Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) All
materials used for enclosure shall comply with all applicable provisions of the
Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23).
(b) Drywall, fiberboard or its functional
equivalent may be used for interior wall enclosure. Moisture-resistant
greenboard shall be used in damp areas. The following steps shall be followed
for interior wall enclosure intended to abate lead hazards.
1. Turn off and disconnect all electrical
circuits present in the area to be enclosed;
2. Prior to enclosure, repair all
structurally unsound substrates and water leaks that will affect the integrity
of the enclosure;
3. Use
construction adhesive to glue the drywall in place;
4. Screw the drywall to the studs behind the
existing wall. Screws shall be long enough to go through the drywall, the
plaster, the wire mesh or lath, and bite an inch into the stud or structure.
Furring strips or hat channels may be used as needed;
5. Use extension rings to bring out
electrical devices flush with the new drywall and retrofit any HVAC
6. Wherever the drywall
meets wood framing or any other component, including electrical devices, pipes
and HVAC registers, the seams shall be sealed with a silicon caulk or other
sealant that has at least a 10 year warranty;
7. Tape and finish the drywall;
8. Enclosures installed shall not protrude
beyond the depth of door or window frames or other trim pieces; and
9. If paneling is used to enclose surfaces
painted with lead-based paint, all joints and edges shall be fully supported to
prevent flexing that might compromise the seal of the seams.
(c) The following steps shall be
followed for interior ceiling enclosure intended to abate lead hazards:
1. Turn off and disconnect all electrical
circuits present in the area to be enclosed;
2. Repair all structurally unsound substrates
and water leaks prior to enclosure;
3. Screw a metal hat channel or furring
channel to the plaster. Screws shall be long enough to penetrate the hat
channel, plaster or other substrate and wire mesh holding the plaster and to
bite firmly into the joist;
Affix the drywall to the hat channel;
5. Use extension rings to bring out
electrical devices flush with the new drywall and retrofit any HVAC
6. Wherever the drywall
meets wood framing or any other component, including electrical devices, pipes
and HVAC registers, the seams shall be sealed with a silicon caulk or other
sealant that has at least a 10 year warranty;
7. Tape and finish the drywall;
8. Where there is a cast-in-place concrete
ceiling, the certification of an architect or engineer as to whether the
existing ceiling will hold the additional weight of the enclosure shall be
required; and
9. Acoustical lay-in
panels (drop ceilings) shall not be used for lead-based paint
(d) The
following steps shall be followed for the enclosure of floors intended to abate
lead hazards:
1. Remove dirt and loose paint
in accordance with the requirements of this chapter;
2. Remove shoe molding, if any, along the
3. Cover old flooring
using one-half inch or thicker plywood or other equivalent underlayment. All
plywood sheets shall be installed flush with each other. Gaps shall be filled
with flash patching cement. All nails shall be hammered flush and all dirt HEPA
vacuumed thoroughly;
i. When the plywood is
to be covered by vinyl floor covering, a row of nails or screws shall be run
through the old flooring a few inches apart in a straight line over each joist
prior to putting down the plywood.
ii. When the plywood is to be covered by
carpeting, a bead of caulk shall be run at the edge of every sheet of plywood
before it is set in place and all gaps shall be filled with flash patching
iii. When the floor to be
enclosed is poured slab or cast-in-place concrete, the surface shall be
predrilled to accept each screw that anchors the plywood enclosure. A
structural engineer shall be consulted for situations other than slab on grade
construction; and
Joints at vertical surfaces shall be covered by quarter-round or equivalent
molding. Metal thresholds shall be placed at all doorways after the vinyl
flooring or carpeting is installed.
(e) The following steps shall be followed for
the enclosure of stairs intended to abate lead hazards:
1. Remove dirt and loose paint in accordance
with the requirements of this chapter; and
2. Completely cover steps with vinyl treads
and risers. The vinyl shall be stapled and glued with floor adhesive. Long
staples shall be used to reinforce the tread cover and at the end of the vinyl
that butts up tight to the wood riser of the next step.
i. Metal bull nosing may be used in place of
vinyl at wear points.
ii. Plywood
may be used to cover step risers and squared off treads. Plywood may also be
used for additional protection, supplementing the vinyl covers.
iii. If the steps to be enclosed are pre-cast
concrete, the surface shall be pre-drilled to accept each screw that anchors
the enclosure.
(f) The following steps shall be followed for
miscellaneous interior building component enclosure intended to abate lead
1. Turn off and disconnect all
electrical circuits present in the area to be enclosed;
2. Pipes shall be enclosed with casting tape
which shall be applied so that it overlaps itself or they shall be enclosed
with a drywall box following the procedure described in (a) above;
3. Interior or exterior door frames shall be
enclosed using preformed metal door buck covers or their equivalent. All seams
shall be caulked;
4. Knee walls,
painted structural supports and trim such as baseboards and other items shall
be enclosed with plywood or its equivalent. All plywood shall be cut to fit
tightly, sealed with adhesive and nailed. All seams shall be caulked;
5. Windows shall be enclosed
using snap-in aluminum or vinyl tracks. Track covers shall be pressed into a
bead of caulk at each seam.
i. Painted sashes
may be planed to remove lead-based paint and reinstalled.
ii. Friction surfaces on windows shall not be
iii. Exterior window sills
shall be covered with metal or other material cut to fit and screwed into
place. The material shall be pressed into a bead of caulk at the
The following steps shall be followed for exterior wall enclosure intended to
abate lead hazards:
1. Turn off and
disconnect all electrical circuits present in the area to be
2. Repair all
structurally unsound substrates and water leaks prior to enclosure;
3. Cover all exterior painted surfaces with
rigid or cloth dust barriers.
i. Do not cover
vents with cloth or other covering; and
4. Install vinyl or aluminum siding, any
board product intended for exterior use, natural or synthetic brick or stone
veneers or stucco. All seams shall be caulked and back caulked.
i. Aluminum coil stock may be used on
soffits, facia, barge board, decorative crown moldings, door and window frames,
parapets and other moldings. All seams shall be caulked and back
Other enclosure products may be used provided that they meet the performance
requirements of this chapter.