Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) Cartway width for each street
classification shall be determined by parking and curbing requirements that are
based on the intensity of development served by that street.
(b) Intensity of development shall be based
on the number of dwelling units per gross acre of land served by a particular
street, excluding the acreage of dedicated common open space or other areas
restricted from future development, as follows:
Dwelling Units per Gross Acre
Less than or equal to 4
More than 4 and less than or equal to 8
More than 8
Cartway widths for each street classification are as shown in Table 4.3
(d) Cartway width also shall
consider possible limitations imposed by sight distances, climate, terrain, and
maintenance needs.
Municipalities may require additional cartway width for major or minor
collectors which are part of a designated bike route as indicated in the
bicycle circulation part of the municipal master plan to make them consistent
with the AASHTO guidelines for bicycle-compatible streets.
a See Table
4.2 for definitions of street hierarchy and N.J.A.C. 5:21-4.2for definitions of
low, medium, and high intensity of development.
b Parking lane refers to parallel parking,
except in the case of residential access streets with nonparallel parking,
which have perpendicular parking.
The 30 foot cartway would accommodate two seven foot parking lanes and a 16
foot traveled way.
d 20 foot minor
collector cartways are permitted only when there is no direct driveway access
to or from the street in question.
e Cartway widths of cul-de-sac stems should
conform to the applicable street type. Right-of- ways for cul-de-sac stems
shall extend a minimum of eight feet beyond the cartway. Cul-de-sacs shall
provide for a cartway turning radius of 40 feet and a right-of-way line eight
feet beyond the edge of the cartway. No agreement to exceed the turning radius
specified shall be executed pursuant to
5:21-3.6 for purposes of emergency vehicle
access unless supporting documentation prepared by the planning or zoning board
of adjustment engineer is submitted demonstrating that the specific emergency
vehicle in question cannot negotiate this turn.
f Cartway and right - of- way widths of
marginal access streets and right - of- way requirements should conform to
standards of either residential access or minor collector streets, as dictated
by average daily traffic. If the classification is a minor collector requiring
a 36 foot cartway, cartway width may be reduced to 28 feet, since frontage is
restricted to one side of the street.
g Cartway widths of divided streets should
conform to standards of street classification, as dictated by anticipated
average daily traffic, and be applied as aggregate dimensions of two street
segments. Divided streets shall be provided with cut-throughs at a maximum of
1,200 foot intervals.
h See
5:21-4.3(c) for additional
i Right -of-way width
applies only to streets proposed for dedication as shown on approved
j See
5:21-4.5(b) for additional
k Rural streets and
rural lanes are permitted only within developments which do not exceed an
average daily traffic count of 500 and 200, respectively.
l Municipalities may require additional width
for major or minor collectors which are part of a designated bicycle route as
indicated in the circulation part of the municipal master plan to make them
consistent with the AASHTO guidelines for bicycle-compatible streets.
m Cartway widths of multifamily cul- de- sac
stems should conform to the applicable residential access street type.
Cul-de-sacs shall provide for a cartway turning radius of 40 feet or other
suitable means for vehicles to turn around, such as hammerheads. Where not
located on private property, a right-of-way line eight feet beyond the edge of
the cartway shall be provided. No agreement to exceed the turning radius
specified shall be executed pursuant to
5:21-3.6 for purposes of emergency vehicle
access unless supporting documentation prepared by the planning or zoning board
of adjustment engineer is submitted demonstrating that the specific emergency
vehicle in question cannot negotiate this turn.
n Sidewalks provided for streets with
nonparallel parking shall be placed in accordance with
o. Cartway and right -of-way widths for
multifamily courts shall comply with the design criteria for residential access
streets, based on the parking configuration. Multifamily courts need not be
provided with a means of turning around; however, their length shall not exceed
300 feet.
p There is no ADT limit
for multifamily courts; however, the length of a multifamily court is limited
to 300 feet.