New Jersey Administrative Code
Subchapter 3 - NFPA 58 SYSTEMS
Section 5:18-3.3 - Container storage
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) Containers shall be installed outside of buildings, except as provided in N.J.A.C. 5:18-3.1(a), whether of the portable type replaced on a cylinder exchange basis or permanently installed and refilled at the installation.
(b) Containers installed outside of buildings shall be located with respect to property lines other than public ways, buildings, or bulk storage of hazardous materials in accordance with Table of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58-2017.
(c) Containers installed outside of buildings shall be located with regard to the near side of a public way in accordance with the schedule of aboveground containers of Table of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58-2017, as provided below.
(d) Existing containers, installed prior to the effective date of these rules, need not comply with the distances provided in (b) and (c) above provided:
(e) Installations of LP-Gas systems with aboveground containers of 90,000 gallons individual or aggregate water capacity or more that present a serious exposure hazard shall be protected by one of the following: distances at least 50 percent greater than the schedule of aboveground containers of Table of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58-2017, water spray protection, fixed monitors, or insulation.
(f) If more than six containers, each of which is of 2,000 gallons water capacity or more, are used at a single site, the containers shall be separated into batteries of not more than six containers with batteries separated from each other by the distances required for the schedule for mounded or underground containers of Table of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code, NFPA 58-2017.
(g) When the required distance from a property line to an LP-Gas container cannot be obtained, the commissioner may approve a lesser distance if some other approved means of protection is provided for the system and reasonable protection for the health and safety of the public is maintained.
(h) In case of storage in heavily populated areas or congested areas, or near places of public assembly, the Commissioner may require the owner to submit a risk analysis based on a recognized standard and may impose restrictions on individual tank capacity, total storage, distance to property lines, and other reasonable protective measures.
(i) Where there is a possibility of damage to storage containers from motor vehicles or other heavy objects, protection against such damage shall be provided. This protection shall meet the following minimum requirements:
(j) In areas where high speed and heavy duty traffic occurs, the following shall be the requirements for motor vehicle protection:
(k) Highway barrier installed as per New Jersey Department of Transportation specifications may be substituted for crash posts as described in (i) and (j) above.
(l) The maximum fill levels of storage containers shall be in the same horizontal plane, when the containers are interconnected by liquid piping.
(m) Storage areas having containers exceeding 100 pounds product water capacity shall be posted with adequate "NO SMOKING" and "FLAMMABLE GAS" signs legibly marked. The "FLAMMABLE GAS" sign shall be marked "FLAMMABLE GAS" and the name of the gas to indicate the contents such as "FLAMMABLE GAS-PROPANE" or "FLAMMABLE GAS-BUTANE".
(n) Storage containers shall not be placed under an electric power service transmitting voltage in excess of 240 volts or within six feet of a line projected vertically from any edge of the container.
(o) Cargo tank vehicles and tank cars shall not be used as a permanent storage facility.
(p) Aboveground containers exceeding 2,000 gallons individual water capacity shall be oriented so that their longitudinal axes do not point toward other LP-Gas containers within that installation.
(q) Dead trees or dead branches overhanging containers that can fall and dislocate a container from its piping shall be removed.
(r) Containers proposed for mounding or underground installation shall be provided with cathodic protection in addition to a suitable coating for corrosion protection.