New Jersey Administrative Code
Subchapter 5 - WATER SUPPLY
Section 5:21-5.3 - System design and placement
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) System design and placement shall comply with the following construction specifications, incorporated herein by reference: all applicable NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) rules, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards, and in the Pinelands Area, the Standards of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan, with the strictest standards governing.
(b) Distribution mains of the overall system shall be connected into loops so that the supply may be brought to the consumer from more than one direction. In balancing loops in a design, the Hardy-Cross, or an equivalent, method shall be used (see subchapter Appendix incorporated herein by reference). Manning roughness coefficients listed in Table 7.2 in N.J.A.C. 5:21-7.3 may be used in these calculations. Dead-end lines shall be permitted within the design of a looped system provided that there are no more than 20 dwelling units permanently, or no more than 50 dwelling units temporarily, on a dead-end line. When dead-end lines are used, they shall be provided with a hydrant or blow off at the terminus as a means of flushing.
(c) Valves, except on a permitted dead end, shall be located on distribution mains so that no more than one hydrant would be out of service as a result of a single water main break. They shall be located in all small branches off larger mains; and where eight-inch or larger mains lines intersect, a valve shall be located in each branch. At street intersections, valves shall be located near pipe intersections for ease in finding in the event of a water main break.
(d) In addition to the above requirements, water mains shall be valved so that not more than one-fifth of a mile would be affected by a single water main break. Geared valves on 16-inch mains or larger shall be furnished when required by the municipality.
(e) Gate valves shall be cast-iron body with double-disc gates, bronze mounted conforming to AWWA C500 or resilient-seated wedge, non-rising stem mechanical joint conforming to AWWA C509. Butterfly valves shall conform to AWWA C504. The type of valve to be used shall be as specified by the municipality or utility authority. Valve interior openings shall be full size, and valves on 16-inch mains or larger shall be geared and have suitable bypasses. Valve boxes shall be of the adjustable type with the cover marked "water" and direction of valve operation indicated.
(f) No pipe shall be placed on private property unless the owner of the land is to own or operate the pipe, or an easement deeded to the municipality or utility authority is obtained. All easements shall be a minimum of 20-feet wide unless depth of pipe, soil conditions, or additional utilities require wider. Where the easement is located adjacent to a right of way, the municipality or authority may approve a narrower easement.
(g) A building service connection shall be comprised of a corporation stop at the main, a curb stop, and a water meter. When the meter is located outside a building, an additional shut-off valve shall be installed on the discharge side of the meter. When the meter is located inside a building, valving shall be in accordance with the Plumbing Subcode of the Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.15). Curb stops and water meters shall be located as specified by the public or private water supplier.
(h) Where water system extensions are constructed by developers and meter fees are not paid by the developer, the water meter(s) shall be furnished by the developer and shall be of a manufacture and type approved by the municipality or utility authority. The meter(s) shall read in volume units as determined by the municipality or utility authority. Where meter fees are paid by the developer, the meter(s) shall be furnished by the municipality or utility authority.
(i) Pipe size shall comply with the following requirements:
(j) Pipe materials used in the construction of water mains shall be cement-lined ductile iron, prestressed concrete cylinder pipe, reinforced concrete pressure pipe, or PVC pipe. All pipe and appurtenances shall comply with the applicable AWWA standards in effect at the time of application. All standards referenced in this section are incorporated herein by reference.
(k) Pipe bedding and backfill shall be installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations.