New Jersey Administrative Code
Section 5:10-27.1 - Child-protection window guards; when required
Current through Register Vol. 56, No. 24, December 18, 2024
(a) Except as provided in (b) below, the owner or other person responsible for the management or control of a multiple dwelling shall, upon the written request of a tenant of a unit in which a child or children 10 years of age or under reside or are regularly present for a substantial period of time, provide, install and maintain approved child-protection window guards on the windows of the dwelling unit and on any windows in the public halls of the multiple dwelling.
(b) The requirements of this subchapter shall not apply to:
(c) All leases offered to tenants in multiple dwellings shall contain a clear, legible and conspicuous notice, in prominent boldface type, advising tenants and prospective tenants that the owner is required by law to provide, install and maintain window guards in the unit of any tenant who has a child or children 10 years of age or younger living in the unit or regularly present there for a substantial period of time and makes a written request to the owner or the owner's representative that the window guards be installed, and that the owner is also required, upon the written request of any such tenant, to provide, install and maintain window guards in the building hallways to which persons in the tenant's unit have access without having to go out of the building, other than hallways on the first floor in which there is no window having a sill more than six feet above grade at the location of the window or having any other condition at that location necessitating installation of a window guard. A lease offered to a tenant of a first floor unit shall state that window guards are not required to be installed in the unit or in hallways on the first floor unless the sill of any window in the unit is more than six feet above grade at the location of the window or there is any other hazardous condition at that location necessitating installation of a window guard. A model lease and notice provision containing the required information is set forth at Appendix 27A of this subchapter, incorporated herein by reference. Owners, or organizations representing owners, seeking approval of alternative language as meeting the requirements of the act and of this subchapter may submit such alternative language to the Bureau for its review and approval.
(d) At least twice in each calendar year, the owner or other person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling shall deliver to each tenant a clear and legible notice containing the information required by (c) above. This notice shall be hand-delivered to the tenant or sent to the tenant, at the unit, by ordinary or certified mail. However, only one additional notice shall be required in any year in which a tenant receives a copy of a lease or a lease renewal that is in conformity with (c) above. A notice given to a tenant of a first floor unit shall state that window guards are not required to be installed in the unit or in hallways on the first floor unless the sill of any window in the unit or hallway is more than six feet above grade at the window or there is any other hazardous condition at that location necessitating installation of window guards. The model lease and notice provision set forth in Appendix 27A of this subchapter may be used to satisfy the biannual notice requirements. The owner shall maintain records of compliance with this subsection that shall be made available by the owner upon request to any representative of the Bureau.
(e) Semi-annually, between March 1 and May 1 and between September 1 and December 1, the owner, or other person responsible for the management or control, of a multiple dwelling or apartment, as the case may be, in which child-protection window guards have been installed by the owner, shall inspect each such window guard to ensure that it remains sound and in conformance with the provisions of this subchapter, and shall enter a record of such inspection in a log, which shall be maintained as a permanent record as long as the window guard remains installed, and for five years thereafter, and which shall be available upon request to the Bureau or its duly-authorized representative. The log shall indicate the date of inspection, the unit(s) inspected, the results of the inspection, and the name and title of the person performing the inspection, who shall sign the log.
(f) The owner shall cause to be conspicuously posted and prominently displayed in the common areas a notice advising tenants of the obligation of the owner to install window guards and advising tenants to check their window guards on a regular basis and report any problems to the owner or agent of the owner.
(g) The rules for window guard orientation programs shall be, as follows:
(h) The owner of the building or of the apartment, as the case may be, shall provide a window guard orientation, as required by (g) above, to educate each tenant at the time that window guards are installed in such tenant's unit.