Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) The
planning, design, construction, installation, modification, and operation of
any treatment works or sanitary sewer system shall be in accordance with the
flow and design criteria set forth in N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23 and with the applicable
NJDEP rules implementing the New Jersey Water Pollution Control Act
(N.J.S.A. 58:10A-1 et seq.) and the New Jersey Water
Quality Planning Act (N.J.S.A. 58:11A-1 et
seq.); and, for items not covered by NJDEP rules, with ASCE Manual on
Engineering Practice No. 60, incorporated herein by reference; and, in the
Pinelands Area, with the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan and, in the
coastal area, with NJDEP rules implementing the Coastal Area Facilities Review
Act (N.J.S.A. 13:19-1 et seq.). Where
the NJDEP accepts reduced flows, those reduced flows shall also be accepted
under these rules.
(b) Sanitary
sewer pumping stations shall be considered where gravity system design leads to
excessive sewer depths which are not economically justifiable and shall comply
with N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23.10, 11 and
(c) System design and placement
shall comply with the following specifications:
1. Except where otherwise specified by
municipality or utility authority, sanitary sewer manholes, when located within
the municipal right-of-way, shall be at or near the center line of the paved
cartway, but at a five-foot minimum from the edge of the pavement. Sanitary
sewer mains shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the right-of-way line.
2. Easements shall be in a form approved by
the utility authority or the municipal engineer and municipal attorney.
Easements shall be required for all sanitary sewer lines which are not within a
public right-of-way. Easements shall be a minimum of 20 feet wide for sanitary
sewers that are not more than 15 feet deep. For sewers that are more than 15
feet deep, easements shall be a minimum of 30 feet wide. The depth of the sewer
shall be measured from the design invert of the pipe to the surface of the
proposed final grading. Where the easement is located adjacent to a right of
way, the municipality or authority may approve a narrower easement.
3. Common sewer laterals shall be permitted
in accordance with the Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code
4. All sewers shall be designed to meet the
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's slope standards at
5. Except where shallower depths are
permitted by the municipality or utility authority, sewer lines, including
force mains and laterals, shall be constructed at least three feet below the
proposed grade (as measured from the top of the pipe to the grade
6. Pipe materials used
in the construction of gravity sanitary sewers shall be reinforced concrete,
ductile iron, PVC, corrugated polypropylene, or clay pipe. All pipe and
appurtenances shall comply with AWWA and ASTM standards referenced in this
paragraph, which are incorporated herein by reference. Where PVC or
polypropylene pipe is installed, a metallic locator tape shall also be
installed in the trench adjacent to the pipe.
i. Reinforced concrete pipe shall be used
only in sizes 24 inches and larger and shall meet all the requirements of ASTM
C76. All pipe shall be Class III strength installed with class C ordinary
bedding, except in the following conditions where stronger pipe may be
(1) For depths less than three
feet, measured from the top of the pipe, installed under traffic areas, Marston
Class IV pipe shall be required.
(2) The presence of clay soils, poor bedding
conditions, or other unusual loading conditions shall be given special
consideration and the developer shall submit an engineering analysis to the
municipality or authority for approval.
ii. PVC sewer pipe shall have bell and spigot
ends and O-ring rubber gasketed joints. PVC pipe and fittings shall conform to
ASTM D3034, with a minimum wall thickness designation of SDR 35 or shall
conform to ASTM F679, F789, F794, or F949 with a designated pipe stiffness of
(1) The plastic material from which
the pipe and fittings are extruded shall be impact types of PVC, unplasticized,
having high mechanical strength and maximum chemical resistance conforming to
Type 1, Grade 1 of the specification for rigid polyvinyl chloride compounds,
ASTM D1784.
(2) Pipe shall be free
from defects, such as bubbles or other imperfections, in accordance with
accepted commercial practice. Test results demonstrating that the pipe meets
ASTM D2444 for impact and ASTM D2321 for deflection and pipe stiffness, shall
be provided when requested by the municipality or utility authority.
(3) Joints shall conform to ASTM D3212.
Rubber ring gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477. The gasket shall be the sole
element depended upon to make the joint watertight.
(4) The pipe shall be installed as specified
in ASTM D2321 and as specified in Figure 6.1. If used in unstable soil or areas
of excessive ground water, the designer will take special precautions, such as
poured concrete slabs.
(5) Bedding,
haunching and initial backfill material shall be placed in six-inch lifts and
be Class IA, IB, or II embedment material conforming with ASTM D2321, unless
otherwise approved in writing by the municipal or utility authority engineer.
Soil aggregate I-8 conforming to Article 901.09, Table 901-2 of the New Jersey
Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction when compacted to 95 percent maximum dry density, and stone
crushing conforming with AASHTO designation M43-88 (ASTM designation D448) size
no. 8, 1/8 inch to 3/8 inch (2.36 mm to 9.25 mm) meet this requirement. All
material shall be clean and free flowing and shall meet all ASTM C33
specifications for quality and soundness.
iii. Ductile iron pipe shall be centrifugally
cast in metal or sand-lined molds to ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. Joints shall be
rubber gasketed joints that conform to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 or flanged joints
that comply with ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15. Pipe shall be a minimum of Class 50.
The outside of the pipe shall be coated with a uniform thickness of hot applied
asphaltic coating. In corrosive soils, pipe shall be encased in polyethylene in
accordance with ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5. Ductile iron pipe shall be installed with
Class C, Ordinary Bedding, when site conditions allow. The inside shall be
lined with cement in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 or, where hydrogen
sulfide is present, ductile iron pipe with polyethylene coating that protects
the interior of the pipe shall be used.
iv. Clay pipe shall comply with ASTM
v. Corrugated polypropylene
sanitary sewer pipe shall have bell and spigot ends and O-ring rubber, gasket
joints. Polypropylene pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM F2764 or ASTM
F2736, incorporated herein by reference, depending on size. Polypropylene pipe
12 to 60 inches shall meet or exceed the designated pipe stiffness of PS-46
when tested in accordance with ASTM D2412, Standard Test Method for
Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by
Parallel-Plate Loading, incorporated herein by reference.
(1) Plastic material shall conform to ASTM
D4101, Standard Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extrusion
Materials, incorporated herein by reference.
(2) Joints shall conform to ASTM D-3212,
Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipe Using
Flexible Elastomeric Seals. Rubber ring gaskets must meet ASTM F477, Standard
Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic
(3) Installation shall be in
accordance with ASTM 2321, Standard Specification for Underground Installation
of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications.
Generally, plastic pipe should not be used in conditions that expose it to
constant hydrostatic pressure. If used in unstable soil or areas of excessive
groundwater, the designer will take special precautions, such as poured
concrete slabs.
(4) Bedding,
haunching, and initial backfill material shall be placed in six-inch lifts and
be Class IA, IB, or II embedment material conforming with ASTM D2321, unless
otherwise approved by the municipal or utility authority engineer. Soil
aggregate I-8 conforming to Article 901.09, Table 901-2 of the New Jersey
Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction when compacted to 95 percent maximum dry density, and stone
crushing conforming with AASHTO designation M43-88 (ASTM designation D448) size
no. 8, 1/8 inch to 3/8 inch (2.36 mm to 9.25 mm) meet this requirement. All
material shall be clean and free flowing, and shall meet all ASTM C33
specifications for quality and soundness.
7. Inverted siphons and outfalls shall be
constructed of ductile iron pipe or PVC pipe, as specified above. Inverted
siphons shall consist of a minimum of two pipes with provisions for flushing.
Flow control gates shall be provided in the chambers.
8. Force mains shall be designed in
accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23. Force mains shall be
constructed of ductile iron pipe, as specified above, or PVC pipe that meets
ASTM D1785, ASTM D2241 or AWWA C909. Where PVC pipe is installed, a metallic
locator tape also shall be installed in the trench adjacent to the
9. In addition to the pipe
materials at
7:14A-23.6(b)5, PVC pipe
shall be considered a suitable material.
10. For other than PVC pipe, pipe and manhole
bedding shall be provided as specified in "Gravity Sanitary Sewer Design and
Construction, ASCE Manual and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 60," prepared
by the Joint Task Force of the American Society of Civil Engineers and Water
Pollution Control Federation, New York, 1969. Any pipe material not covered by
this manual shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
i. The municipality or the
authority may require the developer to provide an opinion of a professional
engineer regarding the suitability of the on-site material to be used as
backfill. The municipality or authority shall rely on this opinion.
ii. Where the on-site material is deemed
suitable, the opinion shall specify the appropriate installation methods for
the material. Where the on-site material is deemed not suitable, the opinion
shall specify modification or replacement of the material and the appropriate
installation methods for the specified material.
11. Manholes shall comply with the standards
in ASCE Manual on Engineering Practice No. 60, and shall meet the following
i. Manholes shall be precast
concrete or concrete block. Manhole barrels shall be a minimum of four feet in
diameter when serving sewers 24 inches or less in diameter, and shall be a
minimum of five feet in diameter when serving sewers greater than 24 inches in
diameter. Where manholes are precast, the base and first section shall be
monolithically cast. Concrete block shall be coated with two coats of Portland
cement mortar. Precast concrete or concrete block shall be sealed with two
coats of an acceptable waterproofing tar, asphalt, or polyplastic alloy, with
enough time allowed between the seal coats to bond.
ii. Masonry brick, concrete block, or half
rings may be used to make vertical adjustments to rims.
iii. Where pipe size varies, crowns of pipes
shall be matched, except in special conditions, as required by applicable NJDEP
iv. If precast manhole
barrels and cones are used, they shall conform to ASTM C478, with round rubber
gasketed joints conforming to ASTM C443. Maximum absorption shall be nine
percent, in accordance with ASTM C478, method A. Cracked manholes shall not be
used. The top riser section of precast manholes shall terminate less than 18
inches below the finished grade to provide for proper adjustment.
v. Manhole frames and covers shall be of cast
iron conforming to ASTM A48, Class 30 or ductile iron conforming to ASTM 536,
and shall be suitable for H-20 loading capacity. All manhole covers in unpaved
rights-of-way or in remote areas shall be provided with a locking device, as
specified by the municipality or utility authority. The words " SANITARY SEWER"
shall be cast integrally into the manhole cover.
vi. Manholes shall be supplied with flexible,
watertight adapters, such as inserts or gaskets, conforming to ASTM C923 and
suitable for the pipe materials used.
vii. Masonry units shall conform to the
following requirements:
(1) Clay or shale
brick shall conform to AASHTO M114, grade MW, with the following modifications:
(A) The length of the brick shall be not less
than 7.75 inches and shall be not more than 8.25 inches. The width of the brick
shall be not less than 3.50 inches and not more than 3.88 inches. The depth of
the brick shall be not less than 2.10 inches and not more than 2.38
(B) The maximum water
absorption, by five hour boiling, shall be 14 percent based on the average of
five bricks, and shall be 16 percent for individual bricks.
(2) Concrete block shall be solid,
precast segmental concrete masonry units. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM
C150. Concrete block shall conform to the following dimensional requirements:
(A) The blocks shall be either rectangular in
shape, or shall be curved blocks with the inside and outside surfaces curved to
the required radii, whichever is appropriate to the shape of the structure. The
length shall be not less than 12 inches and not more than 18 inches. The height
shall be not less than five inches and not more than eight inches. The width
shall be not less than eight inches. Blocks of special shapes and heights may
be used to allow for the reduction of cross sectional area at the cones or tops
of manholes, or may be used in the top courses of all structures so that the
head castings shall be set at the required elevation on a mortar bed not more
than one-half inch thick without cutting the blocks. All blocks shall have an
interlocking-type joint at the ends, so as to form a strong, rigid structure.
All blocks shall be sound and free from all cracks or other defects.
(3) Concrete brick shall conform
to the requirements of vii(2)(A) above except that the dimensions shall conform
to the requirements for clay or shale brick in vii(1)(A) above.
12. Laterals and
cleanouts shall comply with the following:
The house connection or lateral from the street main to the cleanout shall be
considered an integral part of the sanitary sewer system. The type of material
used for the house connection shall be as follows: four-inch cast iron soil
pipe, extra heavy; four-inch PVC pipe, Schedule 40 or SDR 35; four-inch ABS
plastic pipe, SDR 35; or four-inch ductile iron pipe. Common laterals for
multifamily units shall be designed to have adequate conveyance
ii. Wye connections shall
be the same material as the sewer main. Saddles shall be used only for
connection to an existing main.
iii. Bends in house connection lines shall be
made using standard fittings. A riser with a cleanout shall be provided in the
lateral between the edge of the pavement and property line or within a
designated easement as determined by the municipality.
iv. Inspection cleanouts or observation tees
within the easement or right-of-way shall be fitted with either a metallic cap
or a nonmetal cap fitted with a metallic plug that is suitable for locating the
cleanout. Caps shall have a depressed or inverted nut. The inspection cleanout
or observation tee shall be placed between the curb or edge of pavement and
property line or within a designated easement.
v. Connections beyond the cleanout are under
the jurisdiction of the Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code
5:23-3.15) through the Plumbing Subcode
official. The pipe size and specifications shall comply with the regulations
and requirements of the Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction
vi. As-built drawings that
include the location of plumbing wyes, as supplied by the contractor, shall be
submitted to the municipal engineer.
Data in