials related to the treatment process have been removed.
(e) Upon satisfactory completion of the items specified in (c) and (d) above, an "Application for Termination" (application may be obtained from the Division of Water Quality or the Water Compliance and Enforcement Element) from the New Jersey Pollutant Discharge Elimination System shall be completed and submitted to the Division of Water Quality, Bureau of Permit Management with a copy to the appropriate permitting bureau. The application form includes information concerning the facility, its NJPDES permit number, the nature of the discharge, and a certification to the effect that the closure has been performed in accordance with all submissions made to the Department. Applications received before completion of items (c)1 through 3 above, shall not be processed and shall be returned for resubmission upon satisfactory completion of all closure requirements by the permittee.