New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 5:23-4.5 - Municipal enforcing agencies-administration and enforcement

Universal Citation: NJ Admin Code 5:23-4.5

Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024

(a) Records and procedures: The municipality shall ensure that the construction official, with the assistance of the subcode officials and other necessary municipal employees, maintains a central file system, by block and lot, for each property in the municipality for which a permit has been issued or requested or for which an action has been taken by the municipal enforcing agency.

1. The files shall contain all information, including inspection reports, correspondence, and so forth, relevant to each application for a construction permit or certificate of occupancy.

2. The files shall contain or indicate the storage location of all plans and specifications too bulky for inclusion in the central file.

3. The files and records of the municipal enforcing agency shall be open to Department review and audit during normal business hours.
i. File copies of all documents in connection with building operations shall be retained in the official records as provided by law.

ii. Files and records shall be maintained in a manner consistent with the Municipal Procedures Manual established by the commissioner for this purpose.

(b) Forms:

1. The construction official shall ensure that all necessary application forms are available to the public at the central permit office.

2. The following standardized forms established by the Commissioner are required for use by the municipal enforcing agency:

Form NoName
F100Construction Permit Application
F101Consent to Undertake Proposed Work
F102Application for Annual Permit
F110Building Subcode Technical Section
F120Electrical Subcode Technical Section
F130Plumbing Subcode Technical Section
F140Fire Subcode Technical Section
F145Mechanical Inspection Technical Section
F150Elevator Subcode Technical Section
F155Elevator Subcode Multiple Devices
F160Application for a Variation
F170Construction Permit, Required Inspection
F180Construction Permit Notice
F190Permit Update
F211Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate
F212Notice and Order of Penalty
F213Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate (Post Certificate of Occupancy - Residential Construction)
F214Notice and Order of Penalty (Post Certificate of Occupancy - Residential Construction)
F221Inspection Sticker Approval for Building
F222Inspection Sticker Approval for Electric
F223Inspection Sticker Approval for Plumbing
F224Inspection Sticker Approval for Fire Protection
F225Inspection Sticker Approval for Elevator
F226Inspection Sticker Approval for Mechanical
F230Inspection Sticker Approval--Not Approved
F241Notice of Unsafe Structure
F242Notice of Imminent Hazard
F245Notice to Vacate
F250Stop Construction Order
F255Stop Construction Notice
F270Application for Certificate
F310Elevator Inspection
F320Elevator Notice
F325Notice of Elevator Device Sealed Out of Operation
F326Accident/Incident Report
F350Cut-In Card
F360Denial of Permit
F370Chimney Verification for Replacement of Fuel Fired Equipment
F380Hydraulic System Data Plate
F390Framing Checklist
F391Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitters (DACT) utilizing Managed Facility Voice Networks (MFVN) Verification Form
F392Air Barrier and Insulation Checklist

3. The following standardized forms established by the Commissioner are optional for use by the municipal enforcing agency; provided, however, that where they are not used, equivalent forms or mechanisms are used by the enforcing agency to accomplish the same purpose. These forms, or those equivalent forms used by the enforcing agency, shall be available to the Department for review and audit, upon request:

Form No. Name
F200 Inspection Notice
F280 T.C.O. Control Card
F290 Ongoing Inspections Control Card
F300 Ongoing Inspections Schedule
F375 Tickler/X-Ref Card

4. No forms other than those established by the Commissioner shall be required of the public in connection with the administration and enforcement of the State Uniform Construction Code. The municipal enforcing agency may use additional forms for its own internal processing and recordkeeping. Nothing in this section pertaining to forms or in the forms themselves shall be deemed to affect the requirements for plans and specifications or documentation of prior approvals. Where there is insufficient space on a form for all required information, the form shall be used with attachments.

5. Printing of forms: The municipal enforcing agency shall arrange for the printing of all forms to be used in the office and application forms to be used by the public. Other interested persons may also arrange for the printing of forms or may purchase and use forms printed by others. The municipal enforcing agency may provide for the inclusion of its name and other appropriate identifying information on the forms it has printed. However, the municipal enforcing agency shall accept forms not having municipal identification and shall, in any such case, insert the name of the municipality. All required forms shall be exact replicas of the forms required by the Commissioner, conforming in content, size, format, and colors, except that all multi-part forms may be printed with an additional copy, so long as the additional copy shall be in a color distinct from those specified by the Commissioner. Forms F110, F120, F130, and F140 may have the Subcode Technical Sections printed in any color or colors of ink as desired and Form F310 (Elevator Inspection) may be printed as a multipart form on separate pages with up to four copies of each page.

(c) Logs:

1. The following standardized logs established by the Commissioner are required to be maintained by the municipal enforcing agency:

Log NoName
L700Permit Fee Log
L710Inspection Log
L720Certificate Log
L730Ongoing Inspection Log

2. The municipal enforcing agency shall maintain the required logs either on log sheets established by the commissioner or on log sheets or ledger books of its own choice or design, provided that all required entries are maintained.

(d) Monthly reports:

1. The following standardized report forms established by the Commissioner are required to be completed by the municipal enforcing agency and transmitted to the Department by the tenth business day following the end of each calendar month:

Report NoName
R811Municipal Monthly Activity Report Certificates
R812Municipal Monthly Activity Report Permits

2. Municipalities currently submitting monthly reports electronically shall continue to do so. Municipalities that do not already submit monthly reports electronically shall begin to do so according to the following schedule:
i. By December 31, 1992, all municipalities issuing 600 or more permits per year as determined by the Department shall submit monthly reports electronically.

ii. By December 31, 1993, all municipalities issuing fewer than 600, but more than 200, permits per year as determined by the Department shall submit monthly reports electronically.

iii. All other municipalities shall have the option of submitting monthly reports electronically or by mail. Any municipality which issues more than 200 permits per year as determined by the Department for any future year shall submit monthly reports electronically beginning during the following year.

iv. A municipality that determines that compliance with this schedule would impose an undue hardship may apply to the Department for an extension of time. A request for an extension shall be in writing and shall set forth the reason(s) for such extension and the period of time for which the extension is sought. The Department shall give the municipality written notice of its determination in response to the extension request.

(e) Quarterly reports: The following standardized report established by the Commissioner are required to be completed by the local enforcing agency for State of New Jersey training fees and surcharge fees incurred when utilizing NJEPPRS, the Department's electronic permitting system. Such reports must be submitted quarterly, with the accompanying fees, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.19 and 4.22:

Report No. Name
R840 State Training Fee Report
R841 Electronic Permitting Surcharge Fees

(f) The following standardized report form established by the Commissioner is optional for use by the municipal enforcing agency:

Report NoName
R800Inspector's Report

(g) Exceptions: Exceptions may be made by the municipal enforcing agency to those requirements for records and procedures, forms, logs, and reports as stated in this section and in the Municipal Procedures Manual established by the commissioner only with the express written authorization of the Department. Requests for exceptions shall be in writing and shall detail the requirement(s) to which an exception is sought, the reason(s) for such exception and the duration for which the exception is sought, and shall be accompanied by any appropriate documentation and examples of alternative procedures, forms, logs or reports.

(h) Duties of construction officials:

1. The construction official shall enforce the regulations and:
i. Provide that applications are available, and assist the public in preparing the applications whenever necessary;

ii. Review all applications for completeness as to form and for verification of prior approvals. He may request additional documentation concerning prior approvals whenever it is deemed necessary;

iii. Upon receipt of the completed application, the construction official shall determine the proper fee for the work required;

iv. Collect all fees and penalties and ensure that funds are properly accounted for;

v. Ensure that the proper subcode official shall have an adequate time period to review appropriate applications, plans and specifications;

vi. Ensure that all requests for variation are properly prepared, documented and referred to the appropriate subcode officials;

vii. Issue the construction permit upon receiving the approval of all appropriate subcode officials;

viii. Record all notices of violation upon receiving notification of the appropriate subcode official, and determine all penalties for noncompliance with the penalty notices;

ix. Ensure that all required inspections are scheduled and performed within three business days of the time for which inspection has been requested;

x. Ensure that the reports of all inspections are completed and properly filed;

xi. Record stop construction orders upon notification of the appropriate subcode official or, in the case of a development-wide stop construction order, issue the stop construction order upon recommendation of the appropriate subcode official. Within 24 hours of issuance, a copy of the development-wide stop construction order shall be forwarded to the Department via mail to: Department of Community Affairs, Office of Regulatory Affairs, 101 S. Broad Street, PO Box 818, Trenton, NJ 08625.

xii. Ensure that all final inspections have been completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(1) Ensure that all inspection required for the purpose, has been completed prior to the issuance of temporary certificate of occupancy;

xiii. Issue the certificate of occupancy, upon receiving the approval of all appropriate subcode officials.
(1) Issue the temporary certificate of occupancy, upon receiving the approval of all appropriate subcode officials;

xiv. Ensure, in the case of a change of use, or upon a request for a certificate of continued occupancy, that each subcode official gives an approval based on an inspection and the review of all submitted data before issuing a certificate of continued occupancy;

xv. Prepare and obtain reports required in the regulations;

xvi. Attend meetings and hearings as required by the regulations;

xvii. Carry out such other functions as are necessary and appropriate to the position of construction official;

xviii. Coordinate the activities of the subcode officials in enforcement of the energy radon hazard, elevator safety and mechanical subcodes;

xix. Reply within three business days to any request from the municipal search officer for information concerning construction permits or certificates of occupancy;

xx. Within 10 business days of issuance, provide written notice to the fire official for the municipality appointed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-203 of all permits issued for installations of roof-mounted photovoltaic systems;

xxi. Comply with any local procedures which may be established by the governing body to provide the municipal search officer with information concerning construction permits and certificates of occupancy;

xxii. File with the Department a notice of the execution of each contract with a private on-site inspection agency, which notice shall specify the subcode(s) covered by the contract, within 10 days after the effective date of the contract;

xxiii. Take or initiate appropriate disciplinary action in the case of any subcode official or inspector failing to properly enforce the UCC. If the action includes suspension or dismissal, the construction official shall report this action to the Office of Regulatory Affairs via mail: Department of Community Affairs, Office of Regulatory Affairs, 101 S. Broad Street, PO Box 818, Trenton, NJ 08625;

xxiv. Issue a notice of violation pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.35 for any violation of the provisions of the Code in effect at the time of permit application that comes to his or her attention. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:14-1.1, no notice of violation may be issued to the developer or to any contractor more than 10 years after issuance of the certificate of occupancy;

xxv. Ensure that all units within a residential development, other than Group R-1, that might have similar violations are inspected for such violations and that any such violations found are cited and abated if violations of the provisions of the Code in effect at the time of permit application listed at N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.35(a)1 are found in a residential structure in the development subsequent to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The construction official shall supervise the work of any professional engineer or registered architect hired by the municipality for this purpose; and xxvi. Report the name of the developer and the nature of the code violation(s) to the Department by sending this information in writing to the Office of Regulatory Affairs, 101 S. Broad Street, PO Box 818, Trenton, NJ 08625 whenever:
(1) It is necessary to take development-wide action for code violations discovered after issuance of certificate(s) of occupancy pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.35(a)1;

(2) The municipal engineer advises the construction official that the municipality has had to call a bond posted pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-53 due to failure of the developer to complete site improvements satisfactorily; or

(3) The developer fails to maintain funds in the escrow account required pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.17 unless the charges to the escrow account are under appeal.

2. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the construction official from overruling a decision of a subcode official if he is qualified and certified in that subcode pursuant to subchapter 5 of this chapter.

(i) Duties of subcode officials:

1. The subcode official shall enforce the regulations and:
i. Review those aspects of the application, plans and specifications appropriate to his subcode for approval and release to the construction official for issuance of the permit;

ii. Receive and review directly from the applicant applications involving only one trade or subcode and minor or emergency work for approval and release to the construction official for issuance of the permit;

iii. Collect fees for permit applications involving only trade or subcode and minor or emergency work and forward same to the construction official for proper accounting;

iv. Comply with the time limitations for review as determined by the construction official; v. Review requests for variations as necessary;

vi. Perform all required inspections within three business days of the time for which inspection has been requested;

vii. Issue in the name of the enforcing agency notices of violation and notify the construction official of same. The subcode official may issue verbal orders at the jobsite and shall record such orders in his inspection report;

viii. Complete reports of all inspections performed;

ix. Issue stop construction orders in the name of the enforcing agency and notify the construction official of same or, in the case of a development-wide stop construction order, make a recommendation to the construction official for issuance of the order;

x. Perform final inspection and notify construction official of approval in order that the construction official may issue certificate of occupancy;

xi. Make inspection, review submitted data and notify construction official of approval in the case of a change of use, or a request for a certificate of continued occupancy;

xii. Assist the construction official in the preparation of all reports required in the regulations;

xiii. Attend meetings and hearings as required by the regulations;

xiv. Issue documentation and certification, such as cut-in cards to utilities and/or public agencies if required by the regulations;

xv. Carry out such other functions as are necessary and appropriate to the position of subcode official.

2. In the course of enforcing the regulations, the fire protection subcode official shall cooperate, to the greatest extent possible, with the local fire service, which is the local fire department or district having jurisdiction.
i. The fire protection subcode official shall, upon request of the local fire service, allow a designated representative of the local fire service reasonable access to, and opportunity to review, plans submitted to the fire protection subcode official for his approval.

ii. The fire protection subcode official shall consult with the local fire service prior to granting any variations from the requirements of the fire protection subcode. If the fire protection subcode official is not himself a member of the local fire service, he shall, upon receipt of an application for a variation, forward a copy thereof to the local fire service and shall not grant a variation until he has received the comments of the local fire service or until 10 business days have passed, whichever comes first.

iii. The participation of the local fire service in the code enforcement process shall in no way be construed as reducing the responsibility of the fire protection subcode official for the proper enforcement of the fire protection subcode. Advice rendered by the local fire service shall in no way be binding upon the subcode official.

(j) Conflict of interest:

1. No person employed by an enforcing agency as a construction or subcode official or as an inspector shall knowingly carry out any inspection or enforcement procedure with respect to any property or business in which he or she, or any close relative or household member, or his or her superior within the enforcing agency, or any close relative or household member of such superior, or any other public official or employee having any direct or indirect control over the funding or operations of the enforcing agency, or any household member of any such public official or employee, has an economic interest. For purposes of this paragraph, "close relative" shall mean and include a spouse, sibling, ancestor or descendant, or the spouse of any of them.
i. Where an inspection or enforcement procedure is necessary or required in any such property or business, and there is no other person employed by the enforcing agency who is qualified, pursuant to this chapter, to perform the inspection or enforcement procedure and who is not a subordinate of the person with the direct or indirect economic interest in such property or business, the official or inspector shall arrange for the inspection or enforcement to be carried out either by another local enforcing agency or by the Department.

ii. A separate log shall be maintained by the enforcing agency of all inspections and enforcement procedures performed, when permitted in accordance with (j)1i above, with regard to any properties or businesses in which any persons employed by the enforcing agency have a direct or indirect economic interest.

iii. Where an inspection or enforcement procedure is performed by another enforcing agency due to a conflict of interest, the fee schedule of the enforcing agency in which the project is located shall be utilized in calculating the fees for the project. The State training fee for the project and the reporting of the project pursuant to Department requirements shall be submitted by the enforcing agency where the project is located. After inspection or enforcement procedures have been performed, the agency that performed such procedures shall provide the information required to be reported to the municipality where the project is located. Permit documentation shall be shared between the local enforcing agencies for timely and accurate reporting. The prior approvals required in the municipality where the project is located shall apply.

2. No person employed by an enforcing agency as a construction or subcode official, assistant to the construction or subcode official, trainee, inspector, or plan reviewer, shall, whether directly or indirectly, be engaged in ownership of, or employment by, or contracting to provide goods or services to, any business furnishing labor, materials, products, or services for the construction, alteration, or demolition of buildings or structures, or for the maintenance of any equipment or building component the maintenance of which is regulated pursuant to this chapter, that is engaged in any such activity within any municipality in which he is so employed by an enforcing agency.

3. Persons subject to this subsection shall annually report any income or benefits received from any business or property subject to the Code, or from any business furnishing materials, products, labor or services for types of work subject to the Uniform Construction Code regulations, to the municipal governing body. This report shall include a list of all sources of income, but need not list the amount.

4. No person employed by a municipal enforcing agency as a construction official, subcode official or inspector shall be employed to appear before any construction board of appeals, or be involved in any court proceeding within the State, as a paid expert witness, or in any other compensated capacity in any proceeding involving the enforcement of the Uniform Construction Code except on behalf of another enforcing agency, or as a court-appointed witness.
i. This prohibition shall not apply to any litigation not involving enforcement of the Code, or to an appearance as a fact witness; nor shall it apply to any activities unrelated to an action for, or an appeal of, enforcement of the Code.

5. No person employed by a supplemental private on-site inspection agency that has a contract with a municipal enforcing agency shall knowingly carry out any inspection or enforcement procedure with respect to any property or business in which he or she, or any close relative or household member, or his or her superior within the enforcing agency, or any close relative or household member of such superior, or any other public official or employee having any direct or indirect control over the funding or operations of the enforcing agency, or any household member of any such public official or employee, has an economic interest. For purposes of this paragraph, "close relative" shall mean and include a spouse, sibling, ancestor, or descendant, or the spouse of any of them.
i. Where an inspection or enforcement procedure is necessary or required in any such property or business, and there is no other person employed by the enforcing agency who is qualified, pursuant to this subchapter, to perform the inspection or enforcement procedure and who is not a subordinate of the person with the direct or indirect economic interest in such property or business, the official or inspector shall arrange for the inspection or enforcement to be carried out either by another local enforcing agency or by the Department.

ii. A separate log shall be maintained by the enforcing agency of all inspection procedures performed, with regard to any properties or businesses in which any persons working pursuant to a contract with the enforcing agency have a direct or indirect economic interest.

6. This section shall not apply to:
i. The ownership of stock or other investment instrument in any corporation listed on any national stock exchange.

ii. Any such business or employment outside the State;

iii. Dual employment by two or more enforcing agencies;

iv. Any business or employment which is not subject to the regulations.

v. Service as an instructor in a code enforcement training program.

7. Nothing herein shall prohibit a municipality from establishing by ordinance more restrictive provisions covering conflict of interest.

(k) No person employed by an enforcing agency as a construction official, subcode official or inspector shall accept, or continue to hold, employment in one or more other municipalities as a construction official, subcode official or inspector unless the resulting combined workload is such that it can be discharged in a manner consistent with the requirements of this chapter.

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