Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(New Jersey Requirements Added in Italics)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
24 CFR 35.1330,
Interim controls
35.1330 Interim controls
Interim controls of lead-based paint hazards identified in a
risk assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this
section. Interim control measures include paint stabilization of deteriorated
paint, treatments for friction and impact surfaces where levels of lead dust
are above the levels specified. (See
5:17-3.5, Lead hazards.) Interim controls may
be performed in combination with, or be replaced by, abatement methods.
(a) General requirements
(1) Only those interim control methods
identified as acceptable methods in a current risk assessment report shall be
used to control identified hazards.
(2) Occupants of dwelling units where interim
controls are being performed shall be protected during the course of the work
in accordance with 35.1345. (See N.J.A.C. 5:28-2 Appendix 2-B, Occupant
protection and worksite preparation.)
(3) Testing shall be performed at the
conclusion of interim control activities in accordance with N.J.A.C.
(4) A person performing
interim controls must be trained in accordance with
(b) Paint
(1) Interim control treatments
used to stabilize deteriorated lead-based paint shall be performed in
accordance with the requirements of this section. Interim control treatments of
intact, factory applied prime coatings on metal surfaces are not required.
Finish coatings on such surfaces shall be treated by interim controls if those
coatings contain lead-based paint.
(2) Any physical defect in the substrate of a
painted surface or component that is causing deterioration of the surface or
component shall be repaired before treating the surface or component. Examples
of defective substrate conditions include dry rot, rust, moisture-related
defects, crumbling plaster, and missing siding or other components that are not
securely fastened.
(3) Before
applying new paint, all loose paint and other loose material shall be removed
from the surface to be treated. Acceptable methods for preparing the surface to
be treated include wet scraping, wet sanding, and power sanding performed in
conjunction with a HEPA filtered local exhaust attachment operated according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
(4) Lead-safe work practices shall be
performed in accordance with
(5) Paint stabilization shall include the
application of a new protective coating or paint. The surface substrate shall
be dry and protected from future moisture damage before applying a new
protective coating or paint. All protective coatings and paints shall be
applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(c) Friction and impact surfaces
(1) Friction surfaces are required to be
treated only if:
(i) Lead dust levels on the
nearest horizontal surface underneath the friction surface (e.g., the window
sill, window trough, or floor) are equal to or greater than the standards
specified. (See
5:17-3.5, Lead hazards.)
(ii) There is evidence that the paint surface
is subject to abrasion; and
Lead-based paint is known or presumed to be present on the friction
(2) Impact
surfaces are required to be treated only if:
(i) Paint on an impact surface is damaged or
otherwise deteriorated;
(ii) The
damaged paint is caused by impact from a related building component (such as a
door knob that knocks into a wall, or a door that knocks against its door
frame); and
(iii) Lead-based paint
is known or presumed to be present on the impact surface.
(3) Examples of building components that may
contain friction or impact surfaces include the following:
(i) Window systems;
(ii) Doors;
(iii) Stair treads and risers;
(iv) Baseboards;
(v) Drawers and cabinets; and
(vi) Porches, decks, interior floors, and any
other painted surfaces that are abraded, rubbed, or impacted.
(4) Interim control treatments for
friction surfaces shall eliminate friction points or treat the friction surface
so that paint is not subject to abrasion. Examples of acceptable treatments
include rehanging and/or planing doors so that the door does not rub against
the door frame, and installing window channel guides that reduce or eliminate
abrasion of painted surfaces. Paint on stair treads and floors shall be
protected with a durable cover or coating that will prevent abrasion of the
painted surfaces. Examples of acceptable materials include carpeting, tile, and
sheet flooring.
(5) Interim control
treatments for impact surfaces shall protect the paint from impact. Examples of
acceptable treatments include treatments that eliminate impact with the paint
surface, such as a door stop to prevent a door from striking a wall or
(6) Interim control for
impact or friction surfaces does not include covering such a surface with a
coating or other treatment, such as painting over the surface, that does not
protect lead-based paint from impact or abrasion.
(d) Chewable surfaces
(1) Chewable surfaces are required to be
treated only if there is evidence that a child of less than 6 years of age has
chewed on the painted surface, and lead-based paint is known or presumed to be
present on the surface.
(2) Interim
control treatments for chewable surfaces shall make the lead-based paint
inaccessible for chewing by children of less than 6 years of age. Examples
include enclosures or coatings that cannot be penetrated by the teeth of such
(e) Dust-lead
hazard control
(1) Interim control treatments
used to control dust-lead hazards shall be performed in accordance with the
requirements of this section. Additional information on dust removal is found
in the Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in
Housing, particularly Chapter 11.
(2) Dust control shall involve a thorough
cleaning of all horizontal surfaces, such as interior window sills, window
troughs, floors, and stairs, but excluding ceilings. All horizontal surfaces,
such as floors, stairs, window sills and window troughs, that are rough,
pitted, or porous shall be covered with a smooth, cleanable covering or
coating, such as metal coil stock, plastic, polyurethane, or
(3) If a carpet is to
remain, wipe samples shall be collected from the carpeted surfaces. For test
results that indicate lead levels above the clearance levels specified in
N.J.A.C. 5:17, the carpet shall be removed.
(f) Bare soil shall be treated in accordance
with N.J.A.C.